Comments on: Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism Thu, 05 May 2016 22:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: kewukiah Thu, 05 May 2016 22:05:44 +0000 Jon Rappoport, you’ve written an absolute gem. Brilliant! You NAILED IT. I’m the mother of a vaccine-injured child…and I thank you!

By: kewukiah Thu, 05 May 2016 21:53:13 +0000 Does your grandchild have an IEP yet? She certainly should have an IEP when she starts kindergarten, and it should list absolutely every part of her school day (every class, every special service or therapy, lunch and recess with the other kids for socialization, etc.) And under SB277, California’s new “mandatory vaccination for school” law, every child with an IEP has to receive all the aspects of his/her IEP whether vaccinated or not! (You can look this up on the State’s “Shots for School” information page.)

So your grandchild should not need a medical exemption to attend school. Just an IEP.

But for other people who may be reading this: There are California doctors willing to write medical exemptions — some doctors only for kids who are their long-term patients; but some doctors will accept a child as a patient short-term for the express purpose of evaluating the child for a medical exemption. These doctors often use genetic testing to look for mutations that impair the child’s detoxification pathways; they also examine the child’s own medical history carefully, and go through the family medical history looking for auto-immune disease and other “familial” risk factors for adverse effects of vaccinations. Most of these doctors would readily exempt a child already diagnosed on the autism spectrum…but again, any ASD kid or other special needs child with a well-written IEP will be able to attend school regardless of vaccination status.

By: justanthropology Thu, 05 May 2016 01:29:36 +0000 I knew it was coming any day now to Rhode Island media: “…RI officials host Zika preparedness summit..” Jon, here’s where the state will grab $1.9 billion in federal funds to combat the Zika virus and develop a vaccine.

By: flyingcuttlefish Thu, 05 May 2016 00:12:57 +0000 CDC’s Big Autism Study – Many Factors Considered – EXCEPT VACCINES
(has video) —
blog post has a link to the CDC study, here is the vid:

By: flyingcuttlefish Tue, 03 May 2016 02:20:18 +0000 10/17/2001 – CONFIDENTIAL CDC REPORT OBTAINED AND DESTROYED

CDC cover-up!

By: Sue Mon, 02 May 2016 23:56:01 +0000 Yes, and many of them find their Utopia in the vivisection labs, where they can perform the most horrific tortures on animals without concern about their activities from the self-interested public. After all, they’re “only animals.” Right? What people didn’t count on is that allowing that mentality to grow and spread eventually leads to the sick insanity biting us on our butts, too.

By: flyingcuttlefish Mon, 02 May 2016 16:27:57 +0000 Busted! 100% PROOF TODAY SHOW VAXXED Comment Manipulation! (video)

By: Handthatrocksthecradle Mon, 02 May 2016 13:15:24 +0000 A massive Milgram experiment for sure; however, this time, the “white coats” are the purveyors of pain and suffering instead of being in on the experiment. I have come to the conclusion that the medical profession seems to attract a disproportionate amount of sociopaths. Lobotomies, salacious remedies for female “hysteria”, blood lettings, perforated eardrums…just look at the history and trajectory of that profession. Many of them have God-complexes for a reason. Society frequently gives them a pass to maim and kill with impunity. The stats on iatrogenic deaths should be black box disclaimers on your health insusrance cards. BTW, I am one of the legions of parents and relatives with vax injured kids who is very saddened by the maiming of nearly an entire generation of American children.

By: Karen Sun, 01 May 2016 18:49:20 +0000 Thank you Roger. I agree with you completely. That is what is bothering me so much. I told my son, once the damage is done, there is no turning back. They have recently been referred to a new doctor who works with children in the autism spectrum. I pray it works out well.

By: flyingcuttlefish Sun, 01 May 2016 03:46:56 +0000 Arizona chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Bans Vaxxed from Movie Theater Chain
