Comments on: Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and a spy Tue, 09 Jun 2020 01:39:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: OhZone Tue, 07 Jun 2016 22:04:55 +0000 I’m just reading the evidence for the non-existence of the A-bomb and the non-danger from nuke electrical plants. How about it all being a cover up for the experiments with fluoride?

By: artemisix Tue, 07 Jun 2016 17:06:26 +0000 Thank you for this! Considering so much water is fluoridated with this new info , how to deal with is is more of a challenge.

By: Tom Rankin Fri, 06 May 2016 01:18:38 +0000 Fluoride purges iodine from the Thyroid Gland
(–according to a guy whom Stanley Monteith, M.D. (deceased in 2013) interviewed on his Radio Liberty Program [[]]).
_ _ Too much iodine can inhibit the Thyroid Gland, too
(–Joseph Mercola, a retired Dr. of Osteopathy [[]]_).
_ _ Raw forms of Broccoli & Cauliflower also diminish Thyroid Function
(–Mehmet Oz, M.D.).
_ _ Seaweed is recommended by a Nutritionist on Salem Radio, i.e., Robert J. Marshall, Proprietor of Quantum Nutrition Labs @
_ _ Today, Spirulina SeaWeed is sold by Sprouts Farmers Market, dubbed Manna by HealthForce Co.,
20% off regular retail, May 4, 2016 to May 11, 2016 @

By: artemisix Tue, 03 May 2016 02:57:47 +0000 There is some evidence that adequate levels of Iodine in your body partially prevents the uptake of fluorides.

By: AwakenYaMind Mon, 02 May 2016 20:30:05 +0000 great article- thank you! looking at the comments, I’m feeling the Burns!

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 01 May 2016 00:01:11 +0000 @MB

Great comment. I think you are onto something here…..particularly with Alzheimer’s

By: arcadia11 Sat, 30 Apr 2016 05:18:53 +0000 very thorough report, michael. thank you. if i may add – i am using 7% lugols to remove skin cancer. cheap, easy, and effective. iodine is amazing.

By: Wisdumb Fri, 29 Apr 2016 18:07:08 +0000 Excellent as always Jon, though I would hazard to guess that Kubrick knew full well the backstory of fluoride as he was penning Strangelove.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 29 Apr 2016 17:56:49 +0000 For your entertainment…
Fluorine a gas at room temperature, it is deadly to humans, an extreme poison. It is the basis of Fluoride, a stable solid in the form of a salt. Stable but still highly reactive and toxic.

Flouride in water, and Aluminum in vaccines combine to create Aluminum Fluoride; in later life they create Alzheimer’s disease, without a doubt.

The Fluorine carbon bond is the strongest organic bond in nature, that is why fluorocarbon are so persistent in the environment, and extremely toxic to the Central Nervous System of mammalian life.

Fluorine the basis of fluoride has the highest electronegativity of any element on the periodic scale.

That means that it attracts electrons. Imagine what it does when it enters the human body, it reacts, attracts and bonds.

In fact when it enters the human body is reacts to make other compounds. And whatever it react with, it makes that element inert; meaning whatever that element was doing before being bound to fluoride, it is no longer relevant. it has stopped. It is inactive. If that is the carbon atoms in a nerve cell, or bones…well. You have to think here, exercise your mind and visualize.

Aluminum is the only metal that is really impervious to Fluorine, aluminum is made using Flourine as a catalyst. Aluminum is the only metal the human body doesn’t use, and yet it remains, stays in the human body when it reacts with fluoride, because of electonegativity. Aluminium Fluoride is made from this reaction.

Flourine the lightest of the halogens is used in your refrigerator to cool it, in your antidepressants, it is even used as a blood substitute, a surrogate for real blood, believe ot not.

Fluorine and carbon in a highly specialized bond produces Teflon, PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene). And the infamous PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) C8. Teflon does not belong near food, to cook it is insane.

Teflon the most stable compound in the environment is the most toxic brain poison that is known. It can cross the blood-brain barrier. It is very stable as a fluorocarbon, and persists and will never leave. Teflon is applied to Aluminum frying pans…thats a joke, of the highest order.

All the halogens, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine are used in the manufacture of food, food presevation, in our drinking water and even used to cure the cancers that they cause. That’s another joke of the highest order.

The Halogens: Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine. What are their real purpose? All of the Halogens are used in human life…life…hm…death.

FLUORINE, I have spoke about in the above. Fluorine means to flow, as in flowing water.  Fluorine is used to make refrigerants, surrogate blood,  it is in your inhaler for asthma. Aluminum could not be made without it. It is in  baby food and yet the Fluorine atom is so rare in this solar system, but so abundant here on earth. Why do you think that is? Flourine is in agrichemicals, pesticides and herbicides. Eight of the top ten drugs on the world market are fluorine based.

CHLORINE, mean pale green, a gas, the second lightest, and third highest in electronegativity (and we know about elecronnegativity) of the halogens. It was used as a gas to kill soldiers in the first world war. Free chlorine is rare on planet earth. Nature does not make it…Used in the production of household bleaches it is a disinfectant, killing bacteria on contact. Imagine what it does to your body’s probiotic system. It is also used in swimming pools as an antibacterial and to kill algae. We swim in it, that’s another joke. Plastics could not be made without chlorine. Chlorine is implicit in ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, as CFC’s. Chlorine is highly toxic and a deadly poisonous. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is made from chlorine, it is used to make windows and doors, plastic packaging, plastic bottles. And drinking water pipes.

BROMINE, meaning stench, is the third lightest halogen, and third highest in electronegativity, it is highly toxic and corrosive. Free Bromine is virtually non existent on the planet. Used in high quantities in the production of fire retardants. Strangely sunlight reacting on these compounds free the bromine atoms from them, releasing them into the environment which also deplete ozone, a vital layer of the aupper atmosphere for the protection of mammalian life from dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Bromine is used in headache medicine, and used as a sedative, it is also used in photographic film and in oil well drilling fluids and hydro fracking fluids. Bromine has no function in the human body. It has a niche in medicine as an antiepileptics. Bromine is in your Mountain Dew and other soft drinks. Vinyl siding could not be made without Bromine, used in the production of many plastics. Bromine in the form of ethylene bromide is used as a gasoline additive.

IODINE, meaning violet, is the  fourth in the group of halogens. It is the heaviest element used in widely in biological function. It is rare in the earth’s crust, which only adds to its deficiency in humans. Deficiency is the leading cause of intellectual deficiency. The can be fooled by other halogens, as having the same nature as Iodine. The Halogens are similar in atomic structure. Iodine is a disenfectant, it is needed by your thyroid, Iodine is used in nutrition. Naturally can be gained by eating seaweed. a specific type and amount of Iodine is needed in the human body.  It is good for you. A synthetic version is used in table salt, it is highly suspect. Iodine is used to block Iodine -131, an isotope which is deadly to the body as radioactive fallout. Iodine is used medically as an expectorant. The world human population is estimated to be about 90% deficient of natural Iodine…stranely. There is a strong connection between brest cancer and Iodine deficiency, stomach cancer and an Iodine deficiency. Iodine is used in making Thyroid hormones vital to human health, growth, maturation, immunity, metabolism, protein synthetises. Iodine is used in photographic silver iodide. In weather modification, and cloud seeding. Iodine has an essential role with Selenium, and Selenium is needed in the removal of heavy metals from the body.

ASTATINE, meaning unstable, the heaviest of the halogens is a dangerous and radioactive substance. And is the rarest natural element on the planet. It is a decay of heavier elements, uranium, thorium among others. Having many isotopes (39), its most stable is Astatine-210, which has a radioactive half-life of 8.1 hours. Astatine, strangely has not been viewed as an element because of its radioactivity, it evaporates of so quickly. It is believed it is a metal. Astatine is an extremely rare thing to be found in nature. It is estimated that there is roughly about 1 gram available naturally at any given time. Neither Astatine-210 and 211 occur naturally they are sythenthized by bombarding Bismuth-209 with alpha particles. Astatine is mainly used in nuclear medicine, to cure cancer, that is another joke, almost cosmic.. The isotopes are expensive and dangerous to make.  And when viewed generally, have little more than a 2% success rate in the treatment of cancer. Astatine -211 is only different from Iodine-131 also used in nuclear medicine, in that Iodine -131 emits beta particles. Beta particles can be driven deeper into tissue. Whereas the alpha particles will have a finite penetrations. Which is useful in concentrated in a specific area of the cancer body. Astatine is extremely toxic, radioactive and deadly to the human body. It makes no sense to put it there. As a cure? It is very expensive and the dying are desperate.

I find it shocking that the all five halogens, except for a specific type of Iodine; are mainly deadly corrosive toxins and radioactive poisons., or are used to make deadly toxins, are used so much in foods, additives to products, the catalyst to production of dangerous products like teflon frying pans, as medicines and cures for the extreme illnesses of man. Within our very water system and beverages, toothpaste and swimming pools. Even that fire-retardant clothing on babies, has Bromaine in it.

Are we mad , or is this on purpose, this halogen use. Much was learned from the Nazis on how to exterminate humans. The Paperclip scientists legacy have damaged us severely, with all these creations from the lab.

By: 22sojourner Thu, 28 Apr 2016 03:02:57 +0000 The 1944 DuPont disaster happened two towns away from me & just before I was born there, it surprised me, how this is only the second time I caught wind of this, & now I have to realize how diabolical the system is to have obscured this from my prying eyes & ears.

I’m of the opinion that truth will win out in the overall.
So keep up the good fight … I’ll always be proud of you Jon.
