Comments on: BRICS and Brexit countries: secrets of the crypt Fri, 24 Jun 2016 16:35:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Turnbull Fri, 24 Jun 2016 16:35:42 +0000 As in all matters adversely affecting “the little people” what can we do about it? In the good old US of A the two surviving presidential candidates do not seem to be aware of our attempt to build an economic empire ruled by the one percent for the benefit of the one percent. Tragically, the effort will result in WWW III and the survivors will be left to wonder how and why it was allowed to happen.

By: pedrofalls Tue, 10 May 2016 02:10:18 +0000 Bloomberg;; China Does an About-Face on GMOs

It wasn’t to long ago that untold millions were murdered under Mao’s communist rule. I think our best fight has to be fought on the front lines here in the USA.

By: pedrofalls Sat, 07 May 2016 18:13:04 +0000 You are correct d, the new boss looks a lot like the old boss.

By: procomptor Sat, 07 May 2016 03:24:06 +0000 JON! WOW…….your message here is in alignment my work now entering into its 15th year! I have really enjoyed your hard work on exposing the corrupt US medical syndicate and I have reasons for that.

My Mom was a see’er for Lord and after I was attacked at age 5 by an acquaintance of my Dads met on ship in the Navy we moved from Virginia to Council Bluffs Iowa. While my Dad was stationed in Omaha my whole family joined the First Christian Church which was one of the oldest Protestant churches in the area. It was after this time I became a see’er like my Mom.

Over the years I would see the truth in many things. After hearing about the assassination of John F. Kennedy over the school PA system while in 1st grade I commented to a teacher that our people killed him. That got me an after school meeting with my folks and the principle. I also saw the assassination of Bobby Kennedy before it happened and other things as I was growing up!

When I saw the events of 9-11 unfold on my TV I saw the truth that a thermal bomb inside was what brought them down as no plane could possibly generate enough heat to melt iron or steel structure. I watched the molten metal run down like rain water and immediately saw a group of foreigners hiding boxes of something in and around the elevator structures. My own family treated me like I was nuts as I tried to relay what I saw out to different groups. This and other events leading up to what a lot of call Americas 6th Great Awakening ended up costing me my 32 year marriage, my home, and everything I had worked 30 years for.

While fighting forest fires here in Oregon I became ill when I tried to help a family of chipmunks who were covered in a red tint and dying. Later I found out it was DDT and joined greenpeace to get the practice stopped. After that a friend that would sit in a watch tower every summer for years ended up becoming very ill. They finally found an apple size tumor in her head and she passed during surgery. I had spent years studying wave propagation and signal phasing as an Amatuer radio operator with my Dad and so remembered she had a cell phone antenna that set on the roof directly above her. With the help of some ranger friends it was investigated but later dismissed. It stuck in my craw however and over the years others including myself could prove that frequency as destructive to human tissue like microwave and ultra low frequency packet government channels.

As a 30 year computer veteran in thermal and IT work I was asked during the Awakening and through the whole ascension process mankind has been going through, by Jesus, to let him teach me about biblical history. I found out about so many things but the most significant was concerning the false Jews who originated in a country called Khazaria (now long gone) that are amongst the most evil group of people on the planet! These Elite 1% or Illuminati as they prefer are the Rothschilds. Please see here;

Their Illumicorp group including the Rockefellers, Gates, Morgans, Soros and many others are the IMF, owners of the World Bank and over the years of stealing money from the working class populations of the world have a net value, in gold, of over 800 trillion dollars. They control most world governments and corrupt clear down to the county level in government. They own the United Nations and are now implementing their Agenda 21 due to reduce global population down to 250 million people over the next few years. Their Trans Pacific Partnership that I fought alongside Rand Paul and other non-corrupted Senators passed by 1 vote who was part of our team I figured was bought out. This nasty long winded pile of crap will give large corporations (Illumicorp) control over all governments with their complete control via their attorneys and personal court systems!

I am a member of the ACLJ, Judicial Watch, Heritage Foundation, Pro Life, Right to Work and many other groups. I have never feared death as it doesn’t exist. I have been through bloody hell and died once in this life already. At 60 years young I work every moment after my business closes to awaken folks to join in saving America and her Constitution! I do this for my children, grandchildren and all America’s children that deserve the same great free country that all of us have enjoyed!

I have been attacked several times and finally was given MARCA during surgery to fix a shattered clavicle at a local Hospital. They said I would never use my left arm again and had less than a year to live. That was nearly 10 years ago and I have full use of my arm, received my black belt and still rock climb when time allows. I am here because the Lord wanted me to help get folks to STAND with him as Saints within the Christ. Our homes and businesses are our church and we help people off the street and do other charitable events in order to spread the word that Jesus is our own personal God that lives within each of us!

As a Knight Templar my preference is knife, sword and battle ax. I do not own a gun because of the people always around me. There are over a million home Saints now in the Lord’s army that stand ready during these end days. Jon I know you are not a believer like me and that’s fine. Your work has been more difficult than mine as mine has come directly from the Glory of God and yours from great investigator instincts and intelligence. Thanks Jon for all the great work over the years and my prayer continue to go out to you and yours to keep you safe in our Lord’s brightest light…..mike

By: Angel Scott Wed, 04 May 2016 15:36:51 +0000 What a comment, Michael. I’m glad your spirit and humour can still poke through this madness a bit. Of all the shiznit going on, it is the vanilla skies here in the beautiful northwest that get me the most. They took May Day off, I haven’t seen that much blue in a long time.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 04 May 2016 04:38:49 +0000 Good post, Jon.

The “four funding quadrants” England/Europe, US/Americas, Australia/Asia Pacific & Israel/Middle East is a very old agenda.

I still think you need to stress that fear exploits ignorance, otherwise the spells and hocus-pocus wouldn’t work.


By: Thought Wed, 04 May 2016 03:23:14 +0000 BRICS is not revolting Not in the way you mean. Like Capone building the Chicago mob to rival NY’s the power elites there just want to have their own cartel. Once that’s in place the wheel and deal with the existing cartel.

The way through for each individual is paradoxically to realize that we’re all connected. Not the same, not a herd, not a bunch of lemmings – but connected. So the more people who reclaim their individuality and power the more other people are influenced to reclaim their individuality and power. It will not happen at the level of governments, demagogues (be they Cowboy or not) or any other person being a position of symbolic representation of people looking to totems. It happens at the level of a mothers saying “no I’m not giving that crap to my child.” It happens at the level of the empowered person saying “no I’m not going to let fear drive me to see most Muslims as a threat.” It happens at the level of the open-minded individual saying “I get that some individuals transition genders. ” Etc. Individuals. Connected but unique, powerful, self-directing forces capable of expressing infinite wondrous realities.

By: Nathan & Aline Tue, 03 May 2016 23:25:22 +0000 Beware of the BRICS, they are just the newest hero in the dualistic good vs evil globalist play, where the west is the new axis. The west is being pumped up in ridiculous ways to highlight their fall, because they are no longer useful, that is where the east comes in, as the new allies. Once the West’s evil NWO falls, the East’s benevolent OWO will rise up in their communitarian form of government, for us to all sacrifice our individuality and sovereignty in service to the greater community.

By: brusplace Tue, 03 May 2016 23:17:44 +0000 And the truth can set us free. The question is ” do we still have the substance to recognize the truth” and act accordingly.

By: Theresa Tue, 03 May 2016 20:03:51 +0000 I hope Jon sees this.
I am in the UK. I don’t think one can simplify the situation by saying only globalists want to stay IN. Those voting to stay IN I guess will have different reasons and not all will be globalists, some quite the opposite in fact.
The Government here is pro GM and the EU in one sense has helped keep GMOs out. However, things are changing and it is complicated. I hope Jon will be able to understand this.
Some may vote to stay IN because they want to fight for reform.
If there is a Brexit the actual future situation in the UK is an unknown I guess.
Some people will be voting IN because they feel that if there is a Brexit the Government will agree an unfavourable Trade Deal with the US. Much worse than TTIP.
I am not an expert on this but if there is a Brexit some might see it as better for the EU because Cameron and his chums will not be there pushing the US agenda (in the Deep State sense).
I think there are unknowns.
Does the following article need checking out:
A 50/50 split IN/OUT vote might be interesting…..I might not vote but I will campaign and I will try and learn.
Maybe like the UN it is not all black and white.
There may be good reasons for staying IN and there may be good reasons for a Brexit.
