Comments on: The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed Sun, 08 May 2016 15:32:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Sun, 08 May 2016 15:32:04 +0000 The false unity that Jon is capitalizing here is the attempt of a partiality or part to regain a sense of lost identity, lost power, lost love – that arose as experience from the assertion of self concept or self-image. This is ALWAYS and necessarily a partiality – that once identified with by reacting as if it is true – makes ‘threat’ or enemy to such identity of the wholeness and the reintegrative movement of that wholeness through the raising of denials to awareness.

Thus useful symptomatic feedback is denied and used as ammunition or better shielding against what is felt or believed to be an evil. Yet to a righteous sense of hate in fear of loss – love’s messengers are seen as evil in one way or another.

The fear of love is the fear of a unified and unconflicted perspective that to the fear-warrior or the besieged and locked in terror – seems to be associated with total sacrifice. And so partial sacrifice is adopted as a survival of power given to fear, hate and guilt – with the question of Who Pays? – as the power struggle of shifting alliance in hierarchical ‘relationships’.

The actuality is that persistence in identification in power of hate, fear and guilt ‘sacrifices’ awareness of and recognition As… Life.

While Jon sets his ideas in terms of a world of effect – the underlying ideas are masked or concealed in personifications of conflict that reduces to a good v evil – with any side having justifications by which to claim the other invalid, unreal or serving an evil agenda.

Learning to ‘read’ the matrix of projected reality is recognizing the mind behind the projector – and it is not in ‘them’ – excepting as your own definitions demand and insist – and as the conditioning of experience that imprinted them remains ‘outsourced’ so as to relieve the sense of being overwhelmed.

That that became a pattern of normalised thought and behaviour is downstream drift from the original set-up. Blame operates hindsight that simply is not here within the even itself. It then masks hate and rage as demand for punishment – as if that would in any way restore Life. The reason we want others to hurt as we hurt is really because we lack acceptance of our pain and hurt – being ‘denied’ by the narrative reality of the mind that seeks to assert a unity mask over it conflict OF pain.

Acceptance of true feelings is not an indulgence of hatred given free rein – but that is the triggered reaction – and as a call fro power and protection from the only power that seems available – and that is the same power by which the conflict was set-up in the fist place. The power to accept self-definition.

Relaxing and releasing exclusive and fixed self-definition is like letting back in the Life that identifies you perfectly in the act of receiving and extending true relationship. It is not my business to make any one else’s choices or to seek to manipulate their choices – or I will lose the awareness of my own power of choice. But it is my business to be conscious as to my choices and to relate through that with integrity such as is uncovered in me to operate from. But I ‘inherit’ a personality in which choices that brought deep pain and terror – as part of a separation trauma that is currently part of the human experience – also means those choices have been deeply buried and set with hedges of impenetrable thorny defence, or guarded by demonic forces or personae that are imapassable save for one thing only – and that is a true willingness for wholeness that yields its partiality to listen and feel and receive an expanded inner-sight in which significant elements of reversal are themselves reversed or released of a reversal-deceit such that blocks and realities are open to redefinition from an insider perspective – call it Higher Consciousness or whatever you like – but it is no less You – just because you have ignored, denied and conspired to substitute for it with your own idea of power – that invariably turns back upon the one who uses it.

No one ‘gets away’ with anything – excepting as we all tacitly conspire to pretend a world in which we deny our true Inner Authority – so as to compete for its place for our self. If delusional dissociation is getting away with it – then have a good time being out of sync with all that you truly love. However in its moment – delusional dissociation was the only recourse to a sense of being overwhelmed. How far down you went and in what pattern will determine much of the kind of relational perspective you now have as your life experience.

But remember that delusion is not actually separating off or becoming free from – but is a temporary expedient. That which belongs to you is not lost nor escaped – but is a mix of baggage and lost Life-essence that sense of mis-identification co-fused together into perpetrator-victim scenarios that persist from unconscious or denied aspects to manifest the same core separation and fragmentation drama over and over again.

And those who serve your reflected experience in role are no less parts of the whole You are – beneath and beyond the story that entranced you but which is now waking you to that you are indeed the dreamer of the dream and not merely the special hero of a dream that merely happens to or is done unto you by an alien will.

An alien idea of self gives rise to a sense of oppositional otherness or as the Upanishad said it” “where there is other, fear arises”.
To recognize other as Brother is not adding on another layer – but the transcendence of all apparent levels in a true relationship extended. Without a Brother to give or extend to – you would have NO experience or awareness of existence whatsoever.
Relationship extends from its premise – that is it goes forth and multiplies according to its kind.
Beneath the fear-based interpretations that hide awakened recognition in plain sight is a great inheritance of Humanity to serve rewakening as Humanity that asks in order to receive as it has asked.
They say be careful what you ask for because you might get it – and not in a form you expect. This is because we have and are doing just that out of a conflicted and divided mind whose mask belies its undercurrent intent.

Thanks Jon – for Opening the space of such consideration.

By: a800lbgrila Sun, 08 May 2016 04:25:47 +0000 I bought your AIDS book. Wife was nurse read it. She investigated further and discovered that WHO was classifying all deaths as AIDS or cancer related for funding purposes. This is science … NO … this is about grants. Like climate change is. Really changed her from a programmed libtard to other direction … discerning n cognitive investigating conservative.
