Comments on: I identify as a horse. No, really. I do. Thu, 12 May 2016 17:06:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 12 May 2016 17:06:41 +0000 @Kim
 “Also we must work with the genitals given to us,…”

Shut the front door…

You were given genitals…what da hell, everybody gets free stuff but me…nobody gave me any Kim. I had earn mine the old-fashioned way…

“Push that rock up that hill Michael, do you want a set of balls son, push…push, that rock harder boy. You get your balls at the top of the hill…what size do you want…anyway?.”

Yes those were the good ole bad ole days, when men were men, and chickens had pretty legs in Kansas Kim.

Nobody gave me free testicles, or for that matter….a vagina. Or a choice. One of each.
I had to earn mine…testicles that is.
I think mine were used before though, when I first gotem, I think they were second hand.

I getting of the point Kim…the point is.

Giving these kids free stuff, no wonder they’re screwed up.
Next thing ya know…you get a free set of boobs when you buy a bra.

By: Jacqueline Thu, 12 May 2016 16:38:06 +0000 Arcadia, Yes, of course, you may share this comment.

By: RRChief Thu, 12 May 2016 03:21:34 +0000 I knows what you mean. my septum was not actually pierced, but it didn’t stop me being led around by the nose.
my joining was both unknown and unwittingly fallen into.
Once another person gets their ring through your nose, its sadly history for you, unless, you take that “idealogical or psychological” ring out of your septum, it will be easy for people to lead you around.

The saddest thing, is trust that the septum ring is a small version, of an iron mask, it isn’t.

Listen to billy brags the “man in the Iron mask” for a little clarification.

best regards

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 12 May 2016 02:56:30 +0000 Southpark did a very good spoof on this subject a number of years ago. In the episode, the “Jewish kid’s” dad wants to be a dolphin and the kid wanted to be a “black basket baller”. The surgeons used his teacher’s balls (after “her” sex change) for kneecaps. The cartoon has an “explosive end”…a must see 😉

My latest on Ozzie Thinker is subtly but aptly topical


By: henry Thu, 12 May 2016 02:39:52 +0000 Several weeks ago, a normal college guy interviewed his classmates. First he said he identifies as being a woman. Everyone said if he identified as a woman then they should treat him as a woman. Then he said that he identifies as an eight year old. Then he was Chinese. Then 6’5”. Some of the students accepted a 5’9” (approx) 20 year old white guy as a 6’5” eight year old Chinese girl. Others saw the impossibility of this but would not say that this guy was wrong. So, if you say that you think you are a horse, some people will treat you like a horse.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 11 May 2016 19:23:32 +0000 jacqueline – thank you for such a clear and comprehensive summary.
but thank you even more for for having the mental wherewithal to
produce such. i would like to share this if i may.

By: CPP Wed, 11 May 2016 18:55:59 +0000 The existence of people of one physical sex feeling/thinking as though they are a person of the other sex trapped in that body is nothing new or strange. This piece seems to make a mockery of it, which is frankly bizarre, uncalled for, and disgusting. Making light of individual difference in favor of social norms doesn’t make a lot of sense coming from someone who’s always talking about the importance of the individual.

By: From Québec Wed, 11 May 2016 18:40:00 +0000 lol… Well, maybe he is just a Teddy Bear.

By: Jacqueline Wed, 11 May 2016 17:46:34 +0000 Clearly an agenda. Kids in the US are being ‘reached’ at young ages through Common Core. It was shown, during the trials alleging sexual abuse by caregivers decades ago, that children are easily influenced with suggestion by adults wanting to lead them in a specific direction. And yes, if one is not exposed then one is not aware. Limiting exposure in the home is no guarantee, as it will happen in the schools. I’ve been made aware of 5 year olds coming home and asking mom, “Am I gay?” as one this age typically possesses no comprehension of sexuality but to giggle over ‘kissing’ – it’s called innocence. So much for the highly touted benefits of ‘socialization.’ The strong emphasis on socialization is to better utilize it as a tool of influence. Home-schooled children escape this influence, as parents retain control over social contacts, and this is precisely what the government seeks to eliminate. It is quite the battle for cognizant parents.

When the pedophile scandal broke in England, the pervasiveness of it was such that a resident there told me many families were moving out of the country. It was recognized that, when your ‘leaders’ in the highest positions of government were engaging in this type of pervasive behavior (along with the massive cover-up by knowing law enforcement), it made the ‘whys’ of the current political and social focus, and policies, concerning specific types of sexuality quite clear…viewed to be, let’s just say, self-serving. Considering those ‘supplying’ the children have been linked to elected officials in both the US and Canada as well, it’s no surprise that our policies here likewise work to undermine parents, families, and influence children.

By: Theodore Wed, 11 May 2016 16:59:46 +0000 also, touchy-feely Joe Biden…
