Comments on: Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval Sun, 15 May 2016 05:59:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: a800lbgrila Sun, 15 May 2016 05:59:58 +0000 Was involved at debrief as a AW2 in 74 to 76 with national big board in almost real time SSBN mapping. Was web forerunner. But Gore wasn’t around then. LOL Also heritage customer of compuserve and used net’s cape as search engine. Back then had a 386 / 486 DX2 Tower PC. AOL was censoring zundelsite. You’ll know who your rulers are by those you aren’t allowed to criticize. Or question their motives. All zundel said was that the holocaust math and chemistry analysis didn’t add up … not even close. Those that perpetrated the myth never envisioned chemical spectrum analysis or DNA advances. Chosen .. but not for foresight or math/physics skills obviously. This also applies to FB n zukerberg. LOL

By: a800lbgrila Sun, 15 May 2016 04:49:34 +0000 By the ending they should have a real designer virus disseminated to and in the audience to spread worldwide. See if the NWO elite attend n which events. Of course … they can afford the slow kill vaccination. Public … not so many. LOL

By: henry Sun, 15 May 2016 02:36:23 +0000 It is difficult for many to think any thoughts that have not been approved by the TV. We are told that the experts are so much smarter than we are that it would be a waste of time to even attempt to think for our self. Anyone who dares to try is labeled, not only stupid but, crazy and hateful. This cows the general population into submission.

Those who join the brain washing machine often don’t know that they are repeating lies. They see the benefit of promotions and positive mentions in the media. My uncle never doubted (at least not to me) that he was doing a good thing in destroying the enemies to the United States.

I know a number of doctors that think they are doing good by dispensing pharmaceuticals to everyone who visits them. They cannot even think that they are doing harm. That is why the vaccine truth movement is so dangerous. If the doctors even entertain the possibility that they are doing harm then the whole house of cards falls.

By: Deanna Clark Sat, 14 May 2016 20:15:30 +0000 When will the data people learn that most people change their minds, read eclectically, fib, brag, and just tease the “man”? How can the CIA or anyone else believe what’s on FB? It’s mostly ego baloney and bragging anyway.
Henry, I’m sure your uncle believed he was a patriot. The separation between the US government and the American people wasn’t as obvious until this gadget made it crystal clear.
A relative of mine was a chaplain in Vietnam. He brought back photos of Rockefeller gas stations to show us what we were fighting for. Of course, later he realized the truth..but.even my cynical mother thought it was about offshore oil contracts. We were so ignorant…

By: henry Fri, 13 May 2016 22:11:39 +0000 I had an uncle (who is now dead) who was a green beret in Vietnam in 1963. He moved around the planet thru the years and ended up helping Saddam Hussein fight the Iran/Iraq war. First he would give good information to help Iraq then bad. He told me the goal was to keep the war going as long as possible to get as many people as possible to die on both sides. After about one million deaths, both sides figured the scam out and ended the war. My uncle took a certain pride that so many of the enemy died and not only did it not cost any money, the US actually made money selling weapons to both sides.

The US intelligence services makes money off of these ‘social networks’ while getting detailed data on most of the people in America. When will the American people catch on to the scam?

By: silverpen123 Fri, 13 May 2016 14:26:20 +0000 I agree with your assessments on facebook. (I like your words “crackbook”). I watched that and more. People getting offended because I turn down all the idiotic invites for games and kisses, etc. Then they confused being hurt with being offended. And we build a society upon being “nice” and “polite” so we don’t offend. To me, that’s a big fat balloon and I have a needle ready to pop it.
Imagine how much marketing and propaganda is used on this concept alone, how much social engineering has free reigns because of it. I hope I offend all of them. Im the one in your face! Or go away. I’m ok either way and ready for both.

By: silverpen123 Fri, 13 May 2016 14:16:17 +0000 I ve read your comments. Your answers make little sense. I ve had to re read and muddle through trying to analyze what your points are. But I expect that with the Internet combined with poor education and sloppy thinking skills running rampant in this world these days. Maybe you can summarize what your getting at. I’m not the Grammer police but if your trying to share, it helps to use proper Grammer and sense with writing.

By: silverpen123 Fri, 13 May 2016 14:04:51 +0000 It just goes to show you, high IQ markers are totally meaningless. Gaga (Wtf kind of name is that?), Mark Z and others going to specialness camp only means they are perfect drones for “specialness” as rated by a rigged and poorly developed IQ standard and CIA. I laugh at this. The IQ tests or SAT do not measure whole brain. It’s a marker for just smart enough to be dangerous and too pre occupied and blind in their arrogance to realize they can be used and then rewarded with lots of green paper. Meaningless, really.
I laugh at the words CIA-Intelligence. Rhetoric. It’s like calling mobile phones Smart phones. Actually they are quite the opposite. Watch for marketing hidden in words. It’s quite telling.
Smart people don’t contribute to poor thinking by being on Facebook and call it socializing or “learning” half cocked drivel.
I’m a computer geek for 25 yrs. I try it all out. I got off Facebook when i realized it’s laden with ads, then keep changing the look and feel, forcing me to relearn the layout, as well as thst alone is indicative of monitoring more than software usability. The whole set up and social atmosphere has the look and feel of 7th graders, including the CIA, who plays 17 yr old babysitter to all the 13 yr old players.
Google search parameters aren’t much better. It’s got it down that I’m asking shallow questions and throws out yahoo answers for unrelated search words. And just keeps at it. I have to use alt search sites with no tracking to get my answers. Smart? Laughable. I still think library reference desks are better.
Anyway, I’m not voting. It’s never mattered before. I vote for living out of the insanity and doing what I can to make my life as peaceful as possible. GO TRUMP

By: Ken Upal Fri, 13 May 2016 05:41:46 +0000 @Kevin Scott King: Talking about ‘social engineering’, how about the 2016 Zika Olympics in Rio?

By: n3angus Fri, 13 May 2016 04:15:15 +0000 anyone voting for Clintons are part our the problem,
