Comments on: Business goals 101 Tue, 17 May 2016 16:37:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: chicosan1 Tue, 17 May 2016 16:37:13 +0000 This is also true of government, Jon. Change is not synonymous with progress, nor is expansion. System is not synonymous with organization, nor is tidy. When we muddy these terms, we lose our way. Our world is wallowing in thick mud these days. Thank you for being part of the fresh water supply.

By: John Tue, 17 May 2016 15:25:45 +0000 I believe you have really hit on something that permeates society’s living out of harmony with natural laws…without actually mentioning that in your, accessment of the person cynical business approach. Anyway, that’s what I got. Thanks for making me aware of my own view of society.

By: a800lbgrila Tue, 17 May 2016 02:08:02 +0000 In my company this is simple. Any employee must return more profit per hour than I pay him in products sold markup or services performed. If not … he’s gone that Friday. Here’s a semi novel employee concept … (told Lincoln Welders already does this)… if you make a mistake you correct it on your own unpaid/unrecorded time even if that means working late or on the weekend. I don’t pay twice for the same task that should have been done correctly the first time. . My employee signed contract terms states this on all hires. The employees make VERY few mistakes. If the employee is not a wage drone he becomes a joint venture partner per project … this has been tested in the court of the AJ review to challenge it and won. Certain JVP conditions, which the IRS defines, make it breach proof. All employees strive for this status … much higher pay and since a 1099 situation all the employees expenses per project performance are deductible … Schedule C. Companies in Spain follow this new style of company success so not my original idea. Just practical advice … not biz theory. LOL
