According to the Spaniards like Vicento, he and his familia are not Robber Barons or Conquistadores any more, because Mexico is one big happy race family now called La Raza. These dumb brown Mestizos believe they are a Race or “The Race” or La Raza. Actually they are the indirect result of hot blooded Spaniards leaving their wives and girlfriends back home and shacking up with some native Aztec poon tang. However, if this got out, ole Vicento and the Spaniards would be rightly seen as Invaders instead of a lighter skinned ruling class by the dumb brown Mestizo slaves.
You see the story goes like this. Mexicans are a Race unto themselves, where lighter skinned Spanish rule over their cousins the brown skinned Aztlan. Aztlan are different from Aztecs who are hated and discriminated against because these dumb brown Mestizos don’t want to admit they are more close to them then the Spaniards. I guess if you’re a dirt poor peon slave, it might make you less hostile to your Spanish overlords if you see yourself as them instead of those stupid Aztecs that were conquered. Sure you do all the work and the Spanish get all the money, but its OK because they are part of your family and not Alien Overlords.
]]>I want to present two distinct models of conquest and occupation that empires employ when expanding their territories.
The first model looks like this. Kill all the men young and old, save some boys. Order your soldiers to mate with the native women. Lower caste Spanish men (soldiers) mate with the women of Mesoamerica. Whence, Mex(mix)icans, if you will.
Then second model looks like this. Genocide, kill them all, or as many as possible before the world wakes up to it. Occupy the conquered territories with a flood of immigrants from ruled Northern European nations.
When eminent domain demands expansion, enjoin the Marines and gunboat diplomacy to the halls of Montezuma and cut a deal(The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848) that the Mexicans can’t refuse.
I do not present this view of the information to make any moral argument, not my job.
One last thing I would recommend consideration. I’ll just pose the question and allow all to form their own answers.
Why do you think that instead of absorbing the beauty of central Mexico and all that magnificent east west coast line into the United States, we opted to create a border??
Think about it.