Comments on: Vicente Fox’s immigration gibberish Sun, 22 May 2016 10:29:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allen Sun, 22 May 2016 10:29:38 +0000 I encourage everyone to read the Mexican federal constitution. You can find an English translation in a pdf. You will discover that foreigners in Mexico have no rights. There are no jobs, unemployment benefits, right to vote, land ownership and definitely no “anchor babies”. One could argue that the Mexican Constitution provided the first communist revolution even before the Russians. You will discover also that foreigners must live in Mexico for 20 years before their offspring would be considered naturalized citizens. I’m not sure what this might mean for the legitimacy of the Fox dynas? Please look at the relationship between Fox and the Former NM governor Richardson…

By: Deep City Chronicles (@deepcitychron) Wed, 18 May 2016 06:29:31 +0000 Your take on the Mexican political establishment is not really correct, Mr. Rappaport. Vicente Fox was, in fact, an outsider when he assumed the presidency and did so at the behest of a pissed off international banker clique who had been eager to depose the long entrenched PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) – the single political entity that had held power for more than 70 consecutive years – after the unforgivable nationalization of the banks by president Lopez Portillo in the 80’s. Though by no means made up of the humblest citizens of the country, the PRI was and is mostly composed by “real” Mexicans in terms of heritage; after all, its ranks were filled by the victorious armies (soldiers) of the revolution. The spaniard/european element of Mexican society was mostly relegated to the private sector (like Fox’s Coca Cola executive background) and kept out of government. The real money was the oil, nationalized in the 30’s and controlled ever since by the PRI – the real mafia. Fox does, however, represent the beginning of the end of that political party, which signed its death warrant decades before and it was his presidency that marked the beginning of the vacuum of power that has ultimately resulted in Mexico devolving into a narco state. A vacuum further exacerbated by Fox’s old pal H.W. Bush and NAFTA. Today, Fox is a non-actor in Mexico. His presidency was as fleeting as a carbonated drink. He garners more press here in the U.S. than south of the border and I’m afraid he is once again being used as a puppet by interests unaligned to our southern neighbors.

By: Rtn Tue, 17 May 2016 02:52:40 +0000 W paid 15 million in gold they paid us no reparation

By: Joshua Sinistar Tue, 17 May 2016 02:25:52 +0000 Lets face it. This whole “issue” is based on Stupidity. Vicento Fox News don’t wanna tell those brown Mestizos that they are not La Raza. La Raza is what you call a “Narrative”. Much like the media here in America, the erstwhile “government” of Mexico has a story or “Narrative” that allows the descendants of the Spanish Conquistadores to keep ruling the peon slaves of Mejico.

According to the Spaniards like Vicento, he and his familia are not Robber Barons or Conquistadores any more, because Mexico is one big happy race family now called La Raza. These dumb brown Mestizos believe they are a Race or “The Race” or La Raza. Actually they are the indirect result of hot blooded Spaniards leaving their wives and girlfriends back home and shacking up with some native Aztec poon tang. However, if this got out, ole Vicento and the Spaniards would be rightly seen as Invaders instead of a lighter skinned ruling class by the dumb brown Mestizo slaves.

You see the story goes like this. Mexicans are a Race unto themselves, where lighter skinned Spanish rule over their cousins the brown skinned Aztlan. Aztlan are different from Aztecs who are hated and discriminated against because these dumb brown Mestizos don’t want to admit they are more close to them then the Spaniards. I guess if you’re a dirt poor peon slave, it might make you less hostile to your Spanish overlords if you see yourself as them instead of those stupid Aztecs that were conquered. Sure you do all the work and the Spanish get all the money, but its OK because they are part of your family and not Alien Overlords.


By: john hattabaugh Tue, 17 May 2016 01:03:52 +0000 the Mexican/Spanish rulers of mexico even to this day have always had a sore spot on their tongues when it came to the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo circa 1848…that evil vial treaty that gave us eventually California, Arizona new mexico and texas. mexico signed it, paid up their reparations, and off everyone went…or so the story goes. mexico has never gotten over it. never. mexico, a sore loser since 1848…I guess it’s true what the t-shirt says; “hecho en mexico”. and now we have that pathetic p.o.s. vicente fox raising his ugly head-again. he’s a fair-weather friend if ever there was one. our borders have been and probably will always be porous until WE get serious about them. but the sleeping giant, sleeps, except to snort, momentarily awaken, roll over, and go right back to sleep again. and we have only ourselves to blame for the mess that we are in.

By: Bobby Tue, 17 May 2016 00:15:05 +0000 I agree. The point is moot to some extent. Or, what else is new in the history of “mankind” lol.

By: Bobby Tue, 17 May 2016 00:11:19 +0000 […] I’m so sick and tired of the usual B.S. that is written on this subject. [This article] bring[s] some clarity to the subject. […]

By: Davis Mon, 16 May 2016 19:36:13 +0000 There is a reason that Cortez and but 500 Spaniards were able to conquer the mighty Aztecs. Yes they were the largest tribal empire in Mexico at the time but most of the population of their empire were non-Aztecs show were quite simply tired of Sri g their own people carried off I to slavery at best and the alters of human sacrifice at worst. Eager to find ANY alternative to the murderous Aztecs they quickly allied with the Conquistadors to over throw them. Since that day social status in Mexico is determined by the amount of Spanish and particularly Castilian blood flows in your veins.

By: pedrofalls Mon, 16 May 2016 19:33:33 +0000 […]

I want to present two distinct models of conquest and occupation that empires employ when expanding their territories.

The first model looks like this. Kill all the men young and old, save some boys. Order your soldiers to mate with the native women. Lower caste Spanish men (soldiers) mate with the women of Mesoamerica. Whence, Mex(mix)icans, if you will.

Then second model looks like this. Genocide, kill them all, or as many as possible before the world wakes up to it. Occupy the conquered territories with a flood of immigrants from ruled Northern European nations.

When eminent domain demands expansion, enjoin the Marines and gunboat diplomacy to the halls of Montezuma and cut a deal(The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848) that the Mexicans can’t refuse.

I do not present this view of the information to make any moral argument, not my job.

One last thing I would recommend consideration. I’ll just pose the question and allow all to form their own answers.

Why do you think that instead of absorbing the beauty of central Mexico and all that magnificent east west coast line into the United States, we opted to create a border??

Think about it.


By: middleway Mon, 16 May 2016 19:12:37 +0000 This article strongly reminded me of several scenarios that, over the years, have trickled down from high places:
