Comments on: New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA Thu, 24 Jun 2021 14:27:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ava Thu, 01 Feb 2018 03:37:39 +0000 Okay I have a problem with the syphillis and tuberculosis theory. Syphillis was diagnosed in 1445 and Tuberculosis diagnosed in 1882. How did vaccines cause something that was there so much longer than the first vaccine???? The first vaccine was the smallpox vaccine in 1796. Doctors were still blood letting as a cure for most diseases that were not even named at that point. But syphillis was indeed a disease. Tuberculosis was not named until 1882 and I sersiously doubt was the result of the smallpox vaccine. The 2nd vaccine was not developed until 1887 long after the tuberculosis diagnosis. So the math just does not work. The article above is arguing the about DNA being incorporated into vaccines now. Did you know there are now two vaccines for the flu. One for people under 65 and one for people over 65.(lets knock off the old before they incur more medical bills?) Yes I think that is horrible and should not happen withouttheir so called informed consent of slipping a piece of paper in front of you to sign while threatening no treatment if you don’t. But you better face the fact that if they want you to have it you are going to get it unless you never visit a doctor or take a pill you whole life, this probably includes all over the counter medical products as well. Oh and don’t get me started on genetically engineered meat that is grown in a lab they now call beef that comes in your hambuger at your local drive through. You are not going to have to worry about the class divide because men and women will all be sterile or dead long before this issue evolves. Our world is being poisoned, if you drink water or eat food. The legally acceptable levels of poison allowed in your drinking water rises all the time. So much drinking water now is reprocesssed sewage that is treated with tons of chemicals they then pipe to your home for consumption. You better get that flu shot it may be the only thing that will keep you alive in this current changing world we live in. That is the struggle of the future. Then there is the fact that the bees are dropping dead at an alarming rate. Which means crops will not be pollinated and there will be food shortages. Rethinking that genetically grown meat now aren’t you. These switches will start flipping in the near future and there is more than one to think about. Drug manufacturers can slip any kind of crap they want to into your medication if they call it a filler. Many generic medications don’t contain the right amount of ingrediants necessary to treat the illness prescribed for anymore. But the insurance companies will only pay for generic medications. The only way you can have a medication tested is to take it to lab and have it tested yourself. The food and drug administration won’t do. These lists go on and on. The courts are no longer holding companies liable for the crimes. Each product you take into your home is probably toxic in one way or another these days and if the label says China on it you had better throw it in the trash its probably is toxic. But the crap keeps getting imported. You have heard of defensive driving well it time to start defensive living.

By: SamAdamsGhost Sun, 18 Dec 2016 21:27:34 +0000 I was recently listening to a discussion between Carherine Austin Fitts and Joseph P. Farrell. — Farrell made the point that rather than the ‘elites’ being very intelligent, they actually are quite stupid.They think along narrow paths set when they first entered prep school & which were later reenforced in the Ivy League schools. Its been like that all their lives. Now that they are confronting a serious challenge (for the first time in a very long while) all they can do is desperately double down with the same old strategies.Expect lots of heavy handed, and ultimately futile, behavior.

By: SamAdamsGhost Sun, 18 Dec 2016 19:56:57 +0000 Read Jon’s book on HIV and AIDS. Can’t recommend it enough.

By: INGAORAMA Sun, 29 May 2016 17:54:36 +0000 Is our body reactions to vaccines because of the foreign DNA in vaccines? I think so…We are getting DNA from monkey-chicken-pig-calfs-plants (peanut-soy) and now the newest DNA is from dogs and -the catepillar worm (armyworm)…So..I think our body is trying to get rid of the foreign DNA like when people get organ transplant- their body most cases rejects the foreign DNA in the implanted organ….

By: Mary Richter Sun, 29 May 2016 17:15:06 +0000 That was my first thought when I read it

By: Theodore Sun, 22 May 2016 23:13:15 +0000 re: “the FDA states that indeed Gardasil is GENETICALLY ENGINEERED”.

I found this very detailed article on the bio-tech of Gardasil — which references the work of on Gardasil…

Great article. Here is a choice quote…

“…Gardasil is an aluminium adjuvanted genetically engineered DNA vaccine, not just a virus-like particle vaccine. Given that the vaccine also has polysorbate as an ingredient, which makes the blood brain barrier more accessible, polysorbate increases the ability for DNA fragments, bound tightly to aluminium, to gain access to the brain, and set up inflammation.”

By: arcadia11 Sun, 22 May 2016 22:51:25 +0000 thank you natschultz. lots of info here.

By: Theodore Sun, 22 May 2016 22:34:53 +0000 re: “Prisoners in American jails are FORCE-FED genetically engineered SOY products (meat replacers). The government claims it is to save money, but in reality it is because soy contains dangerous levels of PHYTO-ESTROGENS that make men docile and infertile by inhibiting their testosterone levels and increasing estrogen levels.”

Here is a photo of O J Simpson after some years of eating GMO Soy and drinking and bathing in chemically-treated fluoridated water…

By: Natschultz Sun, 22 May 2016 18:51:18 +0000 Human “trials” have been going on since at least 2006 when the FDA knowingly approved GARDASIL against the advice of Merck’s lead researcher. A few years ago Sane Vax tested many samples gathered from doctors offices across the world and found that they ALL were contaminated with Genetically Engineered Viruses. At the time it was reported to the FDA as a “manufacturing defect,” when in reality it was NOT a manufacturing defect, but how the “vaccine” was DELIBERATELY DESIGNED. It was designed to ALTER HUMAN DNA, and it has been proven from blood samples that it does.

The FDA has now updated its website about Gardasil, and along with all the false propaganda about HPV (Gardasil actually increases the risk of getting the least common, most deadly forms of cervical cancer, and the strains it supposedly “protects” against are the most common, easiest to treat, least deadly strains), the FDA states that indeed Gardasil is GENETICALLY ENGINEERED.

Other “trials” of DNA altering vaccines are being conducted on a mass scale in third-world countries by BILL GATES and WARREN BUFFET – the LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS of MERCK, GLAXO SMITH KLINE, PFIZER, and MONSANTO.

And of course, right here in the USA, beyond the MANDATED Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, the US government is illegally experimenting on members of the military and PRISONERS. Prisoners in American jails are FORCE-FED genetically engineered SOY products (meat replacers). The government claims it is to save money, but in reality it is because soy contains dangerous levels of PHYTO-ESTROGENS that make men docile and infertile by inhibiting their testosterone levels and increasing estrogen levels.

India is currently suing Bill Gates for permanently injuring or killing over 14,000 girls during a trial for GSK’s CERVARIX, under the guise of “vaccine philanthropy.”

Like they say: FOLLOW THE MONEY. Bill gates and Warren Buffet only provide “free vaccines” to third world countries so they can illegally conduct human trials of illegal drugs.

NOTE: Prior to the approval of Gardasil by the FDA, genetically engineered viruses were ILLEGAL – they were considered a BIO-WEAPON!!! (under Bill Clinton the funding for the FDA was transferred from the citizens to the DRUG COMPANIES AND BIG AG, so nothing the FDA says can be trusted – it is just an arm of Big Pharma / Big Ag).

By: SamAdamsGhost Sat, 21 May 2016 19:57:39 +0000 The wars are fought to bring instability. Zbigniew Brezinski wrote that the central Asian landmass holds the key to dominating the world.The peoples of that area cannot be allowed to become prosperous and united. America has been a weapon for globalists ambitions at least going back to WW1. – As flawed as we may be, the globalists hate America & her founding motivations & ambitions. After they are through using us as a weapon & tool – they will let what’s left collapse.
