The whole system has gone awry starting with the school systems that prep most people to work in jobs that they don’t like as if they are machines and not people. It becomes obvious to many people that this system is designed to make these outcomes, while putting people in this position: how does one get out of this mess when they depend on their jobs to pay the bills? It becomes a crazy cycle. Eventually, people find ways out and around it when they are truly sick of it enough, and what I see coming from that are a lot of (young) people going around these systems and creating their own lifestyles, learning new skills, going in new directions, etc. in spite of it all.
I just don’t see any of us changing these systems. I don’t suggest trying. I think if we all become less interested in cooperating, that alone will make them keep changing the systems to eventually meet what does work for human beings, not the other way around. At which point, the obvious answer will be: we don’t need these systems.
I often suggest to parents to read John Taylor Gatto.
If your curious about what is going on now with the new common core, listen to the anti-common core information by Dr. Duke Pesta on Youtube.
]]>When I spoke with the math professor he said well this is mathematics and the direction the school is going is every person taking any math course needs to be treated as if they are going to get a degree in mathematics. Which is great if you love math then its really cool to learn all these different ways to get the same answer, because to that math loving person “its all good”! The way I went through college we were given problems and expected to get the answer not show work on the 5 ways that you could possibly get the same answer.
I thought it was crazy adhd at the time and it parallels the findings of this article. It is this way of thinking that is crazy, skidding across the tops and peaks of education learning nothing and getting a real wicked brain burn.