Comments on: The lock and the key Sat, 21 May 2016 16:57:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bunny Sat, 21 May 2016 16:57:22 +0000 I bought your Exit From the Matrix collection and am thrilled with it…that vivid imagination of mine does evoke great passion, and I never knew that, but it can also push me into overwhelm because it comes up like a raging torrent…I never realized that tapping into my imagination was the big “IT” I had been searching for. AMAZING. Thank you.

“But the key that fits into the lock and brings about a deep acceptance of things as they are…what is that?”

“Artists create worlds and universes. Therefore, the idea that ‘The Universe’ is somehow our greatest guide and mentor and gift-giver is a joke of the highest magnitude”

I have skimmed dozens of religious, new age and psychology books that ALL seem to advocate without exception the deep acceptance of the universe as it is..especially modern day Zen/Buddhism as it is currently taught, and certainly we all know about psychology as it is used.

The nihilism is so thick you could cut it with a knife and make a sandwich.

Seems like just about everything in our culture is geared towards dictating what you can and can’t imagine, or hijacking it altogether with some hideous neoliberal view…the market is the new god.

That is why stock traders talk about stocks or fed actions in terms of religious belief like agnosticism or atheism.
