Comments on: Planning the Matrix Wed, 25 May 2016 20:27:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Wed, 25 May 2016 20:27:28 +0000 These stories you write, make more sense to me; have more power, and convey your beliefs and truths more than anything you write on nomorefakenews.

NMFN has it points; informs; entertains; shocks; lobotomized even further an already state of comfortably numb. Attempts to awaken the snoozy ones. But it can seem like rubberneckers at a scene of car accident.
I think I get overburdened with fugue of emotions and so am paralysized to comment further. Or I simply do not care about anymore.  I am sure in saying that, that perhaps that it is mistaken as someone who does’nt want to help. But seriously my own boat is leaking.

But, your invention; your imagined truth, is a more portent truth to me. Or do I mean potent…It’s sopping wet with it. And, as an artist, I seem to prefer it, it provokes a response from me. Provokes me to imagine my own truth from it. Really that is what is generating this whole nonsense anyway.

And so…

I can plug myself right in, and I am the antagonist in your plot against the other.

I have been reading the transcripts and in an imaginary conversation with your friend Jack. The idea of landscapes and the details, and the process of self-hypnosis. Is a very powerful tool to the bootstrapping open of ones own mind. And getting to the real of it before…

I heard the selfsame voices in your story.  Only it is a long time ago. They were talking just above my head, as I lay prone on my little bed in the blackness of long ago. I was about seven…and like your janitor was…close to sleep.

Of course in my script there were smells of old coal fire smoke and flashing lights. The screams from a terrified child, caught in what he thought was a paranormal event, a mystical experience. Drenched in fear and terror.  The overwhelming ambiance of ozone, scorched electricity. The flashing and overburdening data download into me, to the point of nausea and the wanting to immediately vomit. As if I was riding on a carousel that was spinning faster and faster, faster, seeming out of control and never to end. The condition of my life from now on…I thought. I will aways be like this, for this life.

A false awakening, a forced awakening…forever on the fringe now. But that’s ok, I have acquired a taste for the view. But that knowing of them forcing us into smaller and smaller mind boxes. Drudgery.

The tremendous and initial onrush of a hot vaccine fever, like I was burning up from the inside out. I could smell the internal heat. Something was being burnt up in me. My neurons, I guess. I have never been the same, and know now the destruction to so many. No one is untouched in this world by vaccine. Everyone is changed, for the extent of this particular life that you live.
If nothing is done, next time it will be invitro, as well as above our heads.

I was having a conversation with my houseplants the other day. Interesting to find that they are totally telepathic. Did you know that?
Before that the forests were very very noisy places.
Plants are a vast consciousness. And they respond like small children when given affection, and care and love. And I find they are not so pleased with mammals anymore; specifically humans.

Initially they thought that we were a good idea. A great way to move their seeds around. But, they know now they have failed in the invention of us now. And are at present seeking alternate means to moving seeds around.
They were willing to share their creation with so many of us souls. Give us something to ride around in, and at the same time do them a favor. But, they feel the situation has got out of hand, and now they feel like boarders in their own house. To tell you truth I fully understand.
