Comments on: Physics, free will, and the ‘Spiritual CIA’ Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:21:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Grafström Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:21:05 +0000 I agree that there is a host of classified information related to the workings of the nervous system/brain. But then being aware of that like you, one expects something in the way of disinfo to follow and bringing up Sheldrake isnt weighty. His thesis is at least partly reproduced more simply via environmental activation of genes.
Field theory in physics boils down to quanta ie similar to neurochemistry.
Biochemistry in the sense of dynamical processes might not explain memory I agree. But the protein molecules surely have potential for longterm storage. I havent gone into it.
Some believe the brain is connected to a higher dimensional frame.
The 3D aspect of reality is related to certain properties of differential equations governing light signals and how causality is represented.
The mere existence of microscopic phenomena like atoms may be the limit of flat space like Riemann intuited. That is in qualitative agreement with what you find when arbitrary 3D-metrics are being assumed to entail fluctuations. Then the metric mostly doesnt allow the full dimensionality to exist ie having independent directions everywhere but predicts a discreet set of such points.
And in 4D not one such discreet point would be expected. That adds to the suspicion that 3D is more about accessibility somehow.
Since the discreet aspect would be dependent on fluctuations there ought to be a field theory and eigenvalues. But this is obviously a digression… 🙂

By: Lord Windemere Sun, 06 Nov 2016 08:21:48 +0000 I think the problem is that biophysics is mostly classified information. This leaves biochemists, electrical engineers, computer programmers, and quantum physicists to speculate on the consciousness.

The truth of the matter probably lies towards a field theory, Look at who gets ridiculed! People like Rupert Sheldrake.

I don’t think that consciousness can be adequately modeled using neurochemical impulses. Memory is even harder to explain biochemically.

By: Bridi Nic Bili Thu, 02 Jun 2016 21:57:22 +0000 Jon, you don’t see the picture.

According to IN SEARCH OF SCHRODINGER’S CAT: QUANTUM PHYSICS AND REALITY, John Gribbin, 1984, Bantam Books, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.: New York, New York, United States of America, “According to Newton’s laws (Classical Physics, physics until A.D. 1900), the behaviour of a particle could be exactly predicted on the basis of its interactions with other particles and the forces acting on it. If it were ever possible to know the position and velocity [in the New (Quantum) Physics of Planck after 1900 C.E., only one or the other can be known at any one time] of every particle in the universe, then it would be possible to predict with utter precision the future of every particle [and person], and therefore the future of the universe [- what the National Security Agency believes]. Did this mean that the universe [and people] ran like clockwork, wound up and set in motion by the Creator, down some utterly predictable path [- what the Central intelligence Agency believes]? Newton’s classical mechanics provided plenty of support for this deterministic view of the universe, a picture that left little place for human free will or chance. Could it really be that we are all puppets following our own preset tracks through life, with no real choice at all [- what the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex wants the government to believe when it’s budget time]?”

“In the Everett interpretation, it is not that our choice of which spin component to measure forces the spin component of another particle, far away across the universe, to magically take up a complementary state, but rather that by choosing which spin component to measure we are choosing which branch of reality we are living in. In that branch of superspace, the spin of the other particle always is complementary to the one we measure. It is `choice’ that decides which of the quantum worlds we measure in our experiments, and therefore which one we inhabit, not chance. Where all possible outcomes of an experiment actually do occur, and each possible outcome is observed by its own set of observers, it is no surprise to find that what we observe is one of the possible outcomes of the experiment [- I almost want to give every last cent of my money even if that means taking the food out of children’s mouths and giving it to the N.S.A. to support total observation by the security state].”

“It is not chance that has selected the special conditions suitable for life out of the array of quantum possibilities, but choice.”

Jon, this is why I now use a small letter i when spelling “Central intelligence Agency” and its acronym: “C.i.A.” They, who are about annihilate the whole world in a nuclear holocaust really are stupid.

By: Peter Grafström Sun, 29 May 2016 21:05:32 +0000 Application of ideas related to Goedels theorem may change that conclusion. Software as you use the term connotes with something of a closed nature. But the impossibility of ever introspecting the free wills (plural billions of them down there competing cooperating as in a fish school) layer means there is no 1 to 1 deterministic mechanism. And chaos theory seems to model the brain. Add to that Penrose’s speculations about the brain microstructures inhabiting a crossover region between classical and quantum mechanics. We havent seen nothing yet. Physics isnt what you think and it evolves. The nature of nerve pulses isnt understood. They seem to consume much less energy than expected in older theories.

By: R.Hawthorne Sun, 29 May 2016 06:52:06 +0000 Reblogged this on Multidimensional Being and commented:
As outer, so inner. That’s the way, physicist explain humans on a level of the artificial ego machine that run as software program in the brain. It topples consciousness of the free being and suppress all possibilities. The physicist is not free and entrapped in the same channel of limitation, he cannot explain something above the channel limits. Thanks Jon

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 27 May 2016 02:58:18 +0000 I get the picture loud and clear, Jon.

Ever since the two slit experiment separated matter from fantasy, science has been caught between a rock and a hard place. Schrodinger’s cat hasn’t helped.

With your permission, some may chose to view my latest article (aptly timely – I don’t know how this congruity keeps up) as “the monster in the human closet” metaphor, but here’s the opening paragraph to wet the appetite or stink up the fantasy, depending on preferences:

“Because human beings detest criticism we are all vindictive. Whether responses to judgement are tactful or blunt, were our core failings to be exposed it would invariably require world wars for conclusive remedy. That is partially why our spiritual developmental progress has barely changed over thousands of years, only fluctuating with fashions of each age. Formal analysis should be deemed to be empowering because, through honest appraisal, knowledge of errors presents the opportunity for redemption or an “improved me”. To be in deliberate denial of one’s own shortcomings is the greatest sin possible in my opinion. As a teacher, it is my job to bring bad news. Writers under my spotlight should feel proud I even bothered to assess their output. For me to have shown an interest they will have revealed prodigy and I am the one that is humbled by the privilege of being able to assess those most valuable contributions. With that consideration in mind, the first part of this article will evaluate a powerful but demure topical book . If all goes well evidence will seamlessly bridge across to new revelations on the challenging subject, Draco spirituality and intent.”


By: Peter Grafström Thu, 26 May 2016 19:44:10 +0000 Freedom is related to consciousness and the latter has been proved to be an illusion in a sense. It must be an illusion of value for survival otherwise it probably wouldn’t have emerged. It is an afterconstruct representing some weighing together of underlying parallel neural activities. A huge number of them impossible to keep track of individually. But those individual processes have some degree of interchange with one another. The neural system is highly nonlinear. It is believed to be represented by models for chaotic determinism.

As those deeplying calculations produce output in whatever way they do it the result is unlikely to be a single suggestion. But rather a set of different alternatives. Consciousness then translates this complexity into something simpler necessarily throwing away information and therefore distorting the basic output. The brain then selects some alternative with an unavoidably noisy and somewhat arbitrary mechanism. Finally consciousness outputs another afterconstruction for presenting the particular choice as an outcome of volition.

But eventhough this appears to confirm the nonexistence of free will it really doesn’t. It just distributes the process into a complex interacting network forever beyond reach. Goedels theorem has often been invoked in this connection. Ie a system cant completely introspect itself to formulate it in a way suitable for this context. In that sense it really is free.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 26 May 2016 17:57:45 +0000 Yes Jon…we have to have rules for EVERYTHING!

Up Quarks go up; Down Quarks go down. Charm Quarks…well those slick little fellows you know what they do. And then there are those Strange Quarks, very strange…the simply matter of me speaking about them critically… who knows what that might cause… (*whispers*) I won’t say anything more..ssshhh

Of course they can probably read my mind anyway. We have to admit their strange…hell for that matter they could be telepathic Quarks too. I never thought of that outcome. Strange telepathic Quarks, could run with that one for a thesis and half.

Then there is that other array of photons and electrons and gluons, bosons and bozos and turnons. And they have rules too; rules for everything, they either glue, expose, zap or look cute. But again its rules. No freedom here, everything is enslaved to something. Freedumb.

Spiritual CIA ya say?

That is an interesting concept to ponder over and allow your imagination to run rickshaw over for five or ten minutes: The ‘spiritual CIA’; we never really look at that religion that closely, do we? Just the sound of C-I-A, makes everybodys sphincter factor cramp to 9.9. Where does that go? Who really runs that shit? Now there is an exercise in imagination. What must those guys be up too.

A man: He found out!

God: What?

A man: He found out you’re the head guy..Sir!

God: No…he did’nt, did he?..who told him…was it that Rappoport sonaofbitch.

A man: Phffttt..yeah…who else? Mr big freakin blabbermouth tells everybody everything about everything. Can’t keep a secret anymore.

God: Now I’m screwed… that little Irish bastard Burns has been trying to find the secret of my Universe since he arrived here. That little shit won’t stop.  The jig’s up, now he know I run the CIA. Cause of that loudmouth nomorefakenews…person. Ok! Oh my God…I mean, Oh my mee…I’ve fried that little Irish SOB Burns, I’ve zapped him, hung em, shot em. I even blew him up. I hit him smack in the face with an asteroid once…absolutely fucked everything up for nearly ten thousand years. For twenty lifetimes he came back as a rock…he would just…sit there..staring. I could feel his beady little eyes on the back of my neck staring at me. So I put him at the bottom of the ocean. And he still…keeps reincarnating. I froze him inside a glacier once…that was the quietest hundred thousand years. Jeezus jumping purple unicorns how am I going to get rid of that Burns. Now he knows, he broken through to the next level, knows I run the CIA…knows I am the spiritual head of everything, the Whitehouse, Vatican, Wal-Mart. What kind of war is he fighting. The pest war, bug me to death, for ever. What does he want? I know he wants to take over…Lucifer told me not me send him down there anymore. The demons have threatened to quit if he comes back. Keeps asking questions. Starting fights.

A man: Sorry boss…thought I would give you a heads up.

God: Yeah…and I just got off Valproate…and my Alopecia was under control…I’m starting to get anxiety..I feel a migraine coming on…I gonna have to go on antidepressants again. Tell that idiot Francis to give me a call?.. and Lou…time for a board meeting. I don’t feel so good… I need to go to my happy place now!

By: BreakawayConsciousness Thu, 26 May 2016 14:05:31 +0000 Boy, just minutes ago just finished leaving a comment a youtube video that reeked of this type of information. They were espousing the view that consciousness was material, but in a way that made it seem like there was no other option available.

Being open minded, and skeptical, am willing to entertain all theories, at least at first blush. But what the interviewee was doing just seemed like he wanted to keep people in a box, and knowing the work of Tom Campbell, Dean Radin, and others who have covered the field of consciousness, it was rather quick for me to notice the flaws in the person’s theory.

The whole deal just reminded me of how the establishment wants us thinking of our cookie-cutter reality, rather than the boundless constellation of possibilities that life is, the material, and more important, the non-material.

By: sneezy67 Thu, 26 May 2016 14:00:36 +0000 The CIA appears to be nothing more than icing on a Gestapo cake with some Mossad sparklies added.
