Comments on: Part 2, What is The Matrix? Sun, 03 Jul 2016 12:12:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: ocelot Sun, 03 Jul 2016 12:12:10 +0000 Cool explanation

By: seamlessone Wed, 01 Jun 2016 10:18:48 +0000 The core myth of the matrix is not that everything is connected to everything(though you are close), rather the core myth is that all fragments are connected–all fragments are one. The core illusion is that the universe(which in actuality is one seamless movement) is made up of many fragments that equal the whole….thus begins the endless analysis of the fragments…the endless dissection…the endless spawning of fragmented analytical thought. The mind begins to think that it can understand the whole by understanding the fragments….when the actuality is there are no fragments at all.

Thus one is sucked into the matrix, gobbling up information, feeling as if one is gaining ground, full steam ahead, filling up the mind, a mental adventurer on a quest to understand how all the fragments are connected, a mental athlete….one who doesn’t see that he is fully paralyzed from the start. Paralysis by analysis. All fragmented minds are the same, falsely dividing that which is One.

One in a billion can see the matrix for what it is….and that more is plenty to begin a new civilization…because after all, it only takes one, and it always starts with one…the individual, the Universal Man.

By: jsturrentine Sun, 29 May 2016 14:40:11 +0000 Why have you chosen to use a term like the “Matrix?”

By: flyingcuttlefish Sat, 28 May 2016 14:05:57 +0000 RE – other topic you report on, HIV.
Interesting info on the Clinton Foundation fake HIV “charity” (slush fund) at about 1 hr. 27 min. mark here

Charles Ortel give lots of good sources for checking Clinton’s fake charities (no audits) in the interview. He would make a great guest on radio for you to ask about that topic specifically.

By: Laurie Fri, 27 May 2016 17:46:39 +0000 This was very enlightening. I happen to wake up today thinking lucidly about how much I don’t like the reality created on this earth, in 3D. I find it limiting to what I want – having been stunted trying to do what I want by this constriction we call life on earth. I referred in my mind back to what you wrote in The Matrix revealed about this 3D world matrix. I can create, so there must be more to the having of what I want through discovery.
Thank you, Jon for sharing and bringing this info to awaken others. Everyone should get a copy of the Matrix series.
