Comments on: Part 3, What is The Matrix? Sun, 18 Dec 2016 09:28:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Sun, 18 Dec 2016 09:28:13 +0000 In case you meant to ask me… What exactly do you mean by people? Personality structures associated within physical limitations?

I hold manifest creation – in the sense of the experience or perception of form – to be operating billions of times per second – each instant being a Total Creation – within which runs a faulty formulation of reality we tend to call the ‘mind’ or in ignorance accepts as ‘reality’ or the ‘world’.

Of course that is not my ongoing experience – any more than one sees individual frames that make a moving picture. For the core Matrix OF experience is the desire to Know Thyself – through the unfolding of creative differentiations within wholeness – even through belief in disconnection and guilt associated with loss of wholeness.

So I don’t associate ‘persons’ with creating the synchronicity of a Creative Shift – but of course we have personal experience in which we recognize Shifted perspective has occurred – and that we are literally living from a fresh Instant. This is always true – for there are only fresh instants – yet the mind is the ‘habit’ of definition, prediction and control’ in which a local sense of personal continuity seems to override the Infinite potentials or at least vastly expanded perspectives of possibility.

Most of what ‘people’ do to enable creative effect is desisting to do that which blocks or gets in the way. Uncovering the device that blocks the channel – and owning it – is the key to freely releasing it. You may notice the mind is extremely quick in its ingenuity of concealment and evasion – but this is not true creation because it limits to obscure – where the true movement of creation extends to know. Know who you are by being nothing else.

By: jsturrentine Sun, 29 May 2016 14:56:33 +0000 Do you have an opinion of people that cannot be spontaneous creators?

By: spiritcalls Sat, 28 May 2016 17:18:03 +0000 PS … how the above plays out, controlling decision making in secret, is best exemplified in this little video:


By: binra Sat, 28 May 2016 16:59:07 +0000 Mater – mother – matrix. The environment or patterning in which and of which forms of relationship and communication develop.

Virtual reality is a mind-matrix of accepted definitions that posit the self and world (other) by which to experience as if OUTSIDE oneself – as if self is within and subject to the mutually agreed matrix of tacitly agreed rules.

Yet all experience arises WITHIN consciousness that is an extension of awareness. Nothing OUTSIDE is ever directly experienced – but the belief in OUTSIDE generates the experience of powerlessness relative to conditions.

The Outer reflection is the gift of attention and intention, for as you give so shall you receive. Nothing can ever change this – but the idea the Outer causes the inner makes experience seem to be caused by outer conditions that must be controlled.

Giving the gift of conflicted thought in purpose and intention brings the experience of entanglement in conflict, reinforced by guilt and fear of consequence. The gift is no less given and received – but is not seen as gifting, but as ‘getting’ for oneself or getting oneself away from the feared or hated consequence – that is no longer recognized as consequence.

The reversal and inversion of Consciousness plays out as if it were consciousness of life – but through a lens of segregation and separation in which the sense of disconnection that is not at all possible – gives rise to an imprint of terror, pain and loss upon which is a mind made to hide.

Denial is the active state of what we assume to be consciousness – and the patterning of denial is a participance in mutually reinforcing roles and beliefs by which conflict seems Reality and free-willing communication lost to a coercive sense of ‘judgement upon’ – that operates blindness as the first rule by which to have the separation experience.

Blind to one’s own creative nature it seems that ‘they’ do it or did it to you. This is bullshit even if at the level of form it is self evidently playing out. Your creative nature is lost to you while you engage in self-limitation and assert it the true of you in grievance and vengeance. A self-righteous tantrum expressing as the perceptual conflict of un-owned thoughts and feelings.

Others seem to act out y/our denials – for you/we cannot rid y/ourself of what you hate by denial – though you can walk free of anything you fully own but prefer not to make manifest in your experience.

All opposites are within You – and so You are the zero point that embraces without rejection and is thus the freedom to create without calling on coercive or manipulative fear and deceit. Therefore abandoning the ‘control’ mentality of coercive manipulation is the honesty of being in which true Gift is received and shared in like Kind.

Jesus teaches this by example – but as always – it takes one to know one. You cannot put New Inspiration into old bottle thinking. One has to ‘die’ to the false world and self to re-waken at the point of Presence – which is simply the true of You that has been discarded and disregarded by the demand for sacrifice that the false sense of power operates as. For the power to deny Life is not the Power of Life. There is a choice here that falsely framed choices work to obscure. I would remind you of your core responsibility – to yourself – and thus to All.

By: spiritcalls Sat, 28 May 2016 16:39:37 +0000 I might add here, that the (+=-) is the TRUE meaning, the Esoteric or Occult meaning of the Trinity spoken of in the The Bible … the very meaning being intentionally hidden by world “Authorities”, those of both the highest elements of the “controlling” Religions, as well as the “hidden” Elite of the folks behind “The New World Order” being foisted upon us.

By those nefarious, relatively secretive, mis-applications of Truth, we are being handed a Dualism which fools us into blaming each other (or a Devil) for all of our envisioned problems. When the hidden Leaders~Controllers know and use their “counterfeit” (perversion of the Real) Truth, they are the ones who offer their predetermined “Problem, Reaction, Solution”, the key to being an effective “Puppet Master”.

Division and Control is “their” method, the True GOD not an individual (as in God and gods) but the defining ENTIRETY of THE MULTIVERSE, is all about OPENNESS that IS, or IS-NOT, IT is our choice, to believe or not, in anything, everything, or nothing.

By: spiritcalls Sat, 28 May 2016 16:15:01 +0000 Is it possible that YOUR view of reality is not just what you suggest (or accuse) others of having?

I would suggest (maybe even insist), that TRUE REALITY IS, just what the Chinese Sages found, the Yin=Yang, the (+=-) … NOT the Yin/Yang ~ the (+/-).

The significance of the symbol of Equality, the (=) sign, is that of the melding of opposites, the synthesizing of differences, the True meaning of the oft misunderstood “Hegelian Dialectic”.

“Dualists” make up the bulk of humanity, as we have existed for millennia, our emphasis has been about Winners/Losers, where the “third aspect” of the true meaning of the (=) has been replaced with the (/) sign of “Division” where there is a barrier or “broken bridge” between differences.

One might as well say that the sign of Equality (=) denotes UNCONDITIONAL Love, Harmony, Eternal Life, while it’s “opposite”, that of the Divisive~Separative (/) denotes Winner VERSUS Loser, Fear (which leads to Hatreds) and Conflicts (internal leading to external) with Disease and then Death.

When the Idea is seen from the Spiritual Aspect, it can be understood as the TRUTH of the UNIVERSE, the (+=-) actually meaning that which underlies and defines EVERYTHING, and which even ALLOWS NO-Thing!

Such is the True meaning of GOD (not God or gods)! IMnsHO and E.
