Comments on: How does a life change? Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:34:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Davison Fri, 03 Jun 2016 16:06:47 +0000 I think this thought form framing for the normal operating zones is both valid as a concept for change but also quatifiable.
The ratios of expanded energy for this auto response framing to allow robot like minimum energy expediture is something i would like to add to this exellent subject caught here by Jon.
Specifically the ratios:
1) saved energy / autoresponse framing Is it greater or less than one.
2) we all do this upto-in the limit as 1) ratio appouches1.
3) It becomes increasingly difficult to calculate as we pass a 2:1 ratio toward 1.
4) more energy exponentially is needed to acess weather on a resonable average basis we have not gone below a ratio of 1.
5) Most are just winging it below a ratio of 2 (or maybe sqrt2 for those that do bother to consuosly think about these ratios).
Winging it allows emotion into the equation.
Probably not a good thing for logic, at best orthogonal impact.
6) energy expended monitoring how good a time investment this life framing energy exenditure is like the government ever expanding…ruining the very energy ratio one is trying to capture above 1.
If one is at 2:1 without monitoring energy and one has to expand equal amounts of energy monitoring as is expended building the framing then the advantage evaporates.
Even for the most astute at some point one reaches a zero sum point and we hit maintance burn out platue.
7) As the framing becomes to complex it cannot adapt as reality changes. Leaving one helplessly adapting fixing and scabbing on new pieces on anantiquated framing.
Its like nuclear power its almost free till you have to claen it up.

By: gokmen Tue, 31 May 2016 00:09:41 +0000
here are the somewhat accurate english lyrics:
draw me a sunny picture then
paint the most blue ocean
our footsteps on hot sand
draw it like that, let it be

let us be bigger than the sun
let it happen, draw it like that
nanana, nananana
don’t be afraid, just paint
dont be afraid, paint it like that

put the longing to the ships
load them all, let them sail to seas
nearest shore is somewhere unknown
draw like that, let it be like that
let us be bigger than sun
draw it
dont be afraid
let us be bigger than sun
la lalala
draw it like that
dont be afraid

By: David Mon, 30 May 2016 18:03:36 +0000 This is what happens to me. Sometimes I’ll get flashes of energy or inspiration but then it falls flat as quick as it came up and it’s back to square one all over again. I used to have a lot of energy when I was a kid but now the weight of the world is crushing me.

By: artiewhitefox Mon, 30 May 2016 17:44:49 +0000 It is not the energy. It is what a person does with the energy. By their works you will know whether the person serves God or Lucifer. God is life. Lucifer is death. Lucifer takes pleasure in giving of death through a person. God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. The mentality in one is not the mentality in the other.
