Comments on: Psychiatry as mystical symbolism Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:14:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Thu, 19 Apr 2018 22:14:36 +0000 It is also an insanity operating as if it is the ‘protector’ under power of state authority.

The entanglement of shadow personalities runs beneath the narrative assertions of what seems to be the ‘dominant’ power. Any attempt to eradicate part of who you are gives power to it in negative charge instead of opening a willingness for reintegration, resolution or reconciliation, one step… at a time.

The ‘patient’ brings the opportunity of healing to the ‘psychiatrist’ – IF – and to the degree that he or she is willing to see the other as their self.

What is healing but an honesty that no longer hides?
But what is truth feared, demonised and denied?
It is defended against – and ‘justifications are found’ for the attack on an unrecognised call for help.
However. The meaning we take and live from – as a result of anything we have lived – is all the meaning we give it. This is often automatic conditioned reaction, but in awakening responsibility for who we are Now – is the capacity to look on horror – and look past it, instead of fixating in negative compulsion.
Freedom from fear is in aligned purpose.
Focusing on the evils, protects the grievance. While we do want to have a voice, to be seen, to play a part, and to share in the life that resonates to our appreciation, using grievance will forever disempower us – even if it seems to bolster a sense of identity in resistance.
I don’t expect anyone to believe or accept anything I say here. I invite listening in for a resonance and relevance to the life you are unfolding to yourself with everyone.

I would appreciate the law being upheld such that criminal acts are not accepted or rewarded but held in check and accounted for, and where possible corrected. But as you are probably aware, we have a pervasive institutional corruption and the foxes are running the henhouse. So – as I see it – I don’t drift along that kind of thinking and cultivate an awakened responsibility to the thoughts I accept and therefore my perception and experience of others and myself. Feelings always embody a result of a prior definition. I can feel sick, powerless or enraged at the evils of the world – but I can only embrace and heal those in my own heart. I cant make the choices for others, but I can make my own and witness that there ARE choices outside the fear-pharm. My fear is my own sense of conflicted self – and not a disease or evil to be compartmentalised and ‘treated’ – much as I may have a tempted to want to ‘get rid of it’.

I desire that those who believe they are railroaded into destructive outcomes, shift to another set of rails. Of course I cannot ‘do’ this for myself, but if I recognize that fully – I abandon the whole game of trying and open to what I do not know in willingness and desire to live (rather than flight from fear that then becomes flight from life).

What does it take to ‘wake up’?
Whatever it takes.
Individually I seemed a hard nut to crack and so I have been ‘hit’ a lot.
Collectively, humankind is deeply embedded and entangled in ‘habits’ that are barely glimmering in consciousness of a few. These habits self-replicate through the generations and take different forms but the pattern is unchanged. A habit brought to awareness is no longer a habit, but a choice. Noticing a true choice is already taking it. But while the habit seems to think and speak for us, we protect it from a freedom we don’t recognize, because we are seeking to be free from (broken) relationships, not free to embrace them as they are – and move in the alignment of acceptance of who we are.

Are we not all complicit in destructive or loveless thinking? – but that is truly the basis to shift immediately to something worthy of us and each other. Anything – big or small – doesn’t matter.
Who is not worthy of love’s awareness? The killer of love deems themself unworthy – but is it really true that love is dead?
Love’s awareness now…
I didn’t say my personal capacity to love – but an opening to an innate honesty of being that the mind does not make and cannot truly break. Like the child within us we thought to have lost, that was covered over by a loveless world and the masking by which to survive it.

By: Jenny Jenny Thu, 19 Apr 2018 10:49:11 +0000 Psychairty is mass murder.

By: binra Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:51:03 +0000 Gaston Naessens also developed instruments to see living biota of which virii, bacteria and fungi are formed according to environmental conditions – with the understanding of pleomorphism going back to Bechamp. But ‘discovering and implementing scientific or medical knowledge’ is driven by investment in vested interests. Rockefeller ‘philanthropy’ suppressed rivals to the new pharma – but himself used a homeopath. See our times too – perception management is mind-capture by which sickness and death turn to profit and astonishingly ‘invisible’ power over the populace – who would fight the real help to keep the official quackery. So both the corporate cartel AND the ‘believers’ operate the defence against true help – perhaps because there is a strong and pervasive desire to remain unconscious in evasion of feared responsibility. Hence the desire for magic to make things ‘go away’ without a need for introspection and self-honesty…

By: Michael Thu, 27 Apr 2017 18:58:06 +0000 Sorry, forgot to add, the microscope is key. If you can’t watch the viruses, etc die when applying the ‘beam’ you don’t know which frequencies to use. I forget the exact magnification of which it is capable, but it is something like 60,000x. Live, sub-viral resolution……

By: Michael Thu, 27 Apr 2017 18:54:58 +0000 The Rife microscope has been successfully replicated. Unfortunately, the IP is tied up in a legal battle. The men who accomplished the feat, after 25 years, have said it can be made for about $25,000 and were hoping to get it into high schools around the US. The person who funded the effort has no interest in humanity however, and is holding out for some big bucks.

By: Tracy Sun, 05 Jun 2016 15:33:50 +0000 I once had a conversation with a lady about “PTSD”. Her daughter was diagnosed with it after her father committed suicide.

Who in their right mind would say that the girl has a disorder?

There probably isn’t a person on this planet that wouldn’t fit one or more of their so called mental illnesses and that’s just the way they want it.

By: binra Fri, 03 Jun 2016 22:38:56 +0000 One story not given a voice here:
The marketplace of power operates under free will – regardless the complexities by which emotionally backed conditioning triggers reactions of fragmented and complimentary roles.
When we first adopt a mask of self-protection against naked or native Communication – we do not realize the ‘choices’ that that persona has in effect locked us into – until and unless the original conditioning imprint is in some way relived and re-evaluated or re-integrated. Not by a story-identity of assertive or controlled narrative – but as a recognition of innate freedom at Source. Identifying exclusively in effects and appearances is what we usually call ‘the world’ or its ‘self’.
Such exclusive and segregative identity is necessarily a state of conflict – and regardless how it asserts or attempts to present itself – those conflicts and their pain are inherent to such a ‘self-identity’ – which is always a tango in which two or more agree NOT to know or hear or feel truth.

The willingness to forego the social ‘protective’ mask and listen for and be moved by the communication of our Being – (re Imagination at a level beyond the belief-prison of the segregative mind) – is the expansion of perspective and realigning of perception and experience to an integrative Flow of being – which is what is really ‘going on’ Always – though the mind can be fragmented to operate a lens of distortion and fragmentation that will mask your ‘reality experience’ while you choose to believe it gives you Life or Power rather than recognizing it demands the sacrifice of your Life and the true power of synchronicity that is Being the Presence You Are.

There are simplicities that multiply to a vast entanglement of complexity – which is part of their defence system. They are also called lies – but in the first instance they are mis-takes or incomplete and partial understandings or fears that become false foundations from which one then lives.
The ability to dissociate and fragment was marked by Freud and he sought ways to heal it – but didn’t allow or recognize his own involvement and participation in the ‘relational issues’ we label and hide from by means of narratives of external agencies such as genes and biology or past-guilt sins and theology.
The ability to heal or reintegrate to a wholeness of Presence is innate to us and does not require special ‘learning’ or ‘deserving’ – but the framing mentality of the matrix of fear, coercion and guilt does require these and renders the mind incapable of accepting Reality Now – for it ‘sees’ only total loss in such an unthinkable idea. Thus the drive to disallow heart-acceptance is the sacrifice of love, truth and beauty that is masked by a false ‘love, truth and beauty’ coercively asserted and defended and maintained with all the force of the original survival fear that triggered our first differentiations from a wordless but true knowing.

Revisiting and re-visioning the past imprinting does not require adding anything to what is unfolding our reality – but does require the desisting or releasing of the false narrative self and its world – which is the active layer of obfuscation and diversion from true presence no matter what roles are being played out in the personality level.
When I was young the term ‘mental’ was used colloquially for ‘mentally ill’ (which itself was a taboo area that was not open to discussion or even thought). I now see that mental substitutions for relational communication is indeed ‘mental dis-ease’, while insinuating itself as socially normal’ via guilt and fear ‘incentives’. Waking up is not a better mental handle – it is the abandonment of such a prison, for the mind simply operates where and when needed within a truly lived relationship. There is no ‘control issue’ or power struggle until such perceptions and reactions are triggered fears from which the ‘divide and rule’ paradigm operates in place of truly felt discernment (of both intuitive and intellectual focusing).

There is no verbal mental vocabulary for wholeness of being – only for the Loss of Communication in self-limitation within conflicting identifications. But Life lived and shared and embodied IS such a language already – and though it is our First Nature, we have to relearn its focus from an adopted priority given to a second nature that SEEMS to be the first voice, or reaction to anything. But to pause and revisit the wholeness or presence beneath appearances allows a re-visioning from which to live an entirely different foundation than the fear-guilt coercion. And yes, like any learning it has to be chosen anew and anew whenever the old habit seems to be running your choices for you. Otherwise, you will not KNOW that you want it – and this is what waking up is to resume; the focusing within what you truly want. The world paints symbols for your heart’s desire – but the world cannot give you your heart;s desire for it is already With you. Acceptance at the heart will reflect a different ‘world’ and if you want this you must choose it – because Reality is not coercive upon you, but honours your desire. Of course this reads crazy to the mental – but consider that if your are 99% preoccupied in making sure something terrible does NOT recur or occur for you – then you are 99% negatively identified – even if the 1% is a surface reality in which you are struggling to succeed in escaping, evading or mitigating those ‘unconscious’ fears.

The ‘unconscious’ has many seeming levels – but is principally discarded and denied self. No less active for being denied – but in ever more ‘hidden’ forms as the complexity of maintaining ‘unconsciousness’ demands higher and higher levels of death and taxes to maintain itself at cost of true communication – which at first must embrace the denied ‘negatives’ that we have perhaps come to love to hate or need to hate in order to hold our ‘identity’ together.

The word I or ‘me’ is an apparently simple thing – but what it purports to mean can be anything and everything depending on all kinds of shifting forms that seen to be distinct arenas of context with their own demands and necessities. The Source ‘I Am’ is not a mental concept – which came later. One has to Feel Existence to reopen Relational Communication where a ‘mental’ assertion had effectively discarded, denied and usurped such awareness.

Such a metal identity can only ‘listen’ to its own thinking and cannot receive me at all – excepting to seek ammunition for its need to survive as war-mind in disguise.
At such time as this I treasure any sign of true willingness – for ever kind of deceit is risen to mimic the true. Jesus said “resist ye not evil!” – and I recognize that true. But I also see how a mind split in fear/evil will distort that saying so as to neuter the Jesus example. The way evils propagate is by getting you to give them focus without recognizing what you are in fact choosing – that is – by deceits and traps of conditioned reaction – so that you don’t even know the choice you are truly making as a result of a false framing matrix of definition. That you have and ARE choice is my desire to stir within you and grow in myself – and opening the true nature of choice in terms of true of you or false to you – is a simplicity of discernment BEFORE the machinery of thinking is even summoned to action.
There is an integrity of being that is uncoverable beneath any kind of mental-emotional crap – because crap is not the worth that your creation establishes as You. If you have faith in crap – it will be no less rewarded than in your core quality of being – even if you cant currently abide in or recognize this as your natural inheritance. No one else can live your life – so why give access to the thoughts and stories that purport to protect you from life in return for an isolating sense of dissociated self-specialness?

By: mothman777 Fri, 03 Jun 2016 22:34:41 +0000 Thankyou Carrie, I am very glad indeed that you found what I wrote of benefit.

Om Shanti

By: Carrie Dee Fri, 03 Jun 2016 21:33:06 +0000 mothman,wow,another breathtaking reply! Inspiring to the maximum.Thank you for taking the time to write.

By: Jerry Ketel Fri, 03 Jun 2016 19:55:45 +0000 I’m living with a woman who has PTSD from a domestic violence incident. I can tell you right now that she does indeed have many of the symptoms related to the diagnosis. She has a psychiatrist and a therapist. The Dr. merely prescribes drugs (which she won’t take). However, the therapist is helping her immensely through creative therapy.

A recent article in the Guardian points out that in France, ADHD is not diagnosed or treated the way we do here in the states.

The story isn’t all that simple.
