Comments on: Mapping consciousness: a radical innovation Sat, 04 Jun 2016 15:52:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Sat, 04 Jun 2016 15:52:40 +0000 I imagine people (including me) fall for the sales pitch out of desperation and loneliness, and not knowing that an alternative even exists, despite their deepest desires.

By: Jerry Clifford Kays Sat, 04 Jun 2016 15:48:19 +0000 Jon, I have been reading your entries for many months now, and like this one, you seem to be in denial of a “higher power”, you seem to be saying that everything is up to the individual involved, that each of us has all the power that exists to create for ourselves.

In a way (of thinking) that is true, that way being the personal denial of anything outside (or inside) of the “self” … well, the way I see that, that is an “ego” (the “lower self”, just the self) view … a view the “higher power” allows each of us as our own individual view of creative (or not) power(s).

You, it seems, have adopted that view BECAUSE YOU HAVE HAD NO ACTUAL EXPERIENCE with the HIGHER POWER (called God by many) which IS PURE LOVE.

ONLY because I have had that GOD (not God nor gods) experience first hand can I see and make the distinction that seems to divide our thinking as now exists.

My advice to you and your followers: DO NOT dismiss nor exclude the potential of that higher power THAT IS THE INNER SELF (not the self, the Self) which is experienced as the CONNECTIVE POWER of LOVE.

IMnsHO and E
