Comments on: Part 2, instructions to the citizens of Earth Tue, 14 Jun 2016 23:45:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Positive Chico Tue, 14 Jun 2016 23:45:24 +0000 I have taken to referring to those who are not “standing up individuals” as zombies. It gives a real spin to a zombie apocalypse. All the undead terrorizing those who have not been infected, calling them names like “Conspiracy Theorist”.

By: Nicole Thu, 09 Jun 2016 15:29:40 +0000 For me, waiting is a survival value. I call it endurance, but it is also waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a change in circumstances. I am unfortunately born into circumstances that I can’t control, which are overwhelming me at the moment. Waiting is survival. The ability to endure misfortune is a survival value to the entire species. I’ve seen changes in my circumstances which come and go over periods of years, and during my times of endurance my hope never dies, my desire to live never dies. I never stop fighting even if it seems like outwardly nothing is happening. I’ve sworn to always keep that hope alive no matter what happens. I’ve been at a very, very low point in my life for the past few months, and even though my progress is horribly slow and the wait is so frustrating, I’m going to keep going. I’m totally serious when I say I’m going to try to live to be 120 years old. I still hope to accomplish my missions in that time.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 08 Jun 2016 23:26:28 +0000 Thanks, Jon, for your intriguing description of life’s journey to unity.
