Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: the collective experiment on planet Earth Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:08:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:08:04 +0000 good points, Burrado!

By: burrado Sun, 19 Jun 2016 11:35:00 +0000 Thank you for making this so clear to me now Jon. I probably would have done my best to ignore the news that was being dutifully pumped over the din of the store yesterday, including a highly emotional speech from someone (I couldn’t tell) announcing that we must stand together against this attack on all of us regarding the “incident” in Florida. I say ignore, because this sort of inanity normally tends to drive me into a state of despondence over the stupidity of the world. But instead of that, I ended up thinking about how this perfectly illustrates what you’ve been saying. For example, by all means, deny that any individual can have an original thought or do something independently of the group, but for god’s sake, don’t deny the possibility of one lone individual going on a killing spree. The converse is also true. There is a concerted campaign to deny that a group could ever do this.

By: Tomas rader Sat, 18 Jun 2016 15:01:14 +0000 U must realize that it’s said that the prison system of a country represents its free societal population at large. So why is it that immediately upon being jailed an inmate is culled out by sex first, then race, then thug (gang) affiliation..? Now how that individual identifies as it’s sexual being will be considered? NOT!! The DOC is responsible to keep you alive to serve your sentence. Not safely but alive. The inmates self identity as a white woman in the making ruse… although a huge black male … would lead to perpetual rape and thus isolation in the hole. The DOC is the last bastion left of sanity by recognizing that segregation by race and actual gender is necessary. In society violating this truth gives the thug bullies a license to act like the wolves and predators they were born as. Fear not … we the sheepdogs are watching and acting to subvert their attacks on the misguided idealogy of unicorn disillusioned progressive alinsky chaos theorists. Even though you care not for your own security nor your children or tribes we will act to protect you. To do otherwise would be compromising our racist bigoted morals and lead to your demise. When the day arrives to protect you … SHTF … we suggest a HEPA filtration system. The stench of death of wolves will be great and relentless for decades.
