Comments on: The GMO Big Lie dies on the vine Tue, 28 Jun 2016 22:50:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: mothman777 Tue, 28 Jun 2016 22:50:39 +0000 Yes, the microbial element will naturally propagate when the soil is returned to normal, when chemical fertilizers are no longer poisoning the ground and all river and estuarine life from the run-off, and your suggestions would help things along.

By: pennypisher Tue, 28 Jun 2016 04:12:58 +0000 absolutely right on about the rock dust, but the soil need microbes to digest that dust into soluble form and unfortunately much of the land is a microbial wasteland due to the heavy fertilizer salts doused on them over generations.

nothing a couple seasons of cover cropping and probiotic sprays couldn’t fix in most cases. the beauty of it is that farmers could use much of the same equipment they’re using now.

the answers are all right in front of our faces, and people are beginning to recognize who’s been blocking our view all this time…

By: johnbarleycorn12 Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:09:51 +0000 Outcome based science.

By: Laurie Tue, 21 Jun 2016 07:11:24 +0000 Bill Gates is not the brightest light in the pack. Anyone who can lie about so many things, while pushing his own thoughtless agenda (i.e. bullying), can’t have a trustworthy, intelligent vision for much. He possesses a mediocre mind and doesn’t have an original thought to speak of, including his nifty (copied) little invention called Microsoft. He’s got his hands in GMO/Monsanto investments, polio vaccines in India, and the dumbed down version of Gates math called “common core”. I watched him and his wife, Melinda on Ted Talks while laughing my butt off as they pretended to be altruistic. I guess they think they are getting away with something clever. That’s also when I realized Ted Talks is part of the propaganda machine. They take people with money and no brains and sell them a line of crap. A marketer’s dream.

Thanks Jon, for pointing out this information about the NAS and GMO’s.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 20 Jun 2016 06:05:34 +0000 Short but sweet, Jon.

My latest on Ozzie Thinker is anything but….


By: mothman777 Sun, 19 Jun 2016 22:54:11 +0000 Basalt rock dust added to soil provenly produces 2-4 times greater crop biomass, even up to 8 times as much biomass, also providing all crop plants with optimal nutrition, including micro-minerals such as praseodymium, lanthanum, samarium, neodymium, germanium, etc., that double the lifespans of animals in scientific experiments. They would do just the same for we humans.

Large scale failures of GM crops are evidenced in Africa for instances, and droves of African farmers are turning back to their usual farming methods with great success.

NPK chemical fertilizers added to nutrient deficient soil do not do that, and merely pump up crops with water.

Organic vegetables are often much smaller, but often have 12 times as much mineral content weight for weight, mineral content being of the greatest importance in terms of nutritional quality, but when basalt rock dust is added to soil, those organic vegetables often actually become much larger than vegetables grown with either current usual organic methods, or standard methods with NPK chemical fertilizer.

The planetary destruction squad is desperate to set in motion an unstoppable machine that will degrade the genomes of every creature on Earth, as part of their intended occult process.

The people responsible are the same inane people, not mere criminal psychopaths or so-called religious fanatics, who are doing everything they can to create war between America and Russia, as they have a wish to end all life in this dimension, the destruction of this dimension being a prerequisite for their attainment of a new Earth in a new dimension,a dimension that all who are not of their people will not be welcome to dwell on.

That is one of their options, along with the Samson Option. The fact that Leo Szilard invented the dirty nuclear bomb variant in 1950, the cobalt nuclear bomb, which he claimed could kill all life on Earth if just 400 of them were deployed, evidences this utterly inhuman and godless mindset.

Whatever happens, these ‘people’, or what are posing as people, want several similar programs running at the same time to ensure that there can be no error, the endless nuclear ‘bomb tests’, that release as much deadly radiation as a nuclear world war in themselves, permanently degrading our genomes, with an IQ drop in the human race of 14 points since 1945, all the DU, and Fukushima, which has almost totally extinguished all life in the Pacific Ocean, life on many levels in the water, from top to bottom, in an area bigger than a continent. Imagine if all life on an entire continent were to be snuffed out, that would be front page news to say the least, but not this event, and leaders around the world refuse to help to stop further radiation entering the water, speeding up what will inevitably be an extinction event in itself when that radiation floods every ocean on Earth.

This program is well under way now, and doubtless, hidden away beyond the reach of UN inspection teams, the requisite number of those cobalt nuclear weapons is even now being completed. All options are on the table to achieve their desired goal of planetary extinction. These godless people have taken the initiative to destroy what they see as a jailhouse, but not with the interests at heart of all the other residents it seems.

Brazil has now adopted using rock dust on a national scale instead of chemical fertilizers, as all countries should, but insane politicians, sinister agents of dark forces, have used deception to enter positions of power. Thank goodness some politicians are finding the courage and godliness within themselves to still see a good course for this Earth, and to stand against the madness of planetary destruction.

By: Dawn Vierra Sun, 19 Jun 2016 21:33:53 +0000 Jon uses some strong words. Yet I agree with everything he shares here

By: procomptor Sun, 19 Jun 2016 19:52:14 +0000 Well done and effectively….end of story! I have been with Microsoft since the beginning and have first hand seen the self destruction of Gates! Now Microsoft works exclusively for the NSA after a decade plus of mining peoples metadata. I am a thermal dynamics engineer and have worked for HP Toshiba and others and there is no respect left for Bill Gates save his own! Thanks Jon within this article lies real truth ,,,, mike
