Comments on: Mind control achieved through the “information flicker effect” Sun, 12 Mar 2017 00:16:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel o keeffe Sun, 12 Mar 2017 00:16:20 +0000 I think the question is why people are pressing the programming switch by turning on the television and allowed this stuff to go on?I mean it really is as simple as unsubscribing from all these channels and reading zen, meditating, painting, creating poetry etc

If you do not give something your attention it does not exist for you, the mind control, the programming and the nonsense. The addiction may be for many cloaked in “I need to be aware of current events” or some other self deception.

By: teachertrudi Sat, 03 Sep 2016 15:50:14 +0000 Thank you for sharing this amazing eye opener

By: theskyisfallingweb Tue, 05 Jul 2016 08:48:52 +0000 This is the most profound piece on the mass hypnosis technique called “news” I have ever read. It was profoundly cathartic to see such a sinister onion so clinically dissected.

By: Chris Tue, 05 Jul 2016 06:28:45 +0000 I’ve always had this picture in my mind of what the elite cartels reaction might have been when they were first presented with one of the earliest televisions way back in the 20s or 30s.

In my mind’s eye or should I say ear? I can almost hear them saying something like, “Fabulous, this will do quite well” or simply, “We got ’em now!!!” upon their realization that in a not so distant future, every home in America and beyond would have an idiot box front and center in the living room.

By: christopher a. bull Tue, 28 Jun 2016 21:40:18 +0000 Aron says: And worse, my friends and family and most everyone else is clueless to all of this. I do what I can to discuss these issues with them and point them to insightful articles (e.g. this website) but it almost always falls on deaf ears. I fear the controllers up here in Canada are going to destroy this country before anyone wakes up.

I’m with you on this Aron, as you’re Canadian we can see this is truly a World issue. Sometimes I feel those who reject our points of view are happy to be in a state of Mind Numbing Bliss created for them by the powers that be. And then we get the, “Oh, you are one of those “Conspiracy Theory Nuts”… I have much trouble getting theses same people to even read what Jon an many others put out.
I will re-word your other point; “I fear the Controllers here in Canada ARE destroying this country as they keep the populace in a state of sleep”. CB

By: Bob Klinck Wed, 22 Jun 2016 08:38:18 +0000 The flicker effect is designed to instill cognitive dissonance, which, as you say, disables the ability to reason logically. Once you become conscious of this underlying purpose of ‘communication’ in the modern world, detecting how it is ubiquitously practiced in news articles, political discourse, the ‘entertainment’ media, etc., becomes an endless diversion. Hollywood does its bit: my 12-year-old son put me onto this years ago when he pointed out that the plot of the highly rated film In the Name of the Father, which revolved around establishing non- involvement in a crime by proving where one was when a time-bomb went off(!), made no sense. I, like evidently millions of others, had taken this idiotic premise in, unconsciously furthering my mental paralysis. If people clue into this assault on their ratiocination, the effect will be very different from that intended by those who strive to subversively manipulate our minds.

By: NRB Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:44:16 +0000

By: Laurie Tue, 21 Jun 2016 07:24:38 +0000 Well that explains what I was seeing many years ago. I never got a single straight story from watching/reading the news. Like going to church, I found myself more frustrated with unanswered questions than whatever good it was supposed to do. I have better things to do than be frustrated with poor information from the hamster wheel.

By: Aron Tue, 21 Jun 2016 05:03:08 +0000 I don’t know if it’s a crime these news agencies are committing but it’s certainly immoral. Not only that, it’s so deflating to read these articles day in and day out knowing we are all (except the controllers of course) being lead down the garden path to hell on earth. And worse, my friends and family and most everyone else is clueless to all of this. I do what I can to discuss these issues with them and point them to insightful articles (eg. this website) but it almost always falls on deaf ears. I fear the controllers up here in Canada are going to destroy this country before anyone wakes up. Are people simply apathetic? Just looking out for number one – ie say nothing/know nothing = job security? Or is everyone’s trauma so severe that they are too damaged to seek out the truth? I for one am looking for truth as it’s the only way out of this mess IMO.

By: Not Some Hippy-dippy Person With No Science Background Tue, 21 Jun 2016 04:57:28 +0000 I’ve tried to wake people up by pointing out these glaring inconsistencies in these narratives, but I tend to get “well, they don’t always get all the details right when first reporting”. In other words, they don’t think about it.
