Comments on: Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State Wed, 04 Jan 2017 18:31:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deanna Johnston Clark Wed, 04 Jan 2017 18:31:54 +0000 Blessed New Year to everyone here…what a good thread of comments!!! Thanks!

By: kznwatch Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:17:44 +0000 Beautiful reply and you are right about the Mustangs– same with the African Elephant, the African Lion and majestic Rhino…. It is heartbreaking. I loved your reminiscing and can imagine the laughter and bonhomie– is that not after all what our human experience is all about! Sharing and caring and respecting each other– no matter how different their views are to our own! I always think of Putin’s mother, telling him not to hate the enemy soldiers, because that they too, were simply obeying orders — so terrible– So you’re so right –people that could’ve been friends, slaughtering each other on the battlefields of our planet…. Deanna thank you, I will try find the Michael Palin “Full Circle”– and enjoy it– hope its on YT… To you and yours– have a blessed and healthy, happy New Year— we simply need to keep our faith– let nothing ever make us give up to do right by our fellows– May God bless us with the courage to do so. Forgive typos!

By: Deanna Clark Wed, 28 Dec 2016 13:49:59 +0000 I loved the Russian choir from the Michael Palin “Full Circle” episode in Russia. The fun, likeable director was probably killed with them. Here’s my take: First, the choir is a Russian icon, and like our wild mustangs, a symbol of innocent national pride. Those,too, are under the gun now…not due to finances or oil but, I feel sure, because they are an icon of America.

Second: my husband is a classical violinist and for 50 years played in musical groups, trios, quartets full of WWII survivors…Germans, Jews, Romanians, Lithuanians…you get it. The most hysterical banter was between a Brooklyn Jewish violinist (D-Day medic) and a German cellist. The names they called each other and fun they had arguing. Once at a Baptist church Christmas gathering over the got so loud over the punch my husband was sure someone would say something. But no one every did.

Hate and grudges need but a common effort of creation, of beauty. People want to get along…and soldiers are all the same deep down. The effort to make everybody hate everybody must be very expensive…gargantuan. I want to make it even more expensive, don’t you all…Happy New Year!

By: kznwatch Tue, 27 Dec 2016 18:25:54 +0000 Same to you and yours!–only picked this up late, due to Russia’s terrible tragedy. Yes Deanna, we can only hope and pray that somehow a sobering descends on the world and this leads to journeying the world to peace and greater understanding…. God bless you and may I take this opportunity to wish you and everyone here– a healthy and contented New Year…

By: Deanna Clark Sat, 24 Dec 2016 15:31:36 +0000 Beautiful effort to honor our God…thanks.

By: Deanna Clark Sat, 24 Dec 2016 15:25:55 +0000 Thanks for the sweet reply! Merry Christmas to all here!

By: futuret Sat, 24 Dec 2016 05:51:25 +0000

By: kznwatch Sat, 24 Dec 2016 00:03:14 +0000 Agree one hundred percent with you… As the old saying goes, charity starts at home and thank God the world is still full of unsung heroes, who don’t regard themselves as heroes in the first place– which make them even more special, because they’re completely unaware of it! Just performing their daily tasks with love and care for their families … I think those ordinary people, which include most of us, have no idea that in doing what they’re doing, they generate the pure energy which has probably keeps the world from dissolving into utter chaos– Loved the way you explained it– grounded me again, which I needed, as I do become too involved at times… Have a beautiful Christmas …

By: Kathy Roberts Mon, 04 Jul 2016 21:35:41 +0000 Oh dear! Perhaps we should be more concerned about Brexit, because the ETs are:

By: Deanna Clark Sat, 02 Jul 2016 18:59:12 +0000 It’s a balancing act. Humanity has survived at all because people are absorbed in their personal doings, guarding their personal possessions and families. An old cliche was that the baby tips over the kettle and is burned because the mother is worried about children in China.

Also, it’s humble to look after your own…not have too many delusions…and pray for the world. Everyone is not called to be an idealistic superhero…thank God.
