Comments on: Brexit and the Matrix Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:07:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: RAW Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:07:56 +0000 Nigel sums it all up right here…

By: RAW Tue, 28 Jun 2016 00:44:08 +0000 I’ve really enjoyed Nigel’s fearless exposure of the Brussels gang over the past few years… Thanks for background intel, very helpful. I wondered how he was sidelined and what that was all about.

By: Jane Mon, 27 Jun 2016 23:36:51 +0000 Wish I had those words to say the same. Kudos.

By: Jill Mon, 27 Jun 2016 23:10:08 +0000 The Queen never makes political comments. She meets with the Prime Minister every week or month, can’t remember which. The discussions are never made public. Comments made by the Queen are rarely leaked and if they are it is a long time after the event. Anything said about the Queen supporting Brexit is conjecture.
Brexit will definitely be blamed for future financial meltdown. The reason for Cameron offering a referendum if the Tories were elected and he became Prime Minister was, I think, to finish off UKIP. Nigel Farage only entered politics to fight for a referendum and it has taken him since about 1992. We would not have had a referendum without him. At the last election, because of our voting system, UKIP only ended up with one Member of Parliament even though they got 4 million votes. Originally UKIP took votes from the Tories but then they started to eat in to the Labour vote. The puppet masters do not want anything to threaten the two party system, Labour and Tories. There is little difference between the two of them, or there was until Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader by the membership and not the Parliamentary Party. If a referendum was held and lost, that would have been the end of UKIP. However, Nigel Farage was side lined by Boris Johnson and Michael Gove and now he is being frozen out of any negotiations regarding UK exiting the EU. I really think that what you see is what you get as far as Nigel Farage is concerned. I am not sure about Boris Johnson. He is very ambitious and wants to be Prime Minister but not sure what other game he is playing.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Mon, 27 Jun 2016 20:53:54 +0000 BrExit, CSExit & NASExit are resetting now:

Consensus scientists, national academies of sciences and globalist bankers and politicians can speed up the rebuilding of public trust by openly admitting falseness of two worldwide LIES Immediately after WWII:

1. The Sun IS NOT made of, nor powered by, H-fusion; The Sun and other stars make and discard H to interstellar space.

2. The powerful force between neutrons IS NOT attraction, as Weizsacker’s nuclear binding energy equation claims; The powerful force between neutrons is repulsion that causes cores of heavy atoms, ordinary stars, and galaxies to fragment and/or emit neutrons, as Aston’s nuclear packing fraction showed in his 1922 Noble Prize Lecture.

By: RAW Mon, 27 Jun 2016 19:26:40 +0000 Goldman will always play both sides of the game. What you are not considering here, or acknowledging if otherwise, is the massive consequence of contagion in this brexit move. If there was an underlying plan by the globalists to orchestrate brexit to succeed, then it will backfire because the rage of the people in Europe is evident… and it will gain momentum.

Reasons I do not agree with your assessment, and these points are ALL related 1) the central banksters are running out of time, there’s no where to hide and they are out of options (except for some version of world war – possible) 2) BRICS are making their move to exit the petrodollar and SWIFT with their own gold backed currency 3) The Greater Israel Project is doomed as Russia successfully intervened on Syrias behalf… Syria is not going to fall 4) People are waking up to the globalist madness 5) There is much going on behind the scenes with full disclosure (ET history) which many folks are in complete denial about and must wake up to… the changes happening on this front are immense and about to hit prime-time. Observe the many related tv programs and movies being released around this subject to prepare people. And most of it is agenda driven and misleading. Exopolitics will be the new buzzword in the near future.

I wonder though… and I do not dismiss your perception here at all. I question brexit regarding: the Royal Family and Boris Johnson… both supporting Brexit – not a peep from royal family during this whole event, or did I miss something here? And yes, the brexit referendum is far from being a done deal… this can stretch on for years. And Cameron DOES look as smug as ever, even in defeat.

Ref Links:

By: usurykills Mon, 27 Jun 2016 19:22:36 +0000 I do not believe BREXIT was a surprise vote. Outcomes at that level are always managed.

It is certainly Kabuki meant to manipulate public opinion. A nefarious plan I am sure.

A financial reset is in the making. The Kreeple want to stay in charge. The current group of “leaders” have been made to appear evil so the people will flock to their new saviors.

Who are the NEW NWO? Actually, it doesn’t matter. As long as we have “representatives,” we will be enslaved. The control grid will be revamped tighter than ever.

By: bob klinck Mon, 27 Jun 2016 18:20:46 +0000 That Cameron so enthusiastically portrays such an ambivalent (as reported) vote as being clear and decisive indicates that some devious plot is afoot.

By: Jill Mon, 27 Jun 2016 16:10:45 +0000 I am from the UK and I am not sure that a vote for Brexit was planned. After the murder of Jo Cox I and other people I spoke to felt that all was lost. The pro Remain media and the Remain campaign milked that tragic death for all it was worth. I also think that they thought that their predictions of Armageddon if there was a vote for Brexit would turn enough people around and the majority would vote for Remain. Our first past the post system means that nearly all elections are fought on a first past the post basis and Brexit passed the 50% point and won. So often the British people have swallowed the promises of Governments, toed the line and accepted the status quo. Not this time. Something shifted. I am not saying that we will get Brexit without a fight. I think the referendum is the beginning not the end. All the cards have been thrown up in the air and we are not sure where they will land. So if anyone has any insight they would like to share I will be enormously grateful. Just a few snippets to take in to account. It was reported today that David Miliband is on his way to Brussels (one of the HQs of the EU). He sought leadership of the Labour Party (he is a Blairite) but lost out to his brother. He then left the UK to take up a job with a charity in the USA. However he is listed on the Trilateral Commission website as a member as follows: President and Chief Executive Officer, International Rescue Committee, New York; former Member of the British Parliament; former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, London. What do we think he is up to? Anyone? Soros is talking about reconstructing the EU which chimes a bit with Varoufakis who has started a movement to democratise the EU. We all know what Soros is and Varoufakis is definitely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So please all you lovely people and Jon Rappoport please give me your opinions on what could happen next. Thank you Mauricio for your piece. I am going to read again to really get my head around it. Onwards and upwards.

By: Theodore Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:33:14 +0000 Thanks for sharing, Q!

This, for me, is a very profound rant by AJ…

I particularly like the salvo starting at the 9m39s mark…

and also at 10m28s.
