Comments on: Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was Mon, 04 Jul 2016 18:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Mon, 04 Jul 2016 18:40:56 +0000 bunny – i just wanted to thank you for caring for the animals. i love them too, and this is not a proper world for them. someday soon, though….

it is easy enough to see why some people prefer them to humans.

i have never

lol. love to you and your best friends.


By: Bunny Sun, 03 Jul 2016 23:48:33 +0000 Jarrod, since i cannot reply below your post to me i will do so under your responsee to terri

I don’t see how disagreeing with you or terri is “turning ugly”. I am pointing to MY ACTUAL experience , which contradicts what you are saying, that is called proof by way of contradiction.Psychopaths don’t suffer..I am not sure why most of your posts keep jumping to conclusions about me personally..and since you made it personal, i am pointing out that your conclusions are not accurate.

You are waxxing eloquent about some Universalist concept, attacking a lefthand path strawman, and dismissing my experiences as irrelevant because you both know better. I don’t pontificate at people, i roll up my sleeves and do what i can to create the reality i want to see.

I read your messages to my husband and he thought your tone appeared preachy and condescending ,effectively not discussing but asserting your worldview.
Be that as it may. i will drop it.
Peace out, Bunny

By: Terri Sun, 03 Jul 2016 22:19:28 +0000 Thanks Jarrod, I appreciate you seeing my intention as one of kindness.. its wonderful you still seek to see the good in humans, despite the many examples we have that say otherwise, but those who are not in balance can only practice what has been done to them, and they have nothing other to give than more negativity. just by making this choice,to see the good, you make the world better. the idea that belief creates your reality is difficult to embrace and understand, the more work i do and the more clarity i get from this the more i see that it is true. life is a self fulfilling prophecy. you have a mechanism within the brain called the Reticular activating system or RAS. the best definition is given in the movie what the bleep, have you seen it? this acts as a filter on all stimulus that comes to your brain. your beliefs will weed out anything that is not in accordance with them. your beliefs also can be unconscious, which is why most people remain stuck, they dont realize what they are asking for. in having the attitude that humans are inherently good, your life is probably a reflection of that and you see more good than otherwise.

Nature does operate from a higher truth, as you said and always prevails. this is why anyone who teaches about true wealth on any level always states you must feel and know you already have in order to have something. this reiterates what Jon speaks of, and his emphasis on the imagination, which is actually another word for faith or magic. believing in something, even if you cant see it yet is more powerful than anything and Source must grant you what you intend. even Jesus gives examples of this when people were healed, because of their faith.

the process of coming to know divine truth is part of the journey of realization and masterhood. enjoying the journey is something I appreciate more and more. there is no judgment when coming from a perspective beyond duality. this is why i consider God or Source to be another word for Love, without condition. Source accepts without judgment and has even given us this experience in this world. punishment is a human convention used to control and keep people obedient and slaves. Nature is never punitive.

you are very right about how the apathy of humans creates the slave/master state. i have talked about this in my other comment below, as well as other postings on Jon’s website. there can be no perpetrators if no one is willing to be a victim. in speaking of the Truth of All That Is, i see
Source as being ever changing, and expanding. we came to this duality world to actually experience like light thru a prism, an entire spectrum of “truth” and have been given free will to believe and do anything we choose, whether it is in alignment or not. its quite an amazing experiment and game, isnt it?

humans are taught to be cruel, and to not be in alignment with nature, for that serves those who exploit others. religion and other “education” is geared toward corrupting the precious child who comes to this world to expand and share who they are. they remember and do their best to share this knowing but like animals, are not usually listened to. thankfully, the natural child movement and attachment parenting is gaining strength in remembering what indigenous communities have practiced for a millennia. the natural child project is a great website with many articles from many different people about alternatives to raising our children with love and respect, instead of punitiveness and obedience, which destroys the spirit and creates slaves. this is the only thing that will change the course humans are following, which is their own self destruction.this website isnt just for parents, its for everyone who wants to heal their inner child and consciousness and create a better world.

your comment about the breach of natural law is very powerful. this is also a root of the suffering humans experience. we can not expect to do or vibrate at a certain level which is not in alignment, and not expect to suffer. it doesnt feel good to be out of alignment with All That Is. Abraham Hicks and others talk about our feelings as being our way to know where we stand, and its just feedback to then change our beliefs, feelings, actions to change our experience. we cant mindlessly allow fracking, pesticides, or eat at mcdonalds and expect to have good health;physically or spiritually.

the fact that you mention the responsibility of all the people in allowing these things to go on is rare and spot on. this is why our republic was founded, the people were given the remedy to be free/responsible and to hold our public servants accountable. due to the collectivist and victim programming, the people have failed in their responsibilities and allow corruption to occur. they refuse to exercise or acknowledge their power. they worship a god called obedience/punishment and demand obedience no matter what, even if it creates destruction and defies natural law.

there are alot of good books on animal communication. you have to have quietness within yourself in order to hear. and what you receive you will interpret in different ways. sometimes its feelings, sometimes words, sometimes pictures. it depends on who you are talking to and how you receive. start out small, with simple things. you can sit under a tree and project love and ask a question of the tree and see what you get back. you can talk to your dog or cat or other animal. they are always surprised when you seek to communicate, since most humans are so dull and out of balance.

thanks for sharing and listening Jarrod!

By: Jarrod Sat, 02 Jul 2016 18:24:33 +0000 Well Bunny, somehow this turned ugly and sparked some kind of anger within you. After this I’ll let the conversation go and move on. I just have to say that I don’t think Terri was at all trying to upstage you, persuade you, or lecture you in anyway and in fact, I read Terri’s comments as coming from a place of kindness. As for the cruel things that have been perpetrated against you, I truly sympathize and am sorry you went through them. I wish I could convince you that humans are inherently GOOD at their deepest level, and that their seeming lack of goodness is merely weakness, but convincing you is impossible to do via black and white text on a screen and, in the end, has to be something you may or may not discover for yourself. The very fact that you take care of animals should show you that there is goodness inside of you, however. As for the people who do bad things and seem to get away with them, I don’t mean to assume here, but I’d say they too are suffering internally, and their actions ultimately are coming from a place of pain and weakness. As Terri said, material wealth and true wealth are different things, and so it is impossible for a person who could do so much damage to you to be truly wealthy within, to not be full of pain and suffering and darkness, regardless of how much they try to hide it on the outside and how much the external circumstances of their life appear to be ok. Thanks for the dialogue though, I always learn a lot by getting the opportunity to express my views and hear the views of others : )

By: Jarrod Fri, 01 Jul 2016 22:57:58 +0000 Thank you for the great response. You expanded and improved upon the concept of animal consciousness and obviously are connected to animals in a way that I have not yet achieved- but I’m working on it. Thank you for the wisdom and the insights and I’ll use what you said to refine my own cosmology. I agree with most of what you say except for the ‘belief creating reality’ part. I see truth as both relative and universal, meaning there is but one Truth, one All that actually Is, and we can either be in alignment or misalignment with it. As individuals we can absolutely come to know this truth because it is our proximity to it that is our relative, subjective experience of its emanation, yet this infinite eternal All that Is is universal. This would stand to reason that this truth exists whether we believe in it or not. And that’s how I see the laws of Nature, as binding, immutable, and always in effect, regardless of whether we believe in them or not. As you say true wealth is vastly different from material wealth, so I think those so called “elites” who scheme and subjugate others ARE suffering; thus their breach of natural law is having a negative effect, yet our inaction as a society to stand up for the liberty we inherently possess is keeping the corrupt system going as well. But as I said excellent points and I thank you for the wisdom.

By: Bunny Fri, 01 Jul 2016 16:15:07 +0000 Wow! I have limited experience with animals and nature? wow, just wow.
I have volunteered every week for the last eight years at an animal rescue/sanctuary where i have seen some of the handiwork of humans. Defenseless creatures used as footballs,broken backs, starved half to death, tormented and terrorized; …i actually prefer the company of animals to humans, which is why i live with six rescues, and a husband whose views of the human race are even more dismal than mine.

we are also avid hikers and are usually out in the mountains hiking several times a week.
I don’t need someone else channeled or otherwise telling me what to believe or how to act,but thanks anyway

By: Bunny Fri, 01 Jul 2016 16:13:28 +0000 I don’t have a paradigm all hammered out and set in stone, i simply take things from experience.
As someone who grew up the scapegoated daughter of a violent malignant narcissist who used me as a whipping post, and who was tormented at school by classmates for being “different” i don’t have a very high i opinion of humans., I can say that these people have suffered not one bit, in fact society tends to reward people who do horrible things. Ihave had abusive people who do ugly and revolting things preach to me about the glories of love and forgiveness until i wanted to puke.
Our government’s representatives who train death squads and send them into other countries, and who air bomb civilians while calling them “collateral damage”; seem to be built on similar lines…don’t see any karmic repercussions there.

I was simply looking at the statement of satanic principles which do not seem that bad to me.

Humans do not automatically get a free pass to be more “dignified higher order” ,.. as far as i am concerned

I was commenting on Natural law in that to me natural means something unformulated and is what it is on its own, while laws are artificial constructs of the human mind, and would not exist otherwise.

Having read of other ethnicities where ethics are very much different (as in child sacrifice is viewed as a virtue) it appears to me that natural law is a eurocentric viewpoint.


By: arcadia11 Fri, 01 Jul 2016 02:53:40 +0000 thank you, jarrod.

By: Terri Thu, 30 Jun 2016 21:47:27 +0000 Bunny, I would also add that you do not understand the concept of Nature or natural law if you think it is bad. perhaps you have no or limited experience with other animals and nature. Jarrod, you make some good points. this is why the path of service to self always self destructs, sooner or later, and is limited,but as Ra says, all paths serve the creator.

the very drama that is playing out is represented by those who hate and fear Mother nature and wish to create artificial constructs that defy natural law, and those who honor and keep the sacred balance of All That Is, such as many indigenous cultures that were and are targeted for their humble recognition of their place within nature, alongside of all of our brothers and sisters. no other animals seek to subjugate others and destroy their world. humans do so for they keep themselves separate and in their deluded arrogance,think they are superior and more powerful than natural law.this is not so. just because you can do something, doesnt mean you should.

animals are more aware than humans and have a deeper understanding that if we listen, we can learn and benefit from. they are our teachers as are our children, if we allow them to do so. just because you may not hear what they say, doesnt mean they are silent. it just means your consciousness is not aware of or in tune and you havent learned how to listen to the great silence. humans have forgotten how to speak the multiversal language of the heart that everyone else communicates with. yes, even the cheetah and the gazelle communicate with each other.

the rattlesnakes, coyotes, and other animals around me are far better neighbors, who show respect and honor, than the humans who violently seek to destroy, harm and trespass against others.

karma is an eastern concept not easily understood and misunderstood by the western mind. your beliefs will create your experience. those who believe it is right to hurt others to get what they want will not experience punishment because they were not taught they will be punished for it. those who have been punished and raised through most religions will punish and police themselves if they think they are being “bad”. it may seem that those who have so much material things are better off than others, but if they do not have love and an open heart, if you look closer, their lives are just as sad and pathetic as the rest. wealth and real wealth are not the same thing. only an unhappy person can act in ways that harm others,and themselves, no matter how many toys they surround themselves with. you should never assume you know enough about anyone or anything to judge them. that is a preoccupation of the mind and serves as distraction and excuse for not creating your own life consciously.

Sun Tzu’s the Art of War is another must read if you want to understand what true power is. its not what you think.

the elites want you to be separate from nature, for so in doing, leaves you dependent upon them. they want you to not understand or be a part of nature and All That Is. they want you to fear nature for then you will turn to them for all the answers and remain weak, distracted and confused. they need your attention to exist. they will take all of it, good or bad attention, and use it to make themselves stronger.

By: Terri Thu, 30 Jun 2016 21:09:33 +0000 hi Bunny, you might be interested in reading the Ra channelings, which talks about service to self and service to others being two distinct paths we can play out in this journey in this grand game. Also the sword of truth novels by terry goodkind were brilliant in depicting the very conundrum we find ourselves in that you talk about. working hard, like other virtues is bastardized by the corrupt to enslave people. living a real life is hard work, but its satisfying in that you remain connected to your inner self, nature and All that Is.

we do have a choice between arguing and keeping our mouths shut, which is what our American Republic was founded for, power by,of and for the people. but the people have to be intelligent, active, and aware for they are the key to keeping this ideal alive. unfortunately, the masses do not display much of any of the previous, and this is the way its been for a long time. as a nation of laws, not men, no one is above the law, which totally defied the previous empire thinking of royalty which existed previously. humans have been given an opportunity to be free and responsible, or slaves and abdicate their power and responsibility to their keepers. it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and use the law to fulfill our duties and responsibilities as free powerful men and women. dont expect anyone to do this for you or to count on the collectivist “education” system to show you how. America was founded only 200 short years ago, not a very long time for the average Joe to evolve with this divine, noble concept.

in reading the science of being excellent, the concept that all is well and in perfect order and what we see is just humans in a savage state of existence, which will change sometime, allows us to not waste our time on judgment of others, but choose to know we are divine, and therefore powerful and we can decide for ourselves. everyone does decide whether they know it or not. the power of imagination, as Jon talks about, is very important in real creation.we must be careful what we put into our imagination, we are taught to imagine horrible things and let fear rule us, instead of consciously and lovingly grow and create beauty and wonderful things.

so lets for a second look at all these people who have been in power and controlled millions for centuries. they really believe they are right and are not going to relinquish any of this control that was granted to them by the very people they control, unless and until the individual or large groups of humans show they really mean it. everyone must take back any agreements made to allow anyone else to decide for us. this especially begins in the home, with taking back our power our parents stole from us, just like the elites do to the masses. where do you think this whole idea of tyranny begins?it begins in the living room of every home in the world with soul crushing concepts such as obedience, which is what you only expect from slaves, not people you are supposed to love, cherish and protect.

if you look at all the absurd behavior out there, its no wonder those who control others feel justified in telling everyone what to do. the common people prove they are common, untrustworthy and have no power every day thru their actions and lack of action. humans dont like to hear this, because blaming is so intrinsic to victim consciousness, which is insidious and controls everyone who has not gotten out of the program. blame is a limited mind construct which leads to no solutions. responsibility is power and creates only solutions, it is where imagination resides.

it is always the individual, as Jon so beautifully states every day in so many ways, that has the key to freedom for their lives.hence, the individual has the power that most deny and are afraid to use, because they have been taught its wrong, by people they trusted.
