Comments on: The free individual vs. the Deep State Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:55:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:55:08 +0000 The sacrifice of true individuality for the promise of power and protection as a segregated and separated sense of self is the very thing such self-denial ‘does’ by threatening withdrawal of allegiance from it’s dictate with pain and loss.
The reversal is also noteworthy in the accusation of the hidden sins in oneself being vociferously asserted as the evil in the other.
The recognition of the false as false is its invalidation as YOU – and this dropping away of the false is synchronous to the rising awareness of You as an indivisibility – not as concept. Not as concept of individuality.
Do not be negatively defined within concept. As the expression or embodiment of true individuality you will be identified within a living movement of relational communication – and this applies no less to your inner receptive as to your outer expressive. Concept… carpets, curtains and blinds – while identified within.
The Thin King seeks to control and limit imagination within a sense of exclusive identity. This is maintained by identifying ‘against’. And sets of polarized tweedledee-dums ‘self-reinforce’ each other to exclude any other perspective.

By: binra Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:03:35 +0000 I just wrote this into an comment but its bang on the nail for this and so here it is:

Thoughts on individuality:
A false and corrupted idea of the individual became the basis for a false reactive version of the collective. If we realized that the accepted currency of idea is the definitional template by which we interpret, perceive and respond to everything, we would also see how powerfully this generates our sense of identity and associated protection, and be vigilant against false currency. Divide and rule is a middleman who seeks to interject between so as to own or control the flow of information, energy, or sustenance. Driving the moneylenders out of the Temple was not inciting rebellion – so much as awakening inner responsibility. People didn’t get it then or now – because thought is working from a divided individuality (oxymoron) seeking validation and protection for identity defined over and against others.

Those working the scam are aware of what they are doing, but those below are generally aligned with a righteous sense of fighting evil. As long as such division is invested in for pumping up our identity, the scam remains hidden and active upon our lives. Giving true witness is communicating as an extension of worth rather than as a coercive trick to claim ascendancy in ‘truth’ or win a conflict of wills so as to ‘validate’ oneself over another.

Confusion of personality with individuality short-circuits true communication – for a persona is a mask over an inherently conflicted or defended and hidden sense of self and is not and can not be equal to the function of our individuality. This sense of powerlessness in struggle characterizes a breakdown of communication assigned to the symptoms without awareness of or possibility of addressing the cause.
