Comments on: Did you really think Bernie Sanders was playing it straight? Sun, 21 Aug 2016 22:25:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeanie Sun, 21 Aug 2016 22:25:50 +0000 I know most of DC is enmeshed with the Clinton Foundation, just wonder your source for this claim re Bernie, who actually is cleaner than 99% of DC. Noting his beat up face on Tuesday morning of the convention, and Schumer’s threats of outing him from all committee work in the senate, and the claim that Jane’s life was threatened, I am not convinced, yet, he sold out.

By: Kevin Tue, 26 Jul 2016 18:45:34 +0000 It doesn’t matter because there is no election. The cabal picked HRC to be the next POTUS long ago. She will be appointed, and then probably sacrifice some more chickens to Moloch.

By: Jeff Ross Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:25:16 +0000 Two plus two does equal five

By: Theodore Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:25:45 +0000 If you have a link to “Sierra Medre heroin, US Army in the 1830s and 1840s” that would be great.


Sierra Medre in 2015…

Mexican farmers turn to opium poppies to meet surge in US heroin demand | In the mountains of Guerrero small villages with few economic alternatives mark the first link in the chain of Mexico’s multibillion-dollar opium trade

“The heroin trade is a losing prospect for everyone except the Mexican cartels, who have found a new way to make money in the face of falling cocaine consumption and marijuana legalisation in the United States. Once smaller-scale producers of low-grade black tar, Mexican drug traffickers are now refining opium paste into high-grade white heroin and flooding the world’s largest market for illegal drugs, using the distribution routes they built for marijuana and cocaine.”


Sierra Medre in the second half of the 19th century and in WW2…

Many trace Sinaloa’s first narcotics crop–opium–to the numerous Chinese settlers who arrived in the last half of the 19th century. “It was a good agricultural place for it. And generation after generation the people just did it, they perfected it,” explains Edward Heath, former Country Attache for the DEA in Mexico. But large scale production of opium didn’t start until the 1940’s and World War II. Japan gained control of the Asian opium supply and the U.S. military needed morphine for its soldiers. So the U.S. turned to Mexico for help. “We were concerned that our supply of opium or morphine would be cut off because the world was at war. So we needed a supply close by. But,that was one of those black box things. Who knows when it happened, who did it, and why.” says Edward Heath. During this period of a government-tolerated opium trade, many Sinaloans made their fortune. “Everybody was growing it, it was institutional. Some government officials bought the harvest from the farmers to export themselves. There were even soldiers up in the hills caring for the plants,” explains Dr. Ley Dominguez, a 77-year-old life long resident of Mocorito, one of Sinaloa’s most notorious opium regions. After Japan’s defeat, however, the U.S. no longer needed Sinaloa’s inferior strain of opium. But many farmers continued to produce opium and heroin; operations became more clandestine, and a smuggling network was set up.

By: Molecule Sun, 17 Jul 2016 03:36:19 +0000 The two parties work together, like hand in glove.

The Democrat branchs of “the Establishment” are […] racist Bolshevik WORMS. They just open wide, never look left, right or up or down, and “eat” whatever kind of staged predicament (involving manhood and national security) has been placed before them. They call this process of open wide and eat “… moving forward.”

The Republican branchs of “the Establishment” are the […] racist Bolshevik ACTIVISTS. NeoCons, RINOs, Cryptos, et al. The activist branches use Pentagon special ops forces to create the predicaments, so that the worms can open wide and “move us forward.”

The Establishment (i.e. the US Army) got its start by trafficking in heroin from the Sierra Medre, starting in the 1830s and 1840s. A young Col. Rob’t E. Lee and a young Col Ulysses S. Grant were profiteers from the US Army heroin operations. Bach then US Army regime change was called Manifest Destiny. After the US Army supplied the heroin and ran two “opium wars” against the Chinese regime change operation to setup a regional fascist dictatorship under control of “the Establishment,” Lee (with duties for distruction in the South) and Grant (with duties for distribuiton in the North) used the Lincoln administration to orchestrate a regime change in North America. With Lincoln’s Congress adjourned Sine Die, and Lieber Code (marshal law) enforced, with perpetual “emergency war powers” held by the Pentagon, where Article One courts (civil courts under civll law) were morphed into Article Four courts (the states redefined as territorial possessions of the federal government and placed under Admiralty law — basically the law of piracy), the “US Gov’t” has been operating as a political smokescreen. It’s purpose is to protect “the Establishment,” meaning the ancient and venerable global heroin mafia, meaning what we know call “the Pentagon.” In addition to controlling global heroin and cocaine trafficking, the Pentagon also controls 60% of the US “economy.” The Joint Chiefs control the Pentagon economy. They operate from the little understood East Wing of the White House — the Bolshevik-economic East Wing being much more powerful than the media-embedded West Wing. Because the Vice President controls the East Wing, the Vice President is actually more powerful than the President. Together with the Joint Chiefs + the 60% of the US economy controlleld by the Pentagon + the prerogatives of special forces, national security, and terrorism with funding by heroin and cocaine trade, the vP is really more powerful than the President, who is reduced to being a politically impotent clown who puts on shows for the media. Starting with Truman, every VP has been privately selected and more powerful than the sock puppet President, who is held out in front like a political distration. The Cheney-Bush administration is a recent example.

Nothing new about the Bolshevik agenda. It is White Genocide, Black Slavery.

By: Bobby Sat, 16 Jul 2016 22:26:45 +0000 Bernie was for real? A victim? I don’t think so.

By: Bobby Sat, 16 Jul 2016 22:25:19 +0000 I’ll answer that question as honestly as I can from my many years of observing these political parties. Democrats, ALWAYS, I mean in the end, ALWAYS, support each other, so Sanders decision to support Clinton came as no surprise at all to me. Republicans on the other hand, have a party of sell-outs, RINO’s, who will betray their own over and over again, usually because of leftist pressure from the Democrats. Republicans in my opinion, are a WHOLEY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF THE LEFT, DEMOCRAT PARTY..

By: From Québec Fri, 15 Jul 2016 00:57:59 +0000 FACES… it all comes back to faces. If you can read a face correctly, you would never have fallen for Bernie.
First time I saw his face I knew he was no good.

First time I saw Donald Trump’s face, I knew he was good and that he was the kind of leader the world needed to crush globalisation.

Learn to read faces and never get fooled again!

By: whiteyward Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:58:05 +0000 Bernie never intended to win. Demos needed a fall guy to let Clinton cheat and not say anything. He performed the standard […] role and she walked…

By: Bruce Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:12:51 +0000 Bernie Everything is Free but Bernie Sanders – the dutiful allusion of choice. Bernie will now have access to great privilege, more lucrative insider trading deals and fabulous wealth. It’s beautiful to watch the seamless corruption and the elected garbage who act in the Oligarchy’s play. Too bad we the people pay for it…and pay for it…and pay for it…with our impoverishment and loss of liberty. Then again, maybe it’s all worth it as Bernie will now rise above the income inequality gap every bum deals with?
