Comments on: Freedom is the natural state of being Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:30:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:30:50 +0000 Should have read Freedom is an ‘Is’ – not and is and Is.

By: binra Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:29:46 +0000 Freedom is and Is – and mind control operates on the basis that an Is has been killed or invalidated and replaced by a was.
Mind control operates as ‘mind’ – and control operates as ‘freedom, survival, individuality’ or any other symbol or representation and presentation of Life.

If you ONLY frame your writings about mind-control in terms of THEM doing it to US – then you are not looking at the ‘back-door’ correspondences by which you accept mind-control in place of your freedom.

I am not arguing against witnessing that manipulative and coercive deceit operates via hidden agenda – but I have to bring it home to where my participation operates my experience – and that operates at a level prior to the denial and projection of self-guilting judgement.

The Projector is not the character in script. The projector of the script is mind operating through what you accept as true for you – which is not usually congruous with the surface personality presentation – for that was made to hide. Mind control is a hiding of and hiding in as a result of ‘overwhelm’ or trauma – that fragments into masking personae over and as the refusal of experience.

Those who study the mind with intent to control it observe and replicate what they think they see in Life – as if to assume the power of divide and rule. Using the mind this way loses what its true function is – and does. Everything that comes from a false foundation, teaches it. However, we can pause from reaction to false or conflicted ‘reality’ so as to feel and find our participation in our experience – which is a matter of yielding mind-control to a recognition of freedom from a conflicted and fearful sense of threat and struggle.

The term feel here is not translatable into conceptual code.
