Comments on: Part 5, What is The Matrix? Sat, 16 Jul 2016 22:11:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Sat, 16 Jul 2016 22:11:12 +0000 Just change the static – aggrieved-righteous judgement-based human ‘condition’ for ‘conditioning’.
No matter who did what to who – first or as a result – your conditioning pattern is yours by your acceptance and validation through acting out from the belief-interpretation at the time. Own it.
Or allow it to predicate your life and repeat the same imprinting over and over.

Finding resolution or indeed reintegration has been predicated on conditions that have to be met as the form of the way in which resolution can be accepted. But if the claim of being Right is released from the rage that has this as its core imprint – then imagination is allowed back in as the steps and pathways of a more truly aligned experience and communication of your Existence – which includes All That Is – but does not have to manifest what you don’t prefer. You do not have to focus on what has no resonance and relevance for you – and if you do – and are – then it HAS and it is up to you to discover what is going on in you – in your beliefs and definitions of self. And in your larger agreement to participate in a collective reality Earth – for the matrix by which form embodies meaning to reflect to recognition and expansion is the Creative un-separate from Creation.

The identity-need to be exclusively Right – conforms imagination to only find and allow pathways that support its conditioned pattern. Only this is “Reality” and imagination is invalidated or denied any other communication. Such “Reality” has conditioned us over millennia to split or fragment consciousness over and over and over in ways that manifest as blaming others or world for the underlying imprints that we also enact as the setting of those conditions – and cannot believe anything that exceeds them. It isn’t just that there are very complex negative interacting associations – but that the ‘territory’ involved is generally of the kind that we want OUT OF ASAP by whatever means possible – and so don’t get to abide there long enough to actually bring curiosity present.

You cannot think your way out of a mind-trap. You have to feel through to a perspective from which to shift to a reality the mind-set disallowed but which now can be lived from – believed in and recognised in reflected experience.
Feeling operates a quality and richness of information that thinking cannot reach or control – but can operate so as to deny, rule out, substitute for and demonize.

By: Peter Grafström Sat, 16 Jul 2016 10:50:55 +0000 p342 of New Dark Age Conspiracy by Carol White (commisioned by Lyndon Larouche)

“The weakness of the United States, even in its beginnings, is epitomized by the acceptance of Thomas Jefferson as President, although he opposed every principle for which the republic was established. Jefferson, an associate of Shelburne and covert supporter of Burr, fully endorced Shelburne’s attempt to turn the United States into a plantation economy. Jefferson’s ugly character and his claim to public office both were rooted in his association with the slave-owning southern planter class which aspired to become an aristocracy. [5]”

[5] Donald Plau, “The treachery of Thomas Jefferson,” The Campaigner (1980) 13:4-32.
