Comments on: Shooting cops across America: guidance from above Wed, 20 Jul 2016 21:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: sg marguerite Wed, 20 Jul 2016 21:10:26 +0000 I have a number of family members in law enforcement in one prominent American City. They are all independent patriots and good Americans. They can see the writing on the wall – they can not stand the POS sitting in the WH. In short, they are awake. We as a family have discussed contingency plans in case of federal crack down. Not sure if cops will turn on their neighbors and families like Obama, Soros and the globalists want them to do. Why has Soros funded BLM with millions? Because he has a good heart? He’s a POS and looks like the devil himself.
The banksters and globalists have been patient for centuries, and I agree that their plans have accelerated and they don’t care any more what we know or don’t know. We see through them; we see their tactics and we are not biting the bait. We will do the best we can to prepare and defend our families.
This war against cops has been instigated from the top and any clear thinking person can see it for what it is. How many clear thinking people are out there? The media is nothing but a mouthpiece for the globalists; and our Congress are puppets for the globalists selling Americans down the drain. If I sound bitter, it’s because I am. But I am an awake, bitter person 🙂

By: Theodore Wed, 20 Jul 2016 21:06:05 +0000 “…the Age of Disinformation.” — Jon Rappoport

By: susan grace Wed, 20 Jul 2016 20:57:16 +0000 Perfectly stated. Encourage people to turn off the TV, cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It’s all propaganda. Let’s help each other to wake up.

By: susan grace Wed, 20 Jul 2016 20:54:36 +0000 HELL YES, Lemmon is an operative as 99.95% of the media.

By: andy cole Tue, 19 Jul 2016 22:18:17 +0000 If the police did what they were suppose to do we would not have all the problems we have. A judge in Yuma, Arizona once said “that’s the cost of doing business”.

By: John Doe Tue, 19 Jul 2016 22:05:23 +0000 The American people collectively have been so bamboozled and pimped for the last 100 years at least. We have been baited into killing in the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the War on Terror/Nouns and now they are bringing it home to blacks, police and ultimately white America. Jon, are we ever going to wake up and stop taking the bait? Our strength is in seeing the world as it is and not as TV says it is….don’t take the bait, don’t turn on each other, focus on the bankers that are robbing us blind and their benefactors.

By: Laurie Tue, 19 Jul 2016 19:38:15 +0000 Great article, Jon!

If I see an ideology running rampant, I know some weasel(s) with an agenda has started it, but too chicken sh** to come right out and speak it, of course. More and more people are not buying the rhetoric being pumped out, which is why these weasels have to get their goons to push the people to react, then make up some story about why we are reacting. All immature child mentality.
What disturbs me is that I know that they don’t care that more people see what they are doing in the various arenas of our lives/society. As Jon points out, they have the guns to bully us any way they want. It’s always been obvious they don’t care. What I am waiting for is when their hired goons refuse to participate to be their enforcers.

Yeah for David Clarke!

Bikers? Whatever that dude says on TV, the bikers will do whatever they think they need to at any given moment. Their authority is their own. Good for them.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:23:50 +0000 Thank you for having the analytical ability to see and the courage to report government rule by deception. Seventy years of rule by deceit (1946-2016) – that George Orwell predicted in the book he started writing in 1946 –“Nineteen Eighty-Four”, is finally coming to an end. May we have the wisdom to avoid violence as integrity is restored to science and to constitutional limits on governments.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Tue, 19 Jul 2016 13:26:17 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
Wake up

By: From Québec Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:00:21 +0000 Your article is on, Jon. So far, it has 80 comments.
