Comments on: Manifesting what you want Sat, 30 Jul 2016 05:44:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: shighness Sat, 30 Jul 2016 05:44:17 +0000 “Write a law down. Then erase it. Don’t follow it. Nobody else follow it, either. Don’t do anything with it. Then write down 10,000 more laws. Erase them all to. Don’t do anything with them. Voila, you are God.”
Uh huh.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 25 Jul 2016 05:37:21 +0000 I think there is a greater power, Jon, and perhaps one the Tibetans missed.

Rather than selecting a crass example like ISIS infiltrating your homestead, violently torturing and murdering a loved one for you to deal with the consequence, how about the Danish composer Friedrich Kuhlau who chose preservation of his life over saving the manuscript of his 2nd piano concerto (several years works) that was burnt in a fire.

Those that can move on after devilish devastating detrimental acts of fate have the “power”. No post mortems, whining and blubbering. They are the Gods.


By: binra Fri, 22 Jul 2016 09:36:46 +0000 Know Thyself!
Until you know yourself you are operating out of false premises. What can you then expect!
The blaming mind of good-bad is not a reliable guide – or rather leads into reliance on a compulsive or driven behaviour under an authoritarian or coercive ‘will’.
The true/false IS a true guide. But – it takes one to know one – and the opening of a true foundation is the Beginning – (and the way – and the end – if allowing a foundation then brings forth in like fruit).

An insane confusion under false premises ‘manifests’ a straight-jacket, a prison-planet, a destructive intent masking in positive terms, a mind-trap, a splitting ‘mind’ that blocks the original or true function of Mind.

Like vibrational frequencies are already one ‘level’ or ‘channel’. If you participate in fear-thinking you operate out from a fearfully defined sense of self. (Note I did not say honestly feeling fears when they arise and embracing them). The forms of the fear-thoughts may seem ‘positive’ but the effect will be segregative, separating, and disconnected experience of struggle.

When enough people (reinforcement) get stuck (in defining their experience in rigid and fixed terms) in the same place (identifying in struggle) – they call it ‘reality’.

As long as you deny or invalidate other choices you will still at some level be choosing them. You cannot ignore the effects of your subconscious and unconscious thoughts just because they are ‘out of mind’ or projected and associated with ‘THEM!” or ‘Others’. Or rather, you cannot forever deny yourself.

By: artemisix Fri, 22 Jul 2016 03:06:12 +0000 Wow, thank you so much for this article. Some friends of mine are really into the law of attraction and i have been chided for too many negative posts. I just thought they were important to know type things. this reminds me of the moments i really feel a sense of co creation happening. The most astonishing things come to fruition. Still working on being an airship captain though…….Ya!

By: Will Matthew Thu, 21 Jul 2016 22:01:25 +0000 I really liked this article on manifestation, I know it works. It took me about 30 years to get my dream mountain house, but it was worth the wait. Not only did I manifest it, but the area where I used to look (a smaller mountain just south of mine) for a home never worked out. Instead I now look down at the other mountain from one even higher, at less the cost too.
