Comments on: Vaccines: “preventing every bad thing” Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:37:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: jacobite2015 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:20:15 +0000 Excellent post…thanks for bringing attention to this.

IMO, I put most of the problem with the MDs, who continually lie & mislead on the safety of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. I had the misfortune of recently losing a family member to complications fron a vaccine-induced autoimmune disease. I bear the scars from this with ongoing depression & sarrow. While my loved one was hospitalized for several months, I had daily interaction with the specialists, internists, residents, etc. All stand behind vaccines with full faith and honor. In our case, the imperious MDs simply said it was just rare reaction, otherwise “vaccines are very safe and effective.” (blah…blah…blah).

IMO, MDs know very well the destruction potential of vaccines and many toxic drugs they prescribe. They’re on the front lines everyday with people, misleading them about the safety of vaccines & drugs. They push their “superior” medical education on us as the foundation of their treatment dictatorship. And yet, society holds them to such high esteem to a point where many people elevate them to a “God-like” status (imagine that).

Will any practicing pediatrician ever publicly denounce vaccines stating the risks outweigh the benefits? Never…they would rather mislead and remain oblivious to the damage that vaccines can cause. They, IMO, simply don’t care. They’re in medicine for the money, prestige & power. Challenge a physician about the safety of vaccines and question their intent, and they’ll likely throw you out of their office. Nice people these MDs are…but remember they have that “superior” medical knowledge.

Toxic drugs and vaccines. Oppressive & misleading MDs. The medical system as the 3rd leading cause of death in America. And yet MDs have the audacity to claim they’re helping us to be healthy? What the hell…they’ve got to be kidding!

By: Theodore Thu, 28 Jul 2016 21:18:14 +0000 The Enigma of Chelsea | The former first daughter has influence in the family, but like everything else about her, it’s deeply guarded.

In the lull between last Christmas and New Year’s Day, Chelsea Clinton, three months pregnant, was perusing the Science section of the New York Times, when she came across a story on a surge of Brazilian babies born with a rare birth defect. “The increase in microcephaly—an incurable form of brain damage—has been blamed on an epidemic of the Zika virus, which was unknown in Latin America before this year,” the article said. Worried, Chelsea immediately got in touch with her mom to alert her, and pushed her to get the campaign to develop a policy proposal to address what was then a small outbreak of an obscure disease. Soon, the Clinton campaign was advocating the development of a rapid diagnostic test, a vaccine—and getting down to “mosquito abatement.”

By: Jim Thu, 28 Jul 2016 19:48:29 +0000 Vaccines create new forms of the same disease and then they can claim eradication of the original . How convenient. How profitable. How sinister.
Thanks Jon > brilliant observation.

By: thedoctor Thu, 28 Jul 2016 16:12:24 +0000 Jon, feel free to use this analogy in the future as your own.

I am a personal trainer specializing in defense from random personal attackers. In short, I teach you how to defend yourself from muggers. So, as a specialist I have determined that the best, very best, way to help you learn to fend of the “known” muggers, is to do this: Again, this is for “known” muggers, I come to your house and drop a dead body in the living room. The body is loaded with toxic chemicals, but ignore those. For the rest of your life you will fight this dead “known” mugger as he lies there on the floor.

Advanced training, which is perfect to learn the art of fending off dozens of “known” local muggers we dump 60 or so dead bodies in your home. Again, don’t worry about the toxic chemicals in each body. The best way to fight the “known” muggers it fight them dead, on your floor, everyday for the rest of your life. Fighting the dead is exactly the same as fighting the living, this is a proven fact all throughout history, in fact, in King Arthur’s preferred training technique was using the long blade on dead bodies exclusively.

The original narrative of the vaccine is beyond stupid, in fact, I can’t grasp how this preposterous equation ever made sense to anyone at all. The idea that a “dead” overly toxic version of an invader is exactly the same as a live version defies logic and all reason. Dead bodies are not the same as live bodies, and the immune response will not, can not, be the same given the two things are wildly different.

By: bharford Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:57:29 +0000 The medical Mafia is being spot lighted.
Their crimes are on display and the narrative us changing. Keep up the great work Jon.

By: Josh Vaughn Thu, 28 Jul 2016 01:47:19 +0000 Logic and reason are like a high powered laser of truth – thanks again for aiming and firing yours. yet again, Jon.

By: Dawn Vierra Thu, 28 Jul 2016 00:05:15 +0000 Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
Sharing. When medicine became a God to the masses people stopped using reasoning, insight, intuition. I would seriously think about any decision to vaccinate especially where our children are concerned

By: kevin Saunders Wed, 27 Jul 2016 23:08:53 +0000 MMR My daughter had and within days changed from a wonderful happy girl into a very sad girl.As we are. It brought on Autizm in out girl(Aspergers).We now suffer with the mold swings,sometimes violent outbursts that has caused me to now require major spine surgery and F wit’s in power dont provide anything for the fall out.These same F wit’s make political mileage from a couple of small dogs and a high profile actor.These idiots need to smell the grass and do meaning full work.

By: Sue Wed, 27 Jul 2016 23:04:21 +0000 Thank you.
