Comments on: Which is worse: the NSA or the FDA? Wed, 03 Aug 2016 22:01:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Wed, 03 Aug 2016 22:01:58 +0000 See what the problem is – and where it is – and you will find the answer. Frame the problem in ways that ‘see’ it out there in ‘others’ and in terms of blame and hate dredged up from the past – and it will be perfectly protected from solution. Hate doesn’t want any answer but vengeance through victory.

In general terms, we are participating in a communication breakdown, such that communication itself has been rendered mute – while coercion and deceit operate to ‘persuade or trick’ investment in pre-set outcomes and agenda.

As long as we look ‘outside’ for our answers we are tricked from looking within and kept apart from a true foundation.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:39:25 +0000 saying that trump is not the answer is the same (to you) as saying that hillary is the answer?

could you possibly take the next step to –
none of them is the answer?

By: Allen Vergakis Wed, 03 Aug 2016 12:54:40 +0000 “Trump is not the answer.” Then is Hellery, who by her own admission “dabbled” in witchcraft, the answer? Please explain, Ceredwin. I’m having difficulty dovetailing your initial paragraph with the second. And thank you for your kind words. “Blessing to all those that suffer.” If you mean our brothers and sisters in Christ–I fully agree. And share the Good News, not just the “real news”. In Christ, georgeallen2007.

By: binra Wed, 03 Aug 2016 10:21:59 +0000 typo alert:
If you let the Christ-child be the stirring of such a movement of CALL and response within being – then you can nurture and abide with it rather than claim it for Herod in the realm of a cold dead light that confuses love of power with the power of love.

By: binra Wed, 03 Aug 2016 10:19:33 +0000 As you accept the Unconditional love of your very Being – so will you unselfconsciously and automatically be a light unto others – and re-cognize the light in others. But if YOU set YOUR self to be God’s Chosen instrument then you re-enact the original ‘sin’ of completely missing the mark and operating a ‘reversal’ in consciousness by which self righteousness operates the denial of the Living One in All – and enacts this upon all that now seems unworthy and requiring YOUR correction.
The desire to ‘bring light into the darkness’ is not wrong so much as extremely susceptible to mis-guidance. But you can be a willingness for illumination in a place of darkness, or lack of loving awareness. First one has to accept it – and that is the last thing most of us will allow – for we much rather ‘sell it’ or make an identity of association with its outer forms than be ourselves healed of deceit.
Re-waking the ‘dead’ is the work of the Living – and not to the matrix-zombie but to the true presence beneath the false identity – the stirring of a recognition – and intuition, a feeling, an illumination, a touch of grace of simple being, a restoration of a felt integrity and sanity that IS your being.
Of course there is a matrix version for all spiritual awakening – at the level of form. So do not merely be triggered by the outer forms of anything, but pause to truly feel within for the resonance of your truth-sense in your current capacity of aligning in integrity of Being.
If you let the Christ-child be the stirring of such a movement of all and response within being – then you can nurture and abide with it rather than claim it for Herod in the realm of a dead light that confuses love of power with the power of love.

By: binra Wed, 03 Aug 2016 10:03:27 +0000 “Which one is worse?”… = divide and rule (by setting a framework in which judgement instead of discernment operates. However – you have to be willing to reactively do as you are suggested and triggered to).
Instead of “Is this true?” or “what is the truth here?”, the ‘better or worse’ operates the devil you know and the un-faced fears that are associated with the negative or unacceptable – and therefore denied and defended against – feelings, experience and the self-conflicted.
The true is that you are an individual – but that realisation is not conceptual assertion or manipulation.
If you would know yourself – you have to release investment in self-assertive manipulations and re-cognize and be re-membered in a unity of purpose within a diversity of expression – but most simply put you will FEEL your Life and will know and be known within an intimacy of recognition that is NOT coercive upon you – though a habit of coercive thinking may cut off such an intimacy to claim the ‘insight’ as its own fake ‘individuality’.

Which form of deceit is worse is a meaningless question – but deceits that pass off as true currency operate destructively on our capacity to recognize and share in Life – whereas those that are seen AS deceits are no longer believable – though of course they can be strongly asserted by a manipulative intent that has great investment in their NOT being exposed.
A drowning man may cling to anything at any expense to save his or her own life – yet if the ‘losing of control’ is itself a deceit by which to SEEM to be a power unto and of oneself – then there are contextual frameworks of definition that can be expanded to allow more perspective as to what and where your Life is – and who you are within it’s embrace.

Attacking the person is the guarantee for breakdown of communication – no matter what the persona is associated with. Hatred operates by stealth to make sure that real communication cannot happen – or will be aborted or subverted and enslaved to a hate agenda – albeit masked in a sense of power and protection of false currency or hidden agenda.

By: Ceredwin Tue, 02 Aug 2016 21:37:36 +0000 oh my dear goddess, no. Trump is not the answer.

Thank you for your reporting. Blessings to all those suffering. Thank you for sharing your stories. I am sharing this and spreading the real news.

By: Laurie Tue, 02 Aug 2016 20:16:20 +0000

Effects of drugs on women and why (Hint: testing is done on men, not women. Women are dosed like men and shouldn’t be)

By: georgeallen2007 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 07:58:02 +0000 Six of one, a half-dozen of another. Or as Hillary, the junior Antichrist would say, “What difference at this point does it make?!” Challenge: Name a Government agency or department that ISN’T corrupt, many bloody. The only thing that can cleanup this Satanic mess is revival–please pray for revival. That, and please pray for that the Lord has found favor in Mr.Trump and it be His will he be elected. Claim this verse for Donald Trump, that he be protected (and family and supporters) as Elisha and his servant: “And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha”. (2 Kings 6:17) Between revival, and the election of Mr. Trump, my it be God’s will, to bring us back from the brink, as He has eight times previously, and that we be that nation, the nation of the Founders and Founding Fathers, a nation that sought God’s face, blessed by leaders who got on their knees, praying for wisdom to lead. May we become that nation,once agian, that sent missionaries and helps abroad, not war, the toppling of sovereign nations, a demonic culture, the poisioning of air, water, and seed and food–may we be a beacon of freedom and salvation, through Christ, to the world.

By: binra Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:17:09 +0000 The body’s true function has to be suppressed for the ‘mind’ to maintain its ‘control’ identity – and the evidence of limitation, frailty and pain of the body is the meaning that the mind dumps there – from which to rage at Life in a sense of self-righteous hatred of being limited, weakened and conflicted with.

The fact that this is mostly ‘unconscious’ or running in socially reinforced scripts of subconscious agreement – does not reduce its force and effect at the level of its belief.

It doesn’t matter what 99.9% of spiritual paths or of the population – does or says – so much as what I choose to accept true of – or for – me – now. And now. For as I accept true – so will I operate from – and act as. And that is the ‘world’ I meet and the response I draw forth. Such choice is not fixed or rigid – but allows embodiment of a congruency of being in place of rigidly imposed beliefs and stratagems of survival – for such they are – but are they true for your living or for your masking evasions of the Life that truly moves you? It is up to you.

The DEMAND for protection and power arises from a sense of self that needs to be re-evaluated – if such false power is to be undone of its claim to authority.

I cannot put you in touch with your Author but I can invite you to bring a fresh honesty to where you seek to find or claim authority from.

Looking within – is intuiting upstream – as a receptivity of willingness to be moved – and of discernment of the tangibly felt legitimacy of the movement to your own recognition. The ‘restatement’ of Who you have always been is a restorative and a reintegrating movement in which distortions and deceits are released to reveal what does not need ‘putting together again’.

Health and wholeness are the absence of ‘divide and rule’ in any coercive sense of that phrase. Life is already a Movement in and of being. Don’t accept conceptual substitutes – for what we truly desire is in a sense, given us, and accepted AS our core signature vibration. False ideas can only operate to obscure – until seen as false – they fall away to reveal what they hid.

If one is so identified in the false as to have invested self to an addictive association – then nothing and no one will be able to tell you about it for such a one can only ‘see’ threat or assets and ammunition for protecting and extending its power to persist.
