Comments on: Virus fakery: my conversation with a White House policy analyst Fri, 05 Aug 2016 14:53:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: henry Fri, 05 Aug 2016 14:53:20 +0000 They tell us that the world is too complex for lay people to understand. One could focus on an area and, perhaps, become a competent expert who is worth listening to on that topic. That same person would not be an ‘expert’ in the hundreds or thousands of other areas. If one comes to a different conclusion than the thought leaders in an area, they will be deemed to not be experts in that area. If that happens, they will not worth listening to in that area or any other area. This cows most people from thinking independently.

By: elxroflife Thu, 04 Aug 2016 22:20:45 +0000 The games continue, until enough of us stop buying.

By: Jonathan Hughes Thu, 04 Aug 2016 21:35:12 +0000 I always knew viruses was fakery. People laughed at me then. They are not laughing now. People of all ages needs to do what I say doing it as soon as they can. Upcspine or The specific chiropractic or Upper cervical heath centers. Two Good UCS only Chiropractors are Steven Duff is in Windsor California. Richard Duff is in San Francisco California. Don’t go to see one the day an accident when a fall occurs. It takes 4 – 5 days for external asymmetries to show up to be measured by the upper cervical specific only DC chiropractor.

By: mothman777 Thu, 04 Aug 2016 21:11:45 +0000 Exactly, there are many people with AIDS who do not have HIV, and there are many people with HIV who do not have AIDS. HIV is a red herring, to allow the depopulation program to run it’s full course without being stopped, as finding a cure for HIV will be totally irrelevant to stopping AIDS, but they cannot let you know that, as it is vital for them that all resources are devoted to hunting the bogey man, the HIV virus.

By: Wynne Thu, 04 Aug 2016 16:26:46 +0000 Well said!!! Western medicine has two approaches – cut stuff out and/or medicate the symptoms. They barely recognize that we are more than physical, and do not address anything that could be an underlying cause for immune issues/disorders. I had a conversation with a nurse who became upset when I mentioned that emotions translate into illness in the body – flat out rejected that theory. People are afraid to believe differently, and defend what they have been told.

By: SamAdamsGhost Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:58:56 +0000 Article on another one of their frauds – the Zika ‘danger’ (Doesn’t it seem like everything from official & mainstream sources is a fraud today?) – – I haven’t vetted everything in this article but thought it worth further investigation –

By: jmilamdeal Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:08:04 +0000 There are a number of things in the health field that the higher ups would rather you didn’t know about, one of them involves viruses.

By: Tracy Kolenchuk Thu, 04 Aug 2016 14:28:31 +0000 Proof of cause of an illness is difficult. There is only one technique that can consistently demonstrate cause, resulting in strong proof. CURE.

If an illness is believed to be caused by a specific organism, activity, or lack of specific activity, then addressing the cause will cure the illness. Much of modern medicine assumes that an illness caused by a virus cannot be cured, because the virus cannot be ‘killed’. In truth, our bodies cure viral illnesses, like influenza and measles with little difficulty.

However, today’s medical marketers prefer ‘treatments’ over ‘cures’. Treatments are treatments for the symptoms of an illness. Most treatments have no relationship to the cause, because they are symptomicines – treatments for symptoms, not cause.

Cures also discriminate between illnesses that appear similar because they have the same symptoms. Depression, for example is a symptom,not an illness. An illness is the intersection of a cause and a symptom. The symptom of depression can result from many cause – is a consequence of many different illnesses. If the cause is addressed, the illness will be cured, and the symptom will disappear. But if you cut off your arm due to your depression, the disability is not cured by the addressing the cause of the depression.

Blaming the illness on a virus, without demonstrating a cure – addressing the cause, is blame, speculation, not science.

But blame fuels the development of profitable preventative actions. More so, the wider you cast the net. It is not profitable to seek out the true cause of microcephaly and address it. It is much more profitable to find a virus to blame, and spend millions of dollars addressing the ‘risk’. Meanwhile the cause is ignored. Cures are not important. Cures are not profitable, There is also considerable risk in finding the true cause. Many causes of illness are also causes of profit.

Blaming a virus is profitable. Finding a cure, finding the true cause, is not profitable. After all, the problem, in the case of the microcephaly, is far too small to market a ‘cure’. But there are big profits to be made from designing and selling ‘preventatives’ for the virus, for the mosquitoes. Fear is far more profitable than than cures.
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
