Comments on: Obama tries to sneak through TPP in lame-duck Congress Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:22:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janeth Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:22:43 +0000 I agreed with your previous comment.

By: James Allen Fri, 19 Aug 2016 19:46:54 +0000 Waiting until TTIP is passed, is a very bad idea.
How many laws have you seen repealed ? Now, how many laws that don’t benefit the people have you seen overturned ? Overwhelmingly once passed, laws stick.
The rest of your comment is perfect though, possibly joining with the people in other countries in boycotting products made by these corporations. Their markets are worldwide.

By: MDbmk36 Fri, 19 Aug 2016 14:13:00 +0000 excellent comment. I hope ti gets people’s attention – people are ignoring TTIP as if it does not concern them. Nothing could be further from the truth

By: spiritcalls Fri, 19 Aug 2016 00:45:54 +0000 Hi Janeth, I received a message from you concerning what I believe to be my recent comment here and about “likes” …. the last part I could not figure out what you were getting at.

I do like your comment just above though, and in looking at it all now I can that my comment would have probably been more applicable were it referencing Jon’s article.

But I would appreciate any clarification that you can offer. 🙂

By: David Cockerill Thu, 18 Aug 2016 20:16:02 +0000 Obama has no intention of leaving office, he is going to go all out and get his third time with the help of the CIA and some huge stage event.

By: Richard Bertrand Thu, 18 Aug 2016 15:07:15 +0000 I agree, spend your money local and reuse as much possible.Maybe grow some of your own food. This is the only way to make your voice heard, although the effect can’t be quantified.

By: spiritcalls Thu, 18 Aug 2016 14:15:03 +0000 Wonderful INsight of a View that far too few want to consider for the Truth that it is ! When analyzed in the light of day, to any conclusion at all, one can see down the road to the Disaster that it portends.

And … this so relates to something else that I have very recently come across, here:

Which also is very related to the”Picture” here:

Presented not so long ago by Veterans Today, one of our many INsightful, Alternative Media sources of Truth.

I have been studying the “Ruling Class Observer” (first link above) and began an inquiry from “Them” as to the Truths INvolved. I can only hope that the CONclusions awaiting us all can end on a “note of peace”, as a priority, rather than “notes of wealth” … for the “select few”, as well as for the rest of the “mass” that we are, to “Them” …

As mad is all of this/that makes some of us, it is our duty, as well as my mission, that we approach these pressing issues from the perspective of “solving” the underlining problems, rather with Violence.

Everyone INvolved, we ALL, are related to each other, and good, or bad, to whatever extreme, we MUST solve our most pressing issues TOGETHER … if we can, it is all up to us.

IMnsHO and E

By: Doug Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:44:17 +0000 NAILED IT!!!

By: Janeth Thu, 18 Aug 2016 01:36:50 +0000 Obama sold his soul. No regular person with a healthy soul can comfortably sit around and play golf all the time while having the of innocent people on his hand. He is not human! If the manipulation of our media wasn’t so insane there would be a lot less crime and hate. Humans do not naturally hate, once you go through the system that is when people lose their humanity. Spread love, be free!

By: From Québec Thu, 18 Aug 2016 01:06:23 +0000 Good grief! Obama really wants a civil war in this country. Bernie and Trump supporters do not want TPP. And the the two of them together represent the majority of Americans.
