Comments on: Are we living inside a virtual simulation? Tue, 30 Aug 2016 04:30:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathleen Edwards Tue, 30 Aug 2016 04:30:07 +0000 Nature, the “vegetable world” is the true remedy for all that ails mankind. As I go to sleep this night, I will create a green paradise filled with running water and gentle fragrant breezes and soft sweet grass to pillow my head. Perhaps, if I concentrate very hard, the image will become reality and the reality will take root in every dimension. I heard the hum of bees in flowers……

By: jens sundström Sat, 27 Aug 2016 00:16:59 +0000 i just want to say THANK YOU to Jon for making this world a better place thru the articles he write. for the last 4 months iv been reading almost averything that comes from his pen, or mind. This is for me a different world and im learning new things every day.

Stockholm, Sweden

By: Arisen Ryan Tue, 23 Aug 2016 20:37:12 +0000 Your totally real dream scenario makes more sense than the flat earth conspiracy, I will say. Trump or Hillary. Same same, the silly sock puppets. It basically amounts to the archetypal Big Bankster fist bumping himself all day.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 23 Aug 2016 08:20:44 +0000 Great story, MB,

But does anyone get elected? I thought voters only selected pre-screened candidates (usually to “lock out” the opposition).

If there were true elections, politicians would be “of the people” and the prospect of that is as far fetched as your tall tale 😉

By: arcadia11 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 23:10:18 +0000 ahahahaha you got me with that surprise ending.
totally did not see it coming

By: Michael Burns Mon, 22 Aug 2016 21:50:29 +0000 @Arisen Ryan

Speaking of Donald Trump…I had a dream the other nite that I was living in a universe like the Matrix movies. Well, Matrix Reloaded. And I was Neo, trying to save the real humans, and Donald Trump was Agent Smith.
And he kept running around sticking his hand inside peoples bodies and they would change like animated mercury into Donald Trumps. So there I was, me against trillions of Donald freaking Trumps. They were coming out of the woodwork…open the fridge for a snack and a glass of milk, and out would pop a Donald Trump.
Lift the lid on the toilet seat for a whizz….bingo bango bongo, out would pop Donald Trump, like a jack-in-the-box.
Well, needless to say, we all got in a big fight, me and millions of Donald Trumps.
I was kick-boxing them in my black floor lenght Cardinal’s outfit with my sunglasses and kung fuing them, in my extremely good looks, I would have to say… Karate chopping them, and Jujitsuing them. Ripping flag poles up and flying around it like a helicopter propeller knocking dozens of Trumps out the ball park. They would all jump me in a big pile and I would explode them into orbit.
Then the thought came to me why not become Hillary, since Donald’s arch-enemy is Hillary, I could go around sticking my hand into Donalds, turning them into Hillaries. Yeah, thats the the ticket, that would do. Well what a cluster-fuck. This went back and forth and back and forth like ping pong. I’d changed a Donald and Donald would change a Hillary. everybody going around sticking their hands in peoples bodies
It got to be like that boardgame you play with black and white stones…touch one Donald and a whole row would change, then Donald would get an outside spot on the board and the board began to slant in his favor….back and forth, tooth and nail, high heel and hairpiece.
Finally I get a corner and then another and at last the final corner and the last battle for the whole board. And I get the final corner and zippity do da, change the whole board to Hillaries all at once.
I look around and there were wall to wall Hillaries. I’d won, finally, and the bonus was, Hillary was sick and needed to take Warfarin for her clotting, so all I had to do was wait to end and the Hillaries would be gone all at once. and there I’d be free at last.
And so I waited and waited waited and waited, amongst all these damn Hillaries blinking, standing around not saying anything, which I might say was disconcerting, finally I got so tired I fell asleep.

Anyway my point is…I have a feeling that if we elect Donald Trump, he will leave us for a younger prettier country.

By: Arisen Ryan Mon, 22 Aug 2016 15:29:14 +0000 A Trump fantasy? Who even mentioned Trump? You come off as being incredibly polarized in whatever positions you take.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 22 Aug 2016 06:12:50 +0000 Jon, as you are aware, science has confounded itself by the way it looks at things. Indeed, I might go as far as saying scientists look in the wrong places, as I state here ( When normal people, the regular Joe Blow’s of society do this, they are called ignorant. I say the same of those rambunctious scientists.

Yes, this new German theory (an extension of a much older one) projects “holographic universe” (in our case HU1), but the Ummo’s (extra-terrestrial visitors that settled in Spain in the 1950’s) expressed it so much better and ever so accurately (not that anyone bothers to reference their work). The Germans are correctly incorrect which is to be expected of technocrats.

Quantum theory and “super strings” are nonsense in current forms. They have found evidence for multiple dimensions (i.e. a very limited 3D experience) contained in curved (sic) space but “science” hasn’t the balls to look at what is “as it is”. Relativity is the illusion that contains dimensionally restricted beings.

The Tibetan book of the dead is a most interesting document. It proposed concentric, conflicting cycles that somehow fit together like jigsaws (which arguably allows for “multiple duplicate existences at any given time”). Purists might argue the exercises they relay to resonate the imagination are manipulations of reality, but, then again, what is reality without imagination? That’s the “modern” obsession with technology and scripted existence. Are not all laws the antipathy of freedoms? If religions are born from idealistic regulation under the guise of ecclesiastical power, then utopian society (per that concept) would be akin to a computer program with God, the immortal tyrant, ruling by rote.

That isn’t the case.


By: arcadia11 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 03:12:44 +0000 i feel the same way, wulf.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 03:11:23 +0000 makes more sense than a trump fantasy.
