Comments on: Message to Colin Kaepernick: the real disaster of inner cities Sat, 11 Jul 2020 15:08:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Wed, 07 Sep 2016 22:33:47 +0000 I agree all lives matter and Michael Burns. Why separate people and use terms like white folk? thats a big demographic that Jai has no business is absolutely irrelevant. no one came to the inner city and forced anyone to live like a thug or do and sell drugs.they all had and have a choice. havent you ever heard just say no. Clearly, self responsibility is not something many blacks choose to use. if they did, they wouldnt live the way they live. there is not white privilege unless you consider it a privilege to work hard live a quality legal respectful responsible life and do what you can to help others and make the world a better place.

lets ask why and look at all the evidence that gives many a reason to suspect people of color. its everywhere. the knock out game and rioting and purposely targeting people that are not black. the media does a good job hiding this, but there is ample evidence of this. if you dont want to be racially profiled tell your “brothers and sisters” to stop choosing to be criminals. the fact that you use a term like white folk shows that it is you that are racist, not others. its a simple psychological tool the brain uses. its called projection. you have been taught to hate and blame others for the problems you have perpetuated. hate is a trap as is blame and victim consciousness.

no one gave me anything. i worked very hard for everything i have and i still do. its absurd a grown person should expect someone else to support them and especially when they make bad choices that hurts all of society. Jon is absolutely right when he says the inner cities are being used to harm everyone and continue to make money on drugs. only an envious weak angry person seeks to covet and take what others have instead of going out and working for it themselves. its a vicious circle and the government is well aware of the psychology of all of it. this false idea of separation hurts everyone. Jai, you are being played. if you are so concerned about police brutality, why not close off the inner cities and create your own police force/neighborhood watch system? i am sure alot of cops would be happy not to have to go there. instead of rioting and looting, how about learning the law and demanding that the police uphold their oath and not step outside their lawful and legal authority?

if trillions of dollars have been spent to help these people and they still refuse to be law abiding positive contributors to society, than who is really responsible? i think we need to stop using the phrase african american unless they want to return to africa, they should decide to be american citizens like everyone else and stop seeking special attention.

the economic system is not unjust, poverty consciousness is what makes people poor. again, blaming something outside yourself just means you are a whiny immature victim who doesnt claim their power and go out and make themselves a wonderful life. there are millions of people who have overcome poverty and made something quality of themselves. its a choice and everyone has choice.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 06 Sep 2016 18:14:14 +0000 @Jai J

Your talking about a ‘A Rocking Horse Winner’…all red enamelled paint and guilding, but beneath all that, the wood is rotten.

False merit and paper Tigers.

This is more psycho-babble for the bread and circus crowd.
Their convictions and beliefs are ephemeral as last month’s flavor of ice-cream.
These things are not put on like garments.

Here’s a little poem for you about sacrifice Jai J, I wrote it for you…just for this occasion.
Do you like poetry?


Rushed in wet wool,
Mad mud underfoot.
Left the house at three, it was dark and I was heart dipped in honey.
Courage and other belongings
in old pillowcase,
my mothers swollen eyes and her kisses.

It is the sickness that the worse, moving always moving.
I drown in this smell, vomit and the wetness
I am so afraid…I have never been this afraid

I tremble and am banged about the world outside of me.
It is always the same
I am afraid of men
When I went to school, I was taken and possessed by it
Learning became all and nothing else for me.
But they stopped that…

I will never see my home again, it does not exist anymore for me
That place of my beginning is long cast away, shadows leaking to distant past
My heart hurts for it
Madrid street and the high catholic times,
around that…
Religion is a fever, a fervor
Hold fast I say to what is yours,
your soul
and let go of all else
let it go now…let it go it was never yours,
let it go.

In a dream I walk out on white snow for the first time.
The clean…
The silence, and the taste of it
He raped me again today
It is still and dark, not to cold…with very large flakes falling ever so gently, like ash
Only a few of them at a time, as drifters in and out of the scene.
Making a crunching noise on their exit
And I am content and warm now…and satisfied with myself here, and deeper still,
strangely safe forever and that is the thrill of it…

When we land I am too be sold like a dog for a debt
I am told I will work in a kitchen, or clean rooms
Laundry or the polishing;
nimbly may I find the will for this,
I am beaten and cannot feel their blows anymore
This is what you are now

Beebaum and then the lilies
The walking free in nature is the greatest gift we have…
Leaves and grasses and little flowers abound every look
My mothers laugh

Mountains amid the red, cold fresh cloud drops below that faint line.
A chill falls to the ground, and then we are all in it…
Winter can be so quickly cruel
But never as cruel as men

I balance for a moment and put my face to it, lean forward into its cold embrace
I let go, and it is quiet

And I am content and warm now…and satisfied with myself here, and deeper,
strangely safe forever and that is the thrill of it..
…I am called Colleen.

By: Jai J Noire Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:47:39 +0000 in a capitalist society like ours, putting a $19 million contract and endorsements on the line for your beliefs is most definitely sacrificing something. I am appalled by how much sports fans think of athletes as if they were avatars in a video game with no humanity of their own.

By: Jai J Noire Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:45:09 +0000 Why is it a “black revolution?” The unjust economic system effects us all. You call yourself “all lives matter.” I think you voided your own argument.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 06 Sep 2016 02:15:29 +0000 Top marks, JB12, I think this is correct.

Unpopular as it might be, the reason Apartheid was introduced in South Africa was it was the ONLY tenable (bridge) solution to the long standing problems that had built up over a number of centuries (courtesy of elite and very irreligious Jews).

Think of it like house parties. Everything is great until fights break out and when fights snowball, the only way forward is to stop the parties for a while….until people learn to quell the anger! Harping on about past recriminations ENFLAMES issues and that is why [elite Jew patsy] politicians back progressive “we are [not] sorry [at all]” movements.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Mon, 05 Sep 2016 14:33:15 +0000 Elite white Democrats and liberals keeping blacks and other minorities on Uncle Sam’s plantation. While politicians pit one American against another.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Mon, 05 Sep 2016 14:30:22 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:

By: Kerry Mon, 05 Sep 2016 12:12:08 +0000 Interesting, not one comment on the the real threat to black people…other black people.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 05 Sep 2016 05:53:34 +0000 @ Jai J

Wow you really thin the jock put his balls on the line, because he won’t drop a knee for the National Anthem.
Lets get it right JJ, the Jock sacrificed nothing.

A line of poetry in an old song from two hundred years ago…taken completely out of context, does not make a revolution.

“No refuge could save the hireling and slave” -Francis Scott Key

Was FSK glorifying slavery in this line, or was it used with poetic license in the context of the subject of the poem…which was the Defence of Fort Mc Henry.

Incidently FSK bought seven slaves in his life and freed them all, one ended up working for him for wages his own choosing.
Slavery was common in those days as common as idiots writing shit on the Internet.

Sacrifice is when you walk off the field and won’t play ball in the stadium that plays the so called racist national anthem. Revolutionary sacrifice is when you refuse to take money from white owners of football teams who stand up and listen to someone sing an old poem.

Ironic to witness an over paid, so called black athlete, pampered as he is, speak about slavery.

But I would say the jock needs to pick a bigger fight JJ. Instead of a line in an old poem…actually a word. A single word….’slave’. Ambiguous in this context would’nt ya say. Was he speaking about blacks or Irishmen.

Role model…are you serious. Someone who throws around a pig-skin for a living is a role-model to embolden youth. He is a dumbed down version of a American caricature. He is a cartoon character in a play. He is a cliche for the knuckle draggers. Put him on a Pepsi commercial, or a Nike commercial. I’m afraid he ain’t revolutionary material.

Now CK has got no reason to hate whitey, Ck’s mama was a 19 year old white woman, his black daddy ran off. Luckily sum nice white folks adopted him and raised him. So really CK is white as me, and I am black Irish JJ.

Incidentally, did you know there were more Irish slaves brought to America than Black ones…actually the Irish were the first slaves to be brought to America. You could say JJ, that the Irish were the first niggers. They took all our pretty Irish Colleens and use them as breeding stock.

Maybe the line should read…”No refuge could save the hireling and slave…and the Irish.”

“White people have to stop expecting black people to lead the revolution.” -Jai J

What…if the jock is leading the revolution then I am afraid we have lost.
Revolutionaries loose blood, most time they loose their lives. I don’t think CK has lost anything or could loose anything. He is way too pampered to be a role model, a revolutionary, or a spokesman for the revolution.

Best thing he could do is…shut up and play with his pigskin.

By: From Québec Mon, 05 Sep 2016 05:50:57 +0000 The problem seems to be that the inner cities have always been ruled by Democrats. So you cannot expect any change from these progressive socialist communist idiots
