Comments on: Yes, a four-year-old child allowed to undergo sex change Sun, 03 Dec 2017 01:21:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: stiegem Sun, 03 Dec 2017 01:21:06 +0000 “And if medical sexual mutilation of a child is gladly permitted, what isn’t permitted? What “voluntary” or mandated medical procedure would be ruled out as too grotesque?”

Good question, Jon. Make me think (as you always do).

How about circumcision? Seems pretty “grotesque” to me.

Got some logical reports on that subject?

Appalled at this article. It’s way off base and I’m assuming it’s mis titled to generate thought about the subject.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 27 Sep 2016 03:07:30 +0000 checked out the link. made it way too real.

By: Theodore Tue, 27 Sep 2016 03:00:37 +0000 First Trans Child Actor…

By: brian Mon, 19 Sep 2016 14:33:57 +0000 This is a terrible crime against this child. It can be seen as nothing else. A person living in the deepest darkest jungles of the Amazon would never believe we are engaged in such madness. It would seem they are better educated than us. Much better educated than the butcher that calls himself a doctor even though they have never stepped foot in a school. The reaction of every one of us that are still human should be universal. Disgust and firm action. Without delay the doctor in question should loose his licence to practice. He should also be kept away from children, say no closer than 400 yards. The parents are dangerous to both their own child and the public at large. I have no ideal what needs to be done with them but that child is in grave danger as long as he is in their care. They are child abusers.

By: Bill Chaffee Sat, 17 Sep 2016 04:08:31 +0000 The story needs verification from more that one source. We might not know for sure about the truth of the story unless that person decides to go public after becoming an adult. There are cases of sex reassignment surgery preformed on infants when they appeared to be intersex, even thought there was no health reason for the surgery. Some have come forward as adults saying that they felt mutilated.
An ongoing travesty that is done to most infants is the hep b vaccine. In my opinion it is done to protect child molesters (see hep b vaccine pedophilia). If a child gets an std, then that is evidence of molestation. The vaccine is to keep the evidence from turning up.

By: Greg C. Thu, 15 Sep 2016 14:56:02 +0000 Continuing the “embrace your delusion” theme, check out: Be proud of your disease! Feelings triumph over basic biology in this new age.

By: Cathy Thu, 15 Sep 2016 09:12:33 +0000 Given how much of this is occurring one has to wonder if gender bending chemicals like Atrazine that are rife in Australian agriculture (banned in the EU) have anything to do with it.

By: Roger Fuller Wed, 14 Sep 2016 20:15:38 +0000 09-14-2016
I completely agree with Jon Rappoport that sex change operations for little children are insane; but I also see this state of affairs as the logical End Stage Product of 62 years of Psychiatric Dope Pushing. Somebody mentioned Bisphenol A which is in the environment in tiny quantities; but massive doses of highly toxic Psychiatric Drugs by the State Mental Hospital system, prison system, and ” mental health system ” in general are a far bigger culprit that everyone chooses to ignore. Why this has been tolerated for so long is the bigger question.

By: Hilz Kitching Wed, 14 Sep 2016 19:05:48 +0000 Anna; could it not be about parenting & gender!
Regarding the Bible if it is really studied there is a great deal of worldly wisdom and help in trying to understand and deal with life’s many challenges, particularly in regard to people(esp Proverbs). I am completely satisfied that what it has to say is no accident (KJ version) and to me there is no other book that can match it.
Thanks for you feedback (esp, your final paragraph).

By: Hilz Kitching Wed, 14 Sep 2016 18:55:10 +0000 Terri; thank you for understanding Sir.
