Comments on: Who I write for (updated again) Mon, 10 Oct 2016 00:37:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: S Mon, 10 Oct 2016 00:37:34 +0000 What about a conspiracy for a surprise party?

On a completely different tangent, Grant Morrison related a conversation with a friend that went something like… “what if George Bush was a shortcut to global awakening…” you get the idea. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, perhaps the inverse applies?

By: David Sat, 24 Sep 2016 18:38:04 +0000 I’m 25 and I don’t know how to make money…how do you exit from the matrix without people and money?

Relationships I mean

By: David Sat, 24 Sep 2016 18:35:53 +0000 I’m 25 and never have been in a genuine relationship with anyone? How can you exit from the matrix without other people involved?

By: Deanna Clark Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:22:52 +0000 Amen…my Dad never retired, just died after work at 92. Stay a giver and keep being amazed at life.

By: Deanna Clark Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:19:35 +0000 David, most women want money and security. Many want it more than personal love. With men it’s wanting sex like that…more than personal love. You must decide if you want genuine love or what, exactly. Know yourself…truly. The advice given you was macho and objectifies women…the common cheap advice to get sex.
You come on as disarmingly honest…now there’s a plus.
Get a hobby or interests that take the place of obsessions. ( a cure also for addictions of all sorts) Then find others, not online, who share those. If you seriously want a girl friend, learn to love animals…some of the best females now are doing volunteer work or career work with animals. They aren’t “dolls” but you might meet some sweet people. Of course, you can’t be the fastidious type who prefers electronics to reality like cleaning dog poop. It’s just one example…but take a stack of old papers to a vets for the crates or blankets to the Humane Society…
Art, music, folk song groups, local museums. Church is always good as long as it doesn’t have people arguing over stuff. That’s not only a turn off but also just another obsession. But a church choir in a structured church like Methodist, etc. is an idea.
See, I’m a female and I’m interested in you!!! I’m a grandma and I’ve seen a lot!! Good going…

By: elxroflife Thu, 22 Sep 2016 03:10:02 +0000 That makes two of us… older than Methusalah. So what?

By: Michael Burns Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:47:45 +0000 @elxoflife

He’s not 78…he older than Methusalah.

And the son of gun, he does this once a month …and I must say “He’s milking itttt.”

By: SanityClaus Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:36:14 +0000 There is no invisible force controlling the universe. There is an infinity of universes and an infinity of possible pasts and futures. We are immortal in this life. There is no evil or stupid thing that we have ever done that we do not have the option of changing. The past is not fixed. There is no reason to change the past unless it is to improve it. Your body is not omnipresent nor is your time span extended infinitely. We are not infinite but we are eternal. We can self reincarnate randomly or we can rely on luck. Luck is cultivated by practicing charity towards those who are deserving of charity. The most insidiously evil thing about federal reserve note fake money slavery is that when people try to practice charity using fake money they despair of practicing charity because they don’t know the money is fake. They fail to cultivate their luck. We need luck to resist the traitors from the V.F.W. who pledge themselves to serve the British Crown/N.A.T.O. We need real money instead of military scrip printed by traitors.
Humanity is a lie used to destroy loyalty to civilian authority and the supremacy of civilian authority which is the heart and soul of the American ideal. We are not responsible to the vermin of Saudi Arabia.
They are human and evil. They teach their children that a child raping pedophile mass murderer named Mohammed was a holy man from god.

By: Jacqueline Tue, 20 Sep 2016 16:00:03 +0000 Your second paragraph best and concisely summarizes the most effective way to alter the imposed structural configuration of the existing Matrix.

It truly is the individual who can exert the greatest impact, albeit via one small ‘bite’ at a time. Multiply this single effort by thousands of individuals simultaneously operating in this self-empowered manner and… well, I picture it as countless little ‘Pac-men’ nibbling away at the edges of a pancake…nibble enough in sufficient numbers and eventually the pancake is gone.

The key is for individuals to recognize the power they hold as individuals and act on it.

By: Joy Tue, 20 Sep 2016 15:10:01 +0000 Dear Prescott, you cannot imagine how much joy it brings me to know that, at age 21, you are already so much awake. It gives me great hope that there are others like you in the younger generations, and I thank you for being so brave, intelligent, and creative!
