Comments on: Selling perception of terror attacks (and everything else) on the mind-control superhighway—and immortal you Sun, 25 Sep 2016 15:57:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunshine Sun, 25 Sep 2016 15:57:13 +0000 So Nineteen Eighty-Four. Wish everyone would read George Orwell. His warnings are more applicable today than in the 1940s.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.”

By: Lars van Pilsum Sun, 25 Sep 2016 03:03:07 +0000 You are right on track Sabell.

I get stigmatized as well, simply for believing unpopular ideas.
The most intelligent biochemists, when they try to apply their knowledge, are ridiculed. Think of William KochGilbert Ling, Duesberg, Linus Pauling, ect. Curing cancer and AIDS cheaply is not what the assholes want.

Basically, dominant men are perpetually promoting power paridigms in which they do little work by dominating others. Any idea that threatens this is ridiculed. The most influential people that promote freedom, peace, and equality are murdered: JFK, RFK, MLK, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Malcolm X, ect…

It is better to do nothing than to profit off of someones else’s hardship.

By: Sabell Fri, 23 Sep 2016 22:08:07 +0000 Hey Michael, Currently I’m doing found object sculpture, nature art, and mobiles that catch the wind with subtle sound and light. I like to leave little treasures along wooded park pathways and walkways for those who thereafter travess. Thanks for asking.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 23 Sep 2016 20:23:13 +0000 What, do you create Sabell?

By: Sabell Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:24:01 +0000 Always something to think about while reading your articles. Thank you for provoking thought. This was interesting:

“share and care” surrender.
—Love them, care for them, give them everything they want, and all will be well. (And even if it isn’t, you’ve donned the visible and admirable cloak of a “good person,” and what else matters?)

I’ve seen it so much lately and it was a theme with my family. People pleasing do-gooding right action through willfully and blindly following authority figures for promise of reward some day. I suppose they’ll all have beautiful mansions in Heaven when they die..

I was termed, stigmatized the one who always does everything ‘wrong’ by the family, prayed upon like a prodigal. Silly people; it’s a fine line this prayer, so similar to prey. Well, I suppose that’s the best complement one can receive from a ‘guarda regra’ (follower/keeper/guarder of rule).

What you write Jon, tends to right the stigma placed upon me and reconfirm to me that my life has actually been right-on! track for me. I’m not lost in some abyss like the family would have me believe. I’m living free, full of cares yet still carefree. I’m alright – all right, so boo on you stickler ‘guarda regra’ authoritarian sham of a fam shamers.

And the last part – What will you create? Well, when I create, I never worry for a moment of what others might think, feel, or how they’ll respond anymore. They’ve already destroyed me in their minds. So, I just live in my own world creating works of art that are absolutely beautiful and exciting for me. And I share these creations with others who are free-thinking beauties like me. This is where I find the most joy.

By: n3angus Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:43:44 +0000 ATTENTION THIS NEEDS TO GO VIRAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is how Imperialism works …….. The stonetear discovery removes the “he acted on his own” aspect. In addition, the intent behind the action also provides the missing element FBI Director James Comey stated the FBI was unable to discover. “They” intended to hide Hillary Clinton’s email address prior to compliance with federal records retention laws.

Mr. Combetta attempting to delete the history of his activity, on the very day the stonetear discovery was made public, is also a reflection of “consciousness of guilt“.

Paul Combetta was/is under an immunity agreement (details unknown) with the FBI. If the FBI was aware of this 2014 actionable intent there would be no reason to delete it – unless the FBI is also part of the larger Clinton cover-up. As thethompsontimeline asks:

[…] Looking at Combetta’s Reddit post detailed above, there are only two possibilities. One is that Combetta failed to disclose crucial information to the FBI, despite his immunity deal. The second is that he did, but the FBI didn’t mention it in its final report. Either way, it’s already clear that the FBI has failed to present the full story of Combetta’s actions to the public. (link)
