Comments on: How the liberal press will game the Trump-Hillary debate Thu, 29 Sep 2016 02:57:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Thu, 29 Sep 2016 02:57:20 +0000 How the CIA press will game the Trump-Hillary debate

How the oligarchical press will game the Trump-Hillary debate

By: tuscanforest Thu, 29 Sep 2016 00:39:54 +0000 I keep hearing about the liberal press. Is that the press – New York Times – that canned reporter Chris Hedges for coming out against the Iraq invasion? How about the Mercury News that dumped Gary Webb for his expose of the CIA’s selling of drugs in the inner cities? How about the “liberal” press – including the Nation – that refused to publish anything by Mark Lane about the Kennedy Assassination. Maybe we need to grow beyond that facile label and admit that the press – housing hundreds of CIA assets – is not liberal but oligarchical.

By: Bunny Tue, 27 Sep 2016 23:17:07 +0000 Remain undaunted and yet haunted ,
By the shadow cast of yor.
O’er the bust of Pallas ,
gleaming , scintillant ,
awhile doth seeming,
calling of the reckoning ,
meaning nothing of what passed before.

enough of that.

Yes ..and we know it is true.
The entire thing is a farce writ large .

The monied elite want us to spend endless amounts of time FIXING their system.
It can’t be fixed.

anyone else getting WARNINGS about posting on Jon’s site by microshaft’ certificate warden?

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 27 Sep 2016 04:59:26 +0000 Well done. Correct.

To add, the only reason the “founding fathers” were “free” was because they hadn’t planned for the gold hungry masses to exodus to the great plains. It was this that largely conflicted with the interests of the natives and turned America into the den of injustice it is today.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 27 Sep 2016 04:51:24 +0000 I really want Trump to “win” (sic) FQ….and when he does, I will never let you forget what you said before…after the gates of hell on Earth are opened.

But….hey…..I could be wrong. ROFLOA!!!!!!!

Please forgive my passion, Jon. It will be a once only outburst.

By: barn moose Mon, 26 Sep 2016 21:55:58 +0000 Trump? Imaginative? Logical? A dogmatic disruptor to date.

Kellyanne Conway? Seems to be a there there. Can she dance the dullard Donald to some new and thrilling music?

We shall see, Virginia, we shall see…

By: From Québec Mon, 26 Sep 2016 20:18:55 +0000 The pseudo intellectual snobs will never be able to recognise the power of an individual who likes his country and want to save it by trying to make it great again..

For these people, an individual have no power whatsoever.
Pseudo intellectual snobs are losers.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 26 Sep 2016 19:57:33 +0000 just really bravo.

thank you.

By: Bunny Mon, 26 Sep 2016 18:57:17 +0000 I agree with you.
More concerned about pandering to big corporations. Corporations are in fact a legal fiction to avoid responsibility.

So my family’s farm, which is about to be fracked, because Big oil went in and got the state to renege on property owner rights, and gave them the right to the minerals beneath the land no matter who owned it. If you do not sign a deal with them to have your wells and spring water destroyed for hundreds of years with toxic chemicals so they can make a quick buck and leave you holding the bag; they can go to your neighbor’s property and drill sideways into your property, destroying the groundwater and springs and leaving you with a non-arable piece of land that has been scrapped. All so their stocks gain a few dollars and the wealthy get paid.
Either way you are screwed.

This corporate malfeasance is the way most of the US economy actually functions. It is a circle jerk of shame.
The main reason corporations exist- is to externalize cost (make the citizenry clean up their mess and bear the brunt of the costs for it)- and evade of responsibility. Hey the CEO is charged with maximizing profits no matter who gets hurt, he is just doing his job, and hey-they shareholders can’t be blamed either. These legal fictions can mam , kill , destroy WITHOUT REPERCUSSION.

But the rest of us are put in jail if we are not responsible.
This is the backbone of a class system.
The corporations are the new aristocracy.
Nothing has changed from feudal times, except that we no longer have an actual right to our own land.

Hillary is Goldman Sach’s BFF, and Trump is in the Koch Brother’s pocket via Pence.
(clue up, the VP is almost always the more powerful of the two – the president is largely a figurehead)
Sorry I know I am rambling.
This latest election is more of a charade than previous ones, I can’t believe anyone could take it seriously.

By: Bunny Mon, 26 Sep 2016 18:40:28 +0000 The press is neither “liberal” nor “conservative” is FAUX liberal or FAUX conservative, whichever position serves the CORPORATE purpose at hand. The Faux social issues are usually front and center;.

The faux conservatives have a penis centered politics- their constant push for war, their constant focus on people’s sexuality and what is and is not allowable,their focus on corporate rights in ascendancy over people’s rights….because dammit Jon some animals are more equal than others.

The Faux liberals have a (excuse the language) a-hole centered philosophy, of fighting the evil corporations and the evil conservatives by increasing government power (the same government OWNED outright by the banks-and corporations, yeah that will work), the constant tight focus on RACE, and Gender (whatever the hell that means these days) “equality” …because dammit Jon, some animals are more equal than others.

The press is largely owned by six corporations, most of whom have overlapping interests with the War Industry (“Defense”), Big Oil (overlaps with Pharma) Big Pharma ,Medical industry, Health insurance scam industry, and Big Ag+ packaged food industry. Let’s be clear here…the US has a DEATH ECONOMY and these toxic products won’t sell themselves…which is why these huge conglomerates outright OWN the press to make sure they can release propaganda as news bites.

The press’s groveling cheerleading during the Iraq war..ringing any bells there?
The press has never been well respected, even in the time of Thomas Jefferson it was owned by the wealthy who got THEIR version of news items in print.

Real conservatives focus on fiscal responsibility, and real liberals focus on human rights.The two are not mutually exclusive positions but have been split into faux positions by the press at the behest of their masters..

This nation has NOT been free since the “founding fathers” , who were selected to amend the articles of confederation, co-opted it by writing the constitution, to ensure the wealthy would control the US. To ameliorate the sting of this betrayal they added the Bill of Rights as an after thought…The way the government treated the veterans of the Revolutionary war is a very very clear indication of who really rules this country…and it has been that way to this day.
ALL of our elections have been a staged joke since then.

This election is no exception,truly a joke..maybe the elites are getting sloppy because they are tired , or they think the population is too dumbed down to notice, but it is clear from these two preselected and regurgitated candidates, that the circus has come to town, and the clowns are not wearing masks this time.
