Comments on: Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires Wed, 26 Oct 2016 18:41:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Eco-Auditor Wed, 26 Oct 2016 18:41:01 +0000

Health Management Organizations such as Group Health now have in the monthly newsletter a health message: 10 danger flu shot myths (see above link). The intent is to send very scary ‘fear-based’ health messages to its customers on the dangers of not getting a flu shot. These messages rely on CDC data that have been called into question many times by independent researchers. Yet the same narrative continues to be used. I would be curious to see if the same standard set of health messages are also delivered by groups like Premera or others. Anyone else getting this set of messages recently?

By: Lars van Pilsum Wed, 05 Oct 2016 21:28:59 +0000 I forgot to mention that Max Gerson was poisoned by arsenic.

By: Sara Wed, 05 Oct 2016 16:14:59 +0000 Happy to have three healthy unvaccinated children and one on the way. It boggles my mind how anyone can think, with even a basic knowledge of the immune system, that injecting all of that crap into the body could possibly improve on the amazing design that has been put in place to protect us from disease. Eat a balanced, healthy, probiotic-rich diet, get fresh air and sunshine and stay active.

By: jtremaine Wed, 05 Oct 2016 12:36:22 +0000 Vaccinations to insure a timely onset of cancer or other disease which addicts the recipient to the Health Care Racket. Population and mind control and chipping of humans for totalitarian monitoring and tracking. STOP THE VAX CONSPIRACY.

By: Erin Mercado Wed, 05 Oct 2016 07:04:58 +0000 I recently dove down the vaccine rabbit hole and in the course of my research, found that Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was working at the same time as Edward Jenner, founder of the Smallpox vaccine. Hahnemann, who discovered the like cures like principle, successfully treated and prevented cases of scarlet fever using belladonna which when given to a healthy person produces similar symptoms to scarlet fever. Hahnemann’s methods produced no harmful side effects, but Edward Jenner, who was infecting people with cow pus and small pox to innoculate them, produced some dreadful results, including death.

Today, homeoprophylaxis, is an oral remedy prepared by creating a pure, additive free homeopathic dilution from disease byproduct and administered in certain doses for prevention and treatment. A 15 year control group study conducted by Dr Isaac Golden shows efficacy rates of 90% with no deaths or side effects. His studies show that overall long term health was better for those who received homeoprophylactic immunization than for those who were vaccinated or completely unvaccinated. Homeoprophylaxis was used recently in Cuba by the Finlay Institute to effectively combat endemic disease in 9 million people – the data is forthcoming. Homeoprophylaxis is being used on thousands of people in India successfully, with support from the government.

World Wide Choice is holding a conference in early October to present the science to date. It appears we do have a choice for safe, effective immunizations, brought to us by the very field that has championed robust health through natural means for over 200 years.

By: van pilsum Wed, 05 Oct 2016 06:19:06 +0000 Yes, they do tend to get murdered and/or smeared.

Gonzalez died from a “heart attack”.
George Lakhovsky was hit by a Limo in New York. I bet a Rockefeller was in the back seat.
Arnold Ehret died from a mysterious fall.
Royal Rife’s lab was raided; smashed [John Cranes lab, but they were doing it together].
Gaston Naesson had to go to court.
Burzynski had to go to court.
Robert Koch basically had to flee to Brazil.

Et cetera….et cetera….

It starts with ridicule, proceeds through harassment, and sometimes even ends in death. This is so obvious.

The cures are out there, but they are are terrible for business. If the public knew there was a cure, and even in the AMA had one, then you could no longer frighten them out of their life savings.

…and the patent would expire in 17 years anyway. The subsequent generation of oncologists would be very few in number, and the drug companies would lose billions per year.

For this simple reason, there will never be an AMA-sponsored cure. They in fact, know of dozens that have been suppressed…

By: artiewhitefox Wed, 05 Oct 2016 04:26:30 +0000 There is nothing more natural than upper cervical specific only chiropractic. The spinal heath of a person will affect a lot of things in including the strength of the individual. Birth itself can begin a problem that the individual is not aware of. A trained eye can see asymmetries in the body of another person. I recommend this to everyone. It is Upper cervical specific Chiropractic. X rays of the neck are taken from varying angles. Base posterior under the chin is the most important one. Adjustment is quick on one side of the neck or slow repeated movements according to X rays. Post X rays are not needed when the body symmetry is measured and when the Tytron infrared scanner is used.
Upcspine practitioners, Upper cervical heath centers zip code. NUCCA and
Grostic are the slow repeated movements. Birth itself can cause all kinds of symptoms immediately or show up later in life. Atlas needs to be in a neutral position under the opening at the base of the skull. The head does not move when a UCS adjustment takes place. The Pisiform bone on the wrist is expertly placed on the transverse process – wing of the atlas. The movement is quick as in the HIO, Toggle, and Blaire technique. NUCCA and Grostic are slower repeated movements. The sooner the atlas is in the neutral possession under the skull the better. . Steven Duff, Windsor California is good. Richard Duff in San Francisco is good too.

By: Sha'Tara Wed, 05 Oct 2016 02:33:36 +0000 This is a topic that can never be overemphasized, and no one does it better than Jon. So many parents and teachers in particular are still under the spell of vaccines, willing to sacrifice the most helpless victims in the word: their own children, or children they are entrusted with on the altars of Big Pharma and the medical mafia.

By: Sue Tue, 04 Oct 2016 21:57:20 +0000 Well, that is interesting. But where in the Victorian age writing is this? What did they die of?

By: Kristen Godfrey Tue, 04 Oct 2016 17:22:58 +0000 “a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms”…. I have seen this statement twice now. I find it very interesting. How? why? when? In Victorian age writing, somebody would get a minor cut in the morning and be dead by the evening. Has anybody studied this or is it mentioned anywhere at any length? If true, it is a remarkable occurence! I enjoyed your article, thank you.
