Comments on: CDC police will eventually arrest the unvaccinated as “diseased criminals” Tue, 18 Feb 2020 15:08:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: duuuuude Sat, 26 Nov 2016 10:48:37 +0000 if I didn’t get a VAX but YOU did, what is your f**K*** problem? if you’re that convinced that vaccines work why are you afraid of somebody unvax if yours is supposed to work hundred percent so what is your f****** problem?

By: Alan Roy Thu, 10 Nov 2016 01:26:23 +0000 The CDC with Mayo Clinic, Yale Uni, and Smith-Kline conspired knowingly to unleash a bogus Lyme disease vaccine that crippled thousands before it was yanked despite fraudulent data showing that it was preventing the disease. This is NOT conspiracy theory, the facts were firmly established and should have brought criminal charges. Similar fraudulent tampering is still done with the Western Blot test to filter out 90% of legit positives and continue to deny that chronic Lyme disease exists. Why? Because misdiagnosis means that MILLIONS are left to suffer while the pharma and medical industries reap TRILLIONS in profits for bogus disorders and treatments. Use your head, millions of congenital Lyme babies are born, many with autism which can only be the result of Lyme. How can I be so sure? I also had three children born with congenital Lyme who have been thoroughly destroyed along with their mother, though I wasn’t able to pin a 100% cause on their troubles until early 2016, but there IS NO MISTAKE. Oh, yes, I also suffered terribly with Lyme for 47 years. For all that time, it was starkly plain that the MDs I went to for answers were deliberately evading routine diagnostics in favor of bipolar and other false diagnosis on the sole symptom of extensive sinusitis. How can a million MDs practice willful negligence in testing and pursue fraudulent diagnostics? Wild? No, indeed, it’s because this is how the are trained, because recurring commissions on drugs (esp psychoactives) are BIG money, because the younger ones are in debt, and because bucking the AMA and CDC could cost them their license to practice. So, you don’t have Lyme and don’t need to worry? No sir, you have a LOT to worry about. You are also welcome to read the book I wrote about it […]

By: Alan Roy Thu, 10 Nov 2016 01:21:58 +0000 The CDC with Mayo Clinic, Yale Uni, and Smith-Kline conspired knowingly to unleash a bogus Lyme disease vaccine that crippled thousands before it was yanked despite fraudulent data showing that it was preventing the disease. This is NOT conspiracy theory, the facts were firmly established and should have brought criminal charges. Similar fraudulent tampering is still done with the Western Blot test to filter out 90% of legit positives and continue to deny that chronic Lyme disease exists. Why? Because misdiagnosis means that MILLIONS are left to suffer while the pharma and medical industries reap TRILLIONS in profits for bogus disorders and treatments. Use your head, millions of congenital Lyme babies are born, many with autism which can only be the result of Lyme. How can I be so sure? I also had three children born with congenital Lyme who have been thoroughly destroyed along with their mother, though I wasn’t able to pin a 100% cause on their troubles until early 2016, but there IS NO MISTAKE. Oh, yes, I also suffered terribly with Lyme for 47 years. For all that time, it was starkly plain that the MDs I went to for answers were deliberately evading routine diagnostics in favor of bipolar and other false diagnosis on the sole symptom of extensive sinusitis. How can a million MDs practice willful negligence in testing and pursue fraudulent diagnostics? Wild? No, indeed, it’s because this is how the are trained, because recurring commissions on drugs (esp psychoactives) are BIG money, because the younger ones are in debt, and because bucking the AMA and CDC could cost them their license to practice. So, you don’t have Lyme and don’t need to worry? No sir, you have a LOT to worry about. You are also welcome to read the book I wrote about it […]

By: matt Fri, 14 Oct 2016 05:14:59 +0000 I think the popular entertainment with zombies has helped condition people (in a fun way, like all the best indoctrination through entertainment) to be fearful of the diseased, kill them before they get too close and infect, etc.

By: cathypogo Tue, 11 Oct 2016 08:39:54 +0000 When in mid-May 2016, we were preparing for my sister in law’s impending death at a hospice which was attached within a hospital, their staff’s FIRST questions upon entering the facility, “Is your SIL up to date on her vaccinations?!” Mind you she had been hospitalized for much of her mid 60’s to her mid 70’s from two open heart surgeries, suffering with to MRSA and C Diff infections, carotid procedures, gall bladder removal, I nearly went ballistic speaking in between gritted teeth as much as I could stand…I told them in no uncertain terms if I caught anyone near her body with anything remotely resembling syringes, mists, sugar cubes or anything at all looking like a vaccine they were going to have to answer for it!

They even sent in the managing director to ask what the “fuss was about” So I let him have it within a normal tone of voice. I explained how I had been injured myself as an adult for Rubella and then Tetanus and Pneumonia vaccines co-administered together (never having penumonia as one of seven kids yet having it at least a dozen times since and I WOULD NEVER STAND for anyone I know and love to ever get dosed with ANY VACCINES as long as I have a say! Her daughter had a DNR and as her her Power of Attorney was in total agreement as were her my 92 yr old Mom in law and my husband (her brother) and her sister. I never had pneumonia as one of seven kids and after the pneumoniavaccine I suffered a dozen bouts there within 2012, one when I had thyroid cancer removed and they still insisted I go on with the surgery.

By the way, this occurred between the transfer from our local hospital during early afternoon hours until roughly 9:20 PM, when sensing my Mom in law’s fatigue I decided to take her home, as we could not be sure when my sister in law might pass. I got into my car and took Mom the less than mile drive home. Then I got tthe call she had passed and my husband’s other sister, who was sitting bedside , had wanted me to then just bring Mom back (after urging me to take her home due to her fatigue) and I decided against it, it was way too much for Mom dealing with this all day and Mom was now showing how she was more tired as the night went on. Besides, I was sheduled for my own surgery in the morning and had to get some much needed sleep (I had mytonsils out for second time, my tongue needed untying as the skin had fibrosed (the frenulum was tighter than a drum) and my uvula needed a biopsy (NEG for cancer thankgoodness) I have NO immune system from undiagnosed LYME of 22+ years duration and they regrew in response to repeated LYME, Babesia and b. Burgdorferi, staph, strep, Moraxella and Klebsiella oxytoca pneumonia)

I am suggesting to everyone anticipating EVER being hospitalized, whether planned or in any accidental ways, please get yourself a pre-printed or embossed/stamped bracelet and wear this bracelet as you would any allergy bracelet. Vaccines are a POISON and you do not NEED nor WANT them in your body. They do nothing more than to send you into the revolving door of hospitals as a money maker, from cradle to grave is so apropos and I have literally seen this in action!

BE safe, wear a bracelet and NEVER allow a loved one ot get injected with anything. BTW, I also have heavy metal toxicity forom having had nine MRIs wiht Gadolinium contrast, in pursuit of the undiagnosed Lyme! This drug, GADOLINIUM BASED CONTRAST AGENTS, which they say should leave the body in about 96 or so hours…is STILL IN MY BODY NEARLY SEVEN YEARS LATER! I am having such a hard time getting a diagnosis, finally resulting in one ffcalled “GADOLNIUM DEPOSITION DISEASE!” I am doing chelation to get it out of my body and it is coming out , along with other metals such as Barium, Cadmium, Cesium, Gadolinium+, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Tin and Tungsten! I Wish I could say I feel better but with the Iraqibacter infection caught at the OR in May after my sister in law’s death is just another thing to fight! I will survive, but I want others to as well, I do not want anyone to suffer as those of us with Vaccine Injury # 2881 on The VAXXED BUS have, it is NOT RIGHT.

Homeschool your kids if you have to but in NJ you are able to get personal or religious exemptions, for schooling, an education should NEVER come at the price of AUTISM, these children are NOT being born this way, yet aer all of a sudden becoming HARMED IRRECVERSIBLY in some cases…we are hoping to repeal SB 277 in CA and MS and WVA as well, NO ONE should be told YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DRUG IN YOUR BODY…NO ONE! Your body and your children’s bodies are NOT a drug experiment, this is NOT NAZI GERMANY, or is it?!

BE SAFE BE WISE DO NO IMMUNIZE IT’S TOXIC!!! There are also over 300 vaccines in the pipeline FOR ADULTS MOSTLY! LOOK AT THE SKYROCKETTING AUTISM LEVELS , ESPECIALLY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITIES, WHY?!?! ANSWERS IN RESEARCH! why? THEY make oodles of money on them, they have no abiltity to be sued for bodily damages as there is a specially formatted VACCINE COURT, which is never fair and should also be abolished! OK it is late or early depending on what way you look at it, BE SAFE ALWAYS! DOCtors get a bounty on each vaccinated child’s head, do the math do the research! it is always about the money!! The vaccines cost money and so does the extreme amount of care that adds up over the many years it takes to diagnose, then re-poison (as in Gadolinium Deposition Disease or Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) with no known kidney disease it is GDD! THE research is all there read it be safe always!




By: James Tue, 11 Oct 2016 05:03:28 +0000 I unfortunately have to agree with the conclusion that Mr. Rappaport came to with what the real endgame of the CDC police. They will forcibly vaccinate adults. And sadly because there are many ‘attenuated’ live viruses in vaccines that shed, many people who are in contact with said adults will definitely be in a precommunicable stage of an illness, because the CDC will be injecting them, and the injectees will be breathing and exposing everyone they come in contact with. (That means areas with people who have their health compromised, nursing homes, hospitals, etc, as well as places with poor ventilation (most office buildings) and places that a high density of people (stadiums, public transportation, etc) there will be a lot of viruses floating in the air, and so these acts will actually increase the amount of sicknesses for one, and as a second side effect, many people will become vaccine injured, and the autism rate will continue to soar), but hey the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC employees who head it up will make a lot of money from these new policies, and stock prices for the vaccine manufacturing companies will rise.

By: Terri Sat, 08 Oct 2016 19:22:00 +0000 That is a great point Sabell. Exactly, how can someone choose obedience over their own children? Humans are truly becoming more insane and zombie like every day. They have been programmed thru their own upbringing to conform and very few are able to grow up and think for themselves and then choose responsibility and freedom. It takes a strong act of will to reject obedience. Obedience is passed off as something above reproach, that humans can not be moral without a threat of punishment. Of course this is outrageous and a total lie.

By: Jessica Sat, 08 Oct 2016 01:29:04 +0000 Amen!

By: van pilsum Fri, 07 Oct 2016 11:03:59 +0000 Nice article Mr. Postman.

I personally had the feeling that thimerosal was somehow connected with Skull and Bones, and this was before I knew about their connection with Eugenics.

Thimerosal was developed in the 20’s and patented by Morris Kharasch

If you examine its’ chemical properties you will know that it is actually a relatively ineffective preservative, since it decomposes in solution and bind to the sulfhydryl groups of proteins.

In effect, it makes for a shitty preservative irregardless of its’ terrible therapeutic index. I came to the conclusion that it must be a depopulation tool. Phenol and phenoxyalcohol are much better, safer, and cheaper preservatives.

I think that maybe you can link Morris Kharasch with Skull and Bones, or at least look into it. I don’t have a list of the members.

Good history of Thimerosal (Methiolate) here by Dr. King PhD Chemistry:

Morris Kharash’s first thimerosal patent:

By: William Ford Fri, 07 Oct 2016 10:37:54 +0000 His relatives should of suggested to the caring health care professionals that they could prove that these medical vaccines were safe by arranging themselves to be implemented repeatedly.
