Now, I have bought my first paint, brushes, and papers, but I still need to tell myself that I can and will pick up the brush, uncap the paint, and create a new reality! That is what most of us are struggling with here, in a world that has gone out of its way to thoroughly convince each of us (in my case, for decades) that we have no “talent,” and thereby crippling our imagination That is why I have now taped a sticky note to my mirror that says, “I didn’t come here to succumb to this bullshit!”
]]>Thank you for the blog article alerts.
I liked the article about mind control, this is a very important short article of yours and it is motivating me.
Also thank you very much for the CDC analysis of its bogus yearly lethal flu statistics. Amazing and crucifying for the CDC butchers. I myself have discovered this bogus statistical definition in 2009 as a result of the swine flu crisis in which I have monitored the developments in USA as well as in Europe. I already had forgotten this dirty tiny detail but facts and even more statistical facts are no facts in this modern era of public relations and data distortion and image building without any relevant or truthful specifics.
Last couple of months I have come to observe many examples of social engineering. Here on the European Continent we are increasingly bombed by EU social engineering.
To give you an example: worst of all recently the European Committe against racism and intolerance. There is constant pressure and I decided to write an email letter tot he director of this ECRI instituion.
See the links below and my letter to this director Christian Ahlund.
The reason I am sending you this is that I am increasingly amazed by this staggering bureaucratic and mass media and political pressure to get self censorship applied by the citizens. This whole appalling effort which I regard as a long term effort as in a psy op to brainwash and mind control the European people regarding muslems and Islam clearly is aiming at fundamentally changing the perceptions of the present younger generations in Europe and the generations to come which will totally and fundamentally change or even destroy our regional cultures and societies.
First the links. Second my letter to mr. Christian Ahlund.
Link to the ECRI UK report:
Radio interview with this EU bureaucrat Christian Ahlund on a radio station which is unknown to me but makes the impression of a government sponsored of foundation sponsored big scale organisation to brainwash the masses via the internet.
Contact and adress of ECRI:
I would appreciate if you could find some time to give some suggestions as to tackle this social engineering fallacy. I have the plan to inform all the EU parlementarians. I have basically stopped to inform or write or email to the Dutch parlementarians since they are totally controlled by Brussels and in fact they have only one function as to keep on giving the dutch people the illusion of democracy whereas dictatorship is being installed in Brussels in an increasing measure.
My letter is down below.
I also have attached some files regarding social engineering planning by the powers that be. I especially like the article on the TOFFLER couple futurologists telling about the Newt Gingrich anti democratic massaging underlying his misleading conservative political viewpoints. Futurologists like the Toffler couple seem to have the function of brainwashing the public into the inevitabilities of planned societal changes which of course could be avoided if citizens were able to see through the falsities of this kind of false prophets.
Jan Ligthart
=========================== MY LETTER TO ECRI, European Committe on racism and intolerance ===========================================
Dear sir mister Christian Ahlund,
Congratulations with your recent report on the discrimination and hate speech in the UK.
Also congratulations with the verdict you have written down on one of the hate speeching parties called UKIP as well as certain segments of UK newspapers.
Congratulations with suppression of truth by telling half of the truth.
You are not practicing speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. On the contrary.
The other half of the truth of Islam criticism all over Europe can be found in the Koran, the Haditch and the Sharia laws and the evaluation of these hate writings in these Islam scriptues by European indigenous and Christian people.
Have you already read those books of the socalled religion of peace?
If not you had better do it to be in a mental and intellectual position to report the whole truth about UK behaviour and not the half truth regarding what you call hate crimes and hate speech in any European country e.g. in your recent reports case the UK.
I can assure you there is hate speech and hate spreading and fear mongering and terrorising in these Islam scriptures. You ought to investigate these practices from muslem minorities and muslem clerics as well but you utterly refuse. So why not incorporate the hate speech and fear mongering and terrorising of Islam clerics in the UK into your report?
Why not criticising the muslem leadership in the UK in its constant fear mongerinig and hate speech in the mosques against the unbelievers?
When you get hit in your face by a black man you report to be hit in your face by a black man as a fact. When you report you were hit in the face by a man you tell half the truth. You as a bureaucrat of EU dictatorship are afraid of mentioning this little half truth of the black man, because it is forbidden by EU hate speech laws?
When you get hit in your face by a white man you report tob e hit in your face by a white man as a fact. Why do you give the color away of your assailant in the case of a white man? Is it maybe because mentioning the white color is not forbidden by the EUâs skewed and biased hate speech laws?
When you get hit by a bullit from a kalashinikov during a terrorist attack by a muslem you report to have been hit by a bullet from a kaslhnikov from a man. You tell half the truth because muslem attacks, muslem terror attacks have been all over the place in Europe, but still you insist with your report the reporters, editors and journalist lie to their audience and their public.
You have not put up an investigative impartial attitude. You have put up a mirrorglass which is only giving back what you are allowed by your superiors to see which is only the one half of the truth, the offences against muslems and which is NOT the offences by muslems against non muslems.
What you are advocating is lying to the people.
What you are advocating is suppression of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Once any bureaucrat is pracitising what you are practising this is the evidence of the dictatorship and totalitarianism by European Union.
What you are doing is collaborating with a European Union bureaucracy which is the very project of installing totalitarianism in Europe.
By only producing reports on any European country about the supposed hate laws and hate speech practices you are collaborating with a totalitarian project.
In my history lessons this was called Nazism.
Please go on, the sooner the European public gets aware of the essence of your activity, the sooner the European Union project will be over and closed.
OR: I advise you to put up some other spectacles or resign from your despiccable european union ECRI office.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Ligthart
]]>From a historical point of view, Einstein (1905) discovered, Aston (1922) measured and then Weizsacker (1935) and Bethe (1936) hid the source of energy in cores of heavy atoms, stars and galaxies that powers the universe and sustains our lives – NEUTRON REPULSION.
We will either correct the error in the definition of “nuclear binding energy” or we will continue to be slaves. We have no other option.