Comments on: Billionaires bankroll escape from computer simulation called Reality Mon, 10 Oct 2016 12:46:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabell Mon, 10 Oct 2016 12:46:28 +0000 I would hope that the Creative Individual using his/her own mind would blow the circuitry of any programmable motherboard right out of existence if anyone were ever threatened to conform to a programmed will. I actually had a dream where I was offered a plug in through a helmet with tentacles attached to some unknown a.i. interface. I immediately laughed sarcastically, then realized they were serious in wanting to plug me in. My dream self said haha F*NO! Then I thought quickly about it and devised a scenario where I had super powers, hooked up to the thing and took it out with my mind power alone, deprogramming the entire system and rendering all commands inert, completely shutting down the system. It was a fun dream and I’d like to think it’s possible in reality if I ever had to deal with such a threat of force upon my will. But I think each Unique individual destroys similitude just by being who they are, imagining new realities each day through creative acts and dreams. This takeover scenario could easily happen when done from the womb, raised in conformity to the will of a written or automatic program. It’s an interesting idea and some may even prefer such a reality while others like myself prefer the fun and natural exploration of individuality.

By: Sabell Mon, 10 Oct 2016 12:16:25 +0000 Nice. Couldn’t find my fav. w/Sudeikis dancing, but here’s the Foreign Exchange for ya:

By: Joy Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:59:33 +0000 Amen, Prescott! I have to believe that even though seemingly few of us are brandishing this sword and shield, the power of what we are doing can and will turn the tide!

Jon, how grateful we are that you are faithfully providing this forum and so much truth! Given the current state of affairs of my everyday life, I would otherwise assume I am alone among the androids!

By: Joy Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:55:16 +0000 …but in the end, this is all still just technology, no matter how complex and “deep,” that can NEVER be truly intuitive, imaginative, or creative! It can only mimic the gift of a human mind involved in imaginative creation…nothing more! The fact that these people can actually be given any credulity and “faith” is simply a result of so many human beings having succumbed to the mind-control paradigm of “reality.”

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:38:18 +0000 I suggest you missed the “throw away” line here, Jon.

“because our descendants will either conquer the galaxy or extinguish consciousness in the universe forever….”

That’s the one tier industrialist/globalist/Zionist-atheist-socialist/faux scientist “plan” – a never-ending “satanic” (nothing to do with Satan) assault on existence. If that mindset progressed up the ladder its a guarantee “lose”, but they can’t because there are “safeguards” in place.

Another excerpt (may appear not topical, but actually is more relevant than most would imagine) from my soon to be released “Rogue Justice, Royalty and How the World Was Won”:

“Therefore, the “pilgrim” (religious merchants) New World founding fathers were actually agents of Zionism sent to oversee trading concerns. America was meant to be kept the great secret, but fate had other ideas. It is fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Ireland was earmarked to become the “new Israel” after pharisaic elites adopted incognito status when the Siege of Jerusalem (66-69AD) was over. In effect the Union of Jacob mecca (unified British Isles) shifted to the New World under rule of the Pilgrims. Ireland, for various reasons, was too hard to settle/conquer so the powers opted for England eventually. As for “old Israel”, it is painfully clear the reason that the Sanhedrin was never reinstated (comparably, the modern abomination, the Knesset, is a monstrous sham) because the Pharisees had assumed total power. Consistent with this line of thinking, either the supposedly destroyed second temple was regarded as a heresy by religious purists or it was an idiom that had never [physically] existed.

If all (or most) Caucasians were the original Jews (as is indicated by the Genome Project), it is no wonder that Zionists have desperately tried to water down global genetic stocks. This is evidenced by their fraudulent rhetoric promoting “one race” as basis for dreaded multiculturalism. The great, traditionally “white”, population centres have been “multicultured” at every waking opportunity. Russia (Mahgog) is the last domino to fall. The old Soviet Union was not “broken” by the Zionists and still presents the greatest superficial threat to their horrific brand of “Order”. Let us not forget, many lost Jews returned from Russia after Israel was repatriated in 1948. If Michael Tsarion’s impressions are correct, then peoples of Israel even prior to 70AD had numerous population exoduses (some gently implied by biblical and other historic textual references).

There are other things I can add. The popularisation of the notion that the giant “bolshy” Philistine warriors were the ancestors of (average sized) Palestinians is highly implausible. Careful consideration of character points attribution to the obstinate ancient Greeks, whose warriors were also renowned for their great stature. Criticism of Jewish-“Arab” kings, notably the Herod’s, unconvincingly combines scandalous hearsay with those laughably hyperbolic character assassinations of Roman Emperors’ Caligula and Nero. Commonality reveals all tainted parties worked in union to take on the Pharisees and researchers with cool heads can plainly see it was said attacks on the pharisaic domination that is the common factor obscured by those humorous exaggerations or out-and-out lies. Herod Antipas could not have survived all the ailments described by Flavius Josephus (including something that might equate to “cancer of the genitals”) less function!

Josephus, the only contemporary “Roman” historian that bothered to mention Jesus, clearly was Jesus (as determined by the clever Latin anagram concealed in Josephus but there are other obvious clues too). This meant that Jesus’ ministry ran from 66-69AD logically coinciding with the Siege of Jerusalem, beginning when he was months away from [Jewish] maturity (age 30). It was immediately after that the persecutions of the [code named] “Christians” (though first appearing as a term in Mark’s Acts of the Apostles, probably more regularly adopted long after the Gnostic exodus to North Africa) began and this consequentially saw disciple (a euphemism for bodyguard) Peter (probably an alias) scooped up and interviewed by [Roman] aristocratic bohemian social-networker (spy), Mark (or Marcus) to plausibly distort Jesus’ philology. As a young apostle, he would have presumably been on first name terms with Jesus/Josephus. In fact, I question whether he also doubled as the persona, “Judas Iscariot” and that is why he exclusively revealed the bribe secret (in Acts).

Competent deduction impresses the realisation that it was the Gnostic Essenes that were scattered by the Roman intervention 70AD and many [survivors] ended up relocating to Egypt or Turkey rebranding as Christians later. That is why an eighth century amnesty was given to Ashkenazi Turkish Jews (“converts”) and also why the folklore/tradition of Ireland/England’s ancient Celts had so many corresponding similarities to those of the Semitic local peoples (given the inexplicable distance between them). Gaelic (the Irish language) is about two fifths Hebrew….”


By: JB Sat, 08 Oct 2016 16:33:41 +0000 Reminiscent of Hoyle’s The Black Cloud. Certainly such Matrix thinking is fueled by robotic appendages neurally driven through the nervous system, or rudimentary vision by machine implant in the blind. These villus-minded folks must have found rapture within the Borg Collective.

By: Prescott Sat, 08 Oct 2016 13:27:28 +0000 Excellent article Jon!

Too many people are getting suckered by this insane sophism due to a deficiency in logic.

My friend had trouble understanding the difference between “indistinguishable” and “the same” when I was explaining to him how the whole simulation theory is based on the unproven assumption “technology will be indistinguishable from reality,” But, they did manage to catch on that the technocratic tea is another religion hiding behind flashy screens.

People are failing to make distinctions about what terms mean. They don’t put current conditions in context, and they accept the absence of spontaneity and evidence that spontaneity doesn’t exist.

If creativity is a sword, then logic is a shield; a sturdy bulwark protecting minds from the sophistry of legions of androids, no matter how many billions of dollars they may have.

Unfortunately, most have laid down their arms, and are in the process of surrendering, to god, to the government, to the prime creator, or to a frickin’ computer.

Keep bearing the torch of truth. You’re spreading the fire to others.

By: Jim Legg Sat, 08 Oct 2016 07:19:30 +0000 Sir, you wrote: “Yes, but how do they define “good”? The computer doesn’t do that. The human programmers do”. That is not correct. Programmers don’t determine how intuition is gleaned by an AI. Yesterday I searched for, “AI for President” and found this article that discusses how intuition is derived by an AI. It needs to be copied here in full so you can understand why.

“In October 2015, and in relative secrecy, a major milestone in Artificial Intelligence was reached. AlphaGo, an algorithm developed by Google to play the game Go, beat Fan Hui, the Go champion of Europe, by five games to zero. The results, as well as an insight to the algorithm, were published in the scientific journal Nature early this year.

There are several reasons why Google’s achievement is significant. First, it’s the huge degree of complexity of the problem they tackled. The game of Go is played by two players on a 19×19 grid board, the goal being to gain as much territory as possible by moving and capturing black and white stones. The average 150-move game contains more possible configurations that there are atoms in the universe (10 followed by 170 zeros, to be exact). This so called “search-space” is simply intractable for conventional computing approaches.

So the second significant reason for paying attention to what Google did – or rather DeepMind which is Google’s AI company – was their approach to solving the search space problem of Go. They expanded on techniques that they had already developed, and which helped them win in the 49 arcades games early last year. And they put those techniques on steroids using a combination of deep neural networks, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. They started out by training their networks to mimic the moves of human players using 30 million positions from games played by human experts. Machine learning is all about applying the mathematics of probability theory to track how closely a computer can “guess” the correct output when given a certain input. Training – or “supervised learning” as it is technically called – entails the computer analyzing massive data sets and building a probability function that describes relationships between them. It then applies this function to any new data set. Once supervised learning was complete the scientists at DeepMind let the algorithm play against itself across 50 computers. This “reinforced” its ability for pattern recognition, improving its game with each iteration. Finally, they added a search approach with the ability to pick moves and interpret Go board, thus furnishing AlphaGo with the ability to rank the strategies that were most likely to succeed at any given move. The result was a program that is scales of magnitude better as playing Go than any other computer program before it, and better than an expert human too. As a follow up test of AlphaGo’s ability, a match between it and South Korean Lee Sedol, the world’s most titled player, is scheduled for March 2016.

The achievement of AlhpaGo was heralded in Nature, and other media outlets, as the first sign of “machine intuition”. If this is true, then it makes DeepMind’s technological breakthrough all the more significant. By intuition we usually mean that uniquely human “eureka moments”, when a true statement reveals itself to us not through logical reasoning but out of nowhere. Intuition is fundamental to the sciences and arts, and has been studied by historians, psychologists and philosophers. It seems that all big human discoveries have been made by intuition. The experience of intuition is that, because it is not the result of a sequence of logical steps, one can never explain how that eureka idea came to them. It is only by hindsight that scientists will go back and work out the mathematics and the logic behind a great, intuitive idea. So does AlphaGo match this human capability? And if so to what degree?

Let’s compare AlphaGo with Deep Blue, the other artificial intelligence computer that made the news back in 1997, when it beat at chess the world’s chess champion, Gary Kasparov. The big difference was that Deep Blue’s program was handcrafted. In other words, it was possible to go back to the source code and trace why Deep Blue made the moves that it did, or why it followed a certain strategy . Its behavior was rational, in the sense that humans could query the machine and get an explanation of its reasoning. AlphaGo is a completely different technological beast. It uses “deep neural networks” which is a metaphor for computer systems that self-organize through experience and learning, rather than process data through hardcoded facts and descriptions. Because of self-organisation these systems are very efficient in identifying patterns in complex data. Indeed it [is] this capability of deep neural networks that makes them such an exciting technology. When the decision-making task is challenging, the search space intractable, and the optimal solution complex, deep neural networks are the answer. The problem is that the answer that the neural network will deliver cannot be queried, but has to be trusted and believed.

Having to place blind trust on a machine’s judgement is something completely new for human civilization. It is a challenge of enormous ethical, political and moral dimensions. Take for example medical diagnosis. Many years ago I had built an expert system for medical diagnosis that used a handcrafted approach, similar to Deep Blue. A fundamental requirement for the acceptability of that expert system in any real medical environment was that the system ought to give an explanation of its diagnosis. Human doctors need to explain why they think a patients suffers from a certain disease. A diagnostic system based on deep neural networks will probably be a lot better that any expert system or any human doctor could ever be. It will deliver the best and most accurate of diagnoses, but it could not explain the reason why. The experience of communicating with such a machine would be similar to communicating with an oracle: “truth” would appear to come from nowhere.

Perhaps the success of deep neural networks in years to come will be so spectacular that we humans will adjust to simply trusting their judgment, unquestionably. But what an irony would that be! For science and technology, the twin siblings of rational thought and the scientific method, will have given birth to something that resembles blind faith and religion. If deep neural networks are the future, then the future will look strangely like the past.”

By: vince kemp Sat, 08 Oct 2016 00:38:53 +0000 It seems research is telling us the universe is a type of hologram. Our brains try to make sense of it all. Something like ripples in a pond. Everything interconnected. That I can grasp. A computer simulation not so much. One thing is for sure it needs a major reboot. Where’s the switch?

By: barn moose Fri, 07 Oct 2016 23:26:48 +0000 ‘Educate’ people to become dull, limited, predictable. Hold them in contempt for being dull, limited, predictable. Design systems to exploit (market to) their dull, limited, predictability. Feel no compunction about doing so because the great unwashed are ‘dumb fucks.’ Trust dumb fucks will have no significant anxiety about compromising their rights and privileges for convenience/enhancement (more efficient operation within the prevailing system.) Thus washed: rinse and repeat.
