Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: victimized or inspired? Sat, 08 Oct 2016 04:02:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Figglesworth von Braun Sat, 08 Oct 2016 04:02:41 +0000 Thanks Jon. We don’t need a pre-packaged value reality system delivered via television. Television is absolutely moronic, but it creates by induction almost the entire social milleu these days: the mainstream persona is shaped by television for the benefit of corporations, billionaires, and governments.

By: Joy Fri, 07 Oct 2016 14:48:11 +0000 Over the years, as I have discovered the underpinnings and reality of the Matrix, I have found this to be so true! Today, both because their onslaught seems to be escalating, and because I am diving deep into your materials, there is always the temptation to despair. Instead, however, I feel it is empowering me and giving me a new sense of calm, where things seem to slow down around me, and I can see how my imagination is at work.

I truly believe that the “hidden hand” behind all of the Matrix workings is incapable of imagination and creativity in the sense that we individuals can summon and use it. Yes, they are powerfully creating something, but it is all about mind-control and force, rather than imagination. Even though they have been at this for centuries, perhaps millennia, human imagination and creativity can turn things around, because it is truly capable of creating new realities, not just imposing by force.
