Comments on: Sexual behavior of Trump, Bill, Hillary takes over Presidential campaign Tue, 11 Oct 2016 01:36:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Tue, 11 Oct 2016 01:36:59 +0000 i look forward to it.
thank you.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 11 Oct 2016 01:12:54 +0000 The product:

By: wewanttruthsara Sun, 09 Oct 2016 20:57:23 +0000 if we get the leadership we deserve, we also get the trends and simplifications that become us. Thanks for not falling into that trap

By: mrcamillon Sun, 09 Oct 2016 20:05:02 +0000 I would not debate anyone with the American worthless media in on it. How long do we put up with are worthless press in America.

By: Joy Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:36:49 +0000 Jon, I am quickly coming to the conclusion that this entire “election” is yet another example of the PR behind mainstream media that is messing with our heads by using the disjuncture and pacing of “events” they report (as described by “Ellis Medavoy” in your “The Matrix Revealed” collection) to shape a new perception of “reality.” I purposely shield myself from everything in the mainstream media, and yet all I learn elsewhere about this supposed “election” has made me wonder, over and over again, what is really going on with this surreal and preposterous state affairs? Then it hit me! It’s about causing so much anxiety, and incredulity, and exasperation that the American public is finally going to throw up its hands and say, “Whatever! I will accept whatever happens.”

By: arcadia11 Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:35:13 +0000 a compelling appetizer…

By: geri west Sun, 09 Oct 2016 16:50:39 +0000 Trump Related to Hillary Obama is RELATED to all US Presidents except one, Trump is related to Hillary,Obama related to Bush, Cheney, Gore, McCain,Palin, Kerry, Queen Elizabeth, Biden, Prince Charles Clinton etc all RELATED

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 09 Oct 2016 06:02:19 +0000 Good post, Jon

I think you have summed up what needs to be said. Why (indeed) was Clinton impeached for “alleged” licentious behaviour (outside the public eye) in the Whitehouse? Think of calculating Globalists and theoretical “post 9/!!: foul-cries from “occupiers”.

Were you aware that both Trump and Mrs Clinton have child-abused “whistle blowers” waiting in the wings in case certain important feathers are ruffled. Ah politics….

I had planned to release my latest mega-post on today, but it just keeps expanding. Anyway, it’s titled “Rogue Justice, Royalty and How the West Was Won” and this excerpt (a chronology timeline) topically mentions the Clintons in particular:

“1989 Poland’s revolt against Zionist-communism spearheaded by front man, Lech Walesa

1990 First Gulf War over control of the global petrochemical supply

1991 (perhaps earlier) The FBI began a faux war on child pornography virtually exclusively creating the internet “market” as an ongoing sting operation. This was a late phase of the strategy that imposes synthetic standards of “adulthood” as preparation/indoctrination for forced state servitude (voting, working and other perceived privileges that are actually violating obligations). Yugoslavia used to war test (unauthorised) NATO calculated to permanently break Slavic rebellion against the corporates

1993 A special weather research project called HAARP was set up at Alaska’s Fairbank University. Janet Reno (allegedly a lover of Hillary Clinton) ordered the FBI to successfully use lethal force against defenceless untried American citizens that were part of a Seventh Day Adventist splinter called the “Dravidians”. No one has been held accountable for the murders of the Texans to date

1995 Oklahoma City bombing was an “inside job” dry run for the notorious Zionist commissioned 9/11 attack. Guilty mis-adventurer Timothy McVeigh acted in outrage at the effects forced medications had had on fellow Gulf War veterans (43,000 reported with “AIDS like” symptoms). Those responsible for the actual destruction have never been apprehended

1996 French underground “nuclear test” and industrial scale fracking assault on the fragile pacific basin

1999 Pakistan “secured” as insurance against potential rebellion in India….”


By: Julie Sun, 09 Oct 2016 05:44:49 +0000 Trump is an old fashioned confidence man, as in confidence in the two party system and your vote counts. The reality is that Hillary has already been chosen as President. Hence Trump who has a huge following, must be torn down so that it looks like the the public consensus is Hillary is the best choice and the majority of voters actually voted for her. I have no faith in voting whatsoever and think that people should learn about things like super delegates, voter fraud (people who have died are still voting as well as illegals. I saw illegals registering to vote outside a Walmart, I notified the authorities, their response, “That’s impossible.”). Also people need to look into the fraud going on with digital voting. It’s high time that the bluff is brought to light on this voting scam. If everyone stopped voting it would be a huge step in stopping the fraud we are being subjected to.

Thank you for your excellent articles and site Jon.

By: Greg C. Sat, 08 Oct 2016 23:25:23 +0000 Well, we already knew that Hillary was a cunning linguist. She, like Obama, has managed to project a kind of sexless power image. It’s easier to idolize our authority figures when they have no humanizing aspects, and they play to that. Trump will break that pattern if he is elected. Who would have thought that we could ever have a first lady who was photographed nude? Time to grow up, America.
