Comments on: Major media build a universe for Hillary Sun, 23 Oct 2016 07:59:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: bob klinck Sun, 23 Oct 2016 07:59:45 +0000 “Making America Great Again” sounds like a standard-issue vapid political slogan, along the lines of “Hope and Change”. Is there never to be any substance to politics beyond sloganeering appealing to the most simple-minded elements of the population? All these rah-rah baits for votes are totally devoid of meaning, although the media silence about HRC’s misdeeds might not be.

By: George Fri, 14 Oct 2016 23:29:39 +0000 Recent bloomberg businessweek talks about how goldman cheated Libiya by selling them shady derivatives and then lost their client to the french societie general (sp?).

The war must have been related to this.

A few days after Fukushima and they invade Libiya? I knew then that the world controllers care absolutely NOTHING for humanity.

By: Sam Nelson Fri, 14 Oct 2016 20:10:26 +0000 As usual, excellent content.

By: Terri Fri, 14 Oct 2016 19:53:09 +0000 Truth seeker, you bring up some good points and questions. Those who serve evil are not united, even though it appears they are. Not everyone in the government is evil and is a traitor. The same thing that always happens, always will; negative energy and entities self destruct sooner or later. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but we must be careful not to get too caught up in the details, step back and look at things on an energetic broader perspective. They want us to get lost in all the details, which since we have no personal knowledge of, are just speculation and therefore mostly irrelevant. They have one card they love to play and that is distraction and it has worked against the masses for a long time. This allows them to divide and conquer the people they seek to rule over.

I see the splitting of the worlds which has been prophesied progressing further. This is not a bad thing or a good thing. Its just what energy does. We have Make America Great Again on one side, and on the other side some sort of collectivist slogan like the one from v for vendetta which means nothing. We see how the state has destroyed the minds of the youth since their parents were too ignorant to know they should not have given them to the state to raise. This happened when Mao and communism took over China. We do not want these idiot millennials in charge of anything until they grow some intelligence. They are angry tools capable of doing the same thing the youth did to their elders and their culture in China. This is a very real threat to our well being and lives. People must start raising their own children and practice natural and attachment parenting so the dysfunction ends.

So we have our Constitutional Republic vs Collectivism or Sovereignty and responsibility vs Slavery and powerlessness. What will the people choose? We have gotten to this crossroads because the people have not developed the self discipline and wisdom for true self rule and sovereignty. These are imperative to a healthy working republic. They dont know how since they were never taught. Our education system was designed to create workers not thinkers. There are still enough elders and people with some wisdom left to know on a deeper perhaps mostly unconscious level how high the stakes are.

We have to understand that we must choose ourselves and represent ourselves with integrity and discernment. As Jon said, the media is printing this despotic reality and keeps insisting that this will happen. Just because someone is selling something, doesn’t mean we have to buy it. They know if they keep repeating a lie, most humans will believe it, for they have no will power to maintain their own integrity and ideas. They were taught from the time they were children to obey and believe an authority outside themselves, not their own higher wisdom as a divine aspect of All That Is.

Looking at this as an opportunity to grow and work on our inner selves and change so that our reality changes is how you create something different. All the great masters and teachers say the same thing. Everyone is offered this same opportunity every moment of every day. Many of us have had to choose ourselves over the collective and it has cost us family and friends but we knew on a soul level, that those who truly love and care about us would never ask us to choose and hold us hostage by bastardizing something like love. We knew the freedom that is our birthright was more important than anything else. Living as a slave is not living.

Everyone is choosing their reality every day, and at this time, the choosing is more obvious by our picks and why we are choosing to support certain people or not. To me, this is the relevant issue, on a personal level, for each of us to answer. Do we, like Jon talks about, want to be free and use our imaginations and be responsible for our own well being? Or do we choose to blame and be victims and expect someone else to do our thinking for us because we are too afraid to explore unknown ground. Life is a grand beautiful mystery. One of the words for God is Great Mystery. To surrender to our own inner divine Beingness and listen to our hearts and know All is Well. Then BE that as a divine part of All that Is made manifest in this world. Divine beingness equals divinely inspired action. That is true power and this is the call that we can answer any time we choose.

This is my reality and I am sticking to it! 😉

By: Terri Fri, 14 Oct 2016 18:45:59 +0000 Oliver, you may enjoy Susan’s blog and huge website. She studies and has taught herself Sanskrit to understand the Gita and the Vedas and other texts and how it relates to the world today. She generously shares what she has learned.

By: Terri Fri, 14 Oct 2016 18:37:40 +0000 Yes Quebec, that is like the people who wouldn’t vote for Ron Paul even though he upheld the constitution more than anyone else “because he was faking it all those years”. humans need to start creating their reality and not worry about what the stupid media says or doesn’t say. Every time I go outside and look around I see beauty and peace in MY WORLD that I have worked hard to create and appreciate. That is what i am choosing. I would ask everyone to go outside breathe the air and state what it is that you choose, what you stand for, what you are willing to live for. How are you going to contribute to that? We all must practice being honorable and firm in our commitment to higher ideals. Giving our attention only to what serves us is more important than ever. Anyone who makes statements about how Hillary will be elected and our country destroyed is creating that reality. Why do people keep insisting life sucks and cant be good? Why does anyone want to be right about such a thing!?!

In order to understand Trump you have to be a real old school New Yorker. He is not going to waste time on the obvious(its obvious Hillary is ill and insane) and he is holding his own in a position with the media and the crazies against him that is very difficult. He said He will show the republicans how to win. He knows how to win. We must remember Norman Vincent Peale is his pastor. If you want to make your life better, read any of his books and follow and practice his advice. What matters is we support Making America Great again, however that moves us and then get out and do it.There are no saviors we can and must do this ourselves.

By: D3F1ANT Fri, 14 Oct 2016 15:30:08 +0000 It sickens me that enough Americans are distracted, or apathetic, to the point that the Old Gray Lady (and her ilk) haven’t been shunned out of existence as a result of their yellow journalism. The frog pot is a bubblin!

By: Mohammed Cohen Fri, 14 Oct 2016 15:18:41 +0000 Yes but who would toll the bell? Hollywood has already completed a short scene created through the magic of CGI that will overnight destroy Mr. Trump. This mystery tape will appear in all mdia at the same time for a full impact to detonate with such fury that Tumps campaign will be self-destruct within two days before the vote casting date. Will be too late to counter it unless Trump supporters and Trump machinery starts warning its base about such diabolical film heading our way. God help America!

By: trudi jousson Fri, 14 Oct 2016 14:34:19 +0000 I tend to agree based merely on what I have read on the Internet over the last year in many places. There is definitely an underground faction in different countries and a movement is underway. Just how the election plays out seems of little significance but the rise of Trump would seem to epitomize the beginning of a worldwide coup.

By: westcoastliberal Fri, 14 Oct 2016 01:05:25 +0000 Great piece Jon and oh so true. BTW it seems to me we took a hard enough jolt on 9/11/01 to bump our “Matrix” into a different time line. Consider how everything has changed for the worse since that date.
