Comments on: Do people still read Brave New World? Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:35:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vlad the Skewerer Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:35:30 +0000 And it all chugs merrily along until the elites get lazy, the quality of the diversions atrophy and the spell wears off.

By: Nadeer Mon, 24 Oct 2016 04:28:32 +0000 This is correct:

“I also think that the medical establishment, the and the food industry like to blame genetics on certain conditions to distract from their own culpability and to promote drug sales. If Obesity is genetic than you cannot blame McDonalds, and if cancer is genetic then everyone gets off the hook; including the DOD, the DOE, ALCOA, Monsanto, Amoco, BP, Taco Bell, and whoever else is corrupting the planet with carcinogenic shit.”

But let’s not forget this:

“I also think that the medical establishment, the and the food industry like to blame genetics on certain conditions to distract from their own culpability and to promote drug sales. If Obesity is genetic than you cannot blame McDonalds, and if cancer is genetic then everyone gets off the hook; including

the medical establishment with their carcinogenic x-ray protocols (read “Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease” by John Gofman and “The Mammogram Myth” by Rolf Hefti),

the DOD, the DOE, ALCOA, Monsanto, Amoco, BP, Taco Bell, and whoever else is corrupting the planet with carcinogenic shit.”

By: Doug Harrison Sun, 23 Oct 2016 01:06:59 +0000 Just briefly but, I think, cogently: Pleasure cannot be known without pain in the same way that light cannot be known without darkness.

By: Lord Windemere Mon, 17 Oct 2016 08:41:27 +0000 Weird. It must be true.

I just an E-mail today from a friend that had a link to a Sheldrake debate. Here is the link:

But before this day, I haven’t even thought of Sheldrake in years. I read one of his books a years ago after Terrence McKenna videos introduced me to him.

This is Jungian Synchronicity at work!

So yes Micheal, I am somewhat familiar with Rupert Sheldrake. I also used to listen to his lectures with Terrence and without. It has become mainstream belief that DNA can in fact be methylated, which apparently changes it a consequential fashion. Perhaps this can be done intentionally my the mind.

I also read The Secret of Life by George Lakhovsky. This man was convinced that DNA oscillated at a GHz frequency, and these oscillations could be induced by one cell on another cell. They also could be induced by cosmic waves and by waves produced electronically.

Far out book! This was written in the 20’s and Lakhovsky was convinced that DNA was a coil. He was right on the general shape atleast. His experiments with plants are interesting.

I need to read more about Sheldrakes precedents. He quotes many other field theorists in his book that are probably worth reading. I really believe that there has to be some field mechanism in human development; intercellular communication with high frequency electromagnetic waves or some hitherto undiscovered field; the morphogenetic field.

DNA is a semiconducter. I read a study where they used nanoscale gold electrodes coupled with an electron microscope. The images were so precise that you could see enlargement around the negative electrode as the electrons from the microscope were repelled by the negatively charged electrode. The electrical distortion only was observed when they were measuring current.

DNA is a semiconductor, so then it could be piezoelectric as well. This also means that it could be potentially be an oscillator with certain resonant frequencies, octaves of the primary resonant frequency. Dr Bob Becker was convinced that collagen in bone was piezoelectric, and he wrote a book called The Body Electric that details his experiments with electricity and biological fields.

George Lakhovsky was hit by a Limo in Manhattan after he started treating cancer patients with waves of a certain frequency. There is actually a TED Talk by someone that explodes cancer cells under a dark-field microscope with certain frequencies.

And then there is Royal Rife as well as Antoine Priore who studied different frequencies on people. This technology seems to be closely-guarded secret and is not popular the with drug-pushing AMA.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 17 Oct 2016 02:13:51 +0000 @Ozzie

“Even so, I read something recently about his attorney mounting the challenge against Killary for rigging the ballot “died mysteriously”. Oh boy, I guess it can happen to anyone.” – Oz

By: S Mon, 17 Oct 2016 01:54:55 +0000 Very interesting and timely post. I always thought that Brave New World was more believable than 1984 I read both as a teen in the 80’s, before the globalists were fully revealed and you could still buy american made electronics. And with the massive over prescription of anti-depressants and the legalization of weed for those not keen on big pharma products it seems as though the Brave new World has arrived. TPP and TTIP are close to being ratified then the division of the world between globalists and the serfs will be cemented. The only ray of light to my mind is that the rampant nepotism and cronyism will curse the elite with an abundance of defective genetics that no amount of engineering will be able to surmount.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 17 Oct 2016 00:02:27 +0000 Currently “understanding” of DNA/RNA (which are “symptoms”) is zero.

Sheldrake is the closest to the truth and, God forbid, if you really understand what he implies, the whole notion of “causality” is entirely wrong.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 16 Oct 2016 17:39:21 +0000 @lord Windemere

“I don’t think that intelligence is ultimately determined by genetics. The genetic DNA the RNA to protein model cannot explain how the body is organized thus far; there is probably an organizing field of some sort.” – Lord Windemere

But intelligence can access genetics…and that which we are ultimately made of…

Are you familiar withe the work of Dr Rupert Sheldrake, and morphogenetic fields.

By: Lord Windemere Sun, 16 Oct 2016 12:19:11 +0000 Brave New World is a good book. I read Huxley’s Chrome Yellow as well, but it wasn’t so great.

By: Lord Windemere Sun, 16 Oct 2016 12:13:31 +0000 I like it. This three-group model does certainly ring true.
