Comments on: Fakery: major media preparing to steal election-night outcome? Sat, 22 Oct 2016 02:12:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabell Sat, 22 Oct 2016 02:12:08 +0000 yip yip, wheel ’em on outta here! true.

By: SSDavis Fri, 21 Oct 2016 15:35:13 +0000 what difference does it make at this point

Trump and Shillary are in cahoots with the New York Archbishop Dolan. Yuk, yuk, they laughed it up together at the Alfred E (Neuman)Smith Memorial (charity scam) Dinner Roast last night.

They might as well get a fleet of wheelchairs and roll themselves home

By: Sabell Wed, 19 Oct 2016 02:03:38 +0000 Nice time stamp on that comment.. great screen name as well; multiple meanings in that.. i love it.

By: D3F1ANT Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:44:15 +0000 Americans need to resist conceding BEFORE the election. Don’t let the Dems demoralize you into staying home. VOTE.

By: Sabell Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:59:33 +0000 I’ve noticed this as well as I checked comments on videos from both sides just to see what’s going on with people. I’ve noticed more people defending truth and questioning the actual events behind the cut/paste, strategic footage and manipulative headlines. There are still quite a few people who spew/troll, who don’t research or think, but most are weighing in favour of the Trump card and are weary of the current of lies and deceit. There is also talk of many in favour of the democratic side, but who may vote opposite once they are in the privacy of the poll booth. It’ll be interesting to see the outcome for sure. I have hope, but I also see facts and work with the truth of what’s going on in each moment. A spell of tyranny is always broken when the truth is seen and defended/brought to justice by the many. It’ll be interesting to observe the outcome for sure.

By: Sabell Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:34:22 +0000 Wow! I love dream messages and scenarios. Ryan’s been salivating over that crown for a while now, so I’m not at all surprised if he cuts into it with the abiding support of his wife who’s rumoured to be running a bit, ok maybe a ‘lot’ more on the demolib side. Wouldn’t that be a crazy outcome.. and what would that mean for all of us? Interesting.

By: Sabell Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:21:25 +0000 Interesting that Elizabeth Banks who played Effie Trinket in Hunger Games is in support of the rigged outcome; playing a real life role very similar to her character’s role. I don’t know when elections have ever been honestly polled? Ever? All I know is that in my 40+ years I’ve never seen anything more exposed and ridiculous as this current election. Let’s hope it never comes to a hollowood outcome..

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 18 Oct 2016 04:13:11 +0000 Jon,

On a more serious note, I would find it inconceivable that the vote isn’t rigged in Clinton’s favour.

The only questions that need to be asked are;

“Where do we [Trump] go from here [when the rigged result is clarified]?”

Is that why Israel’s been quietly kissing his ass?

Australian “Media” only presents “terrorist” photos of Trump and “angelic” ones (if that’s possible) of Clinton. Even the idiots at my local club have worked out the fix is on. Actually Australians are very predictable. Most have known the system is rigged for some time and the majority are “doing ok” (seeing no value in “rebellion”), so now the votes follow the best bribes. Australia always lives up to its promise as a “shared” tin pot dictatorship.


By: Larry Tue, 18 Oct 2016 02:39:41 +0000 To paraphrase the marvelous Grouco Marx:

Are you going to believe the media, or your own lieing eyes?

By: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 23:24:05 +0000 Jon:

I had a nightmare last night.

—Hillary and Trump have teams of hackers prepared to work on election night. —They successfully hack key state voter machines at the state level. —The numbers keep changing, up and down, plus and minus, for hours as the hackers duel. —Some state workers in a couple of states notice that something wacky is happening and they take before and after screen prints. —They provide that information to their Secretaries of State. —The Secretaries of State (Democrat in states showing a Trump win, Republicans in states showing a Hillary win) contact state judges and with the information and ask to be allowed to refuse to certify states for the other candidate even though they have more votes shown on the state machine. —The judges issue the order. —Both campaigns ask the State Courts to maintain the injunction. —It is determined that it is impossible to determine the actual vote because of all the hacking (and fears that there was hacking at the local level as well). —The Supreme Court steps in and with an 8-0 vote enjoins all Secretaries of State from certifying their state votes. —The electoral college count is officially zero to zero. —Both Hillary and Trump supporters go bananas—violence in the street, some domestic terrorism, chaos reigns. —Hillary’s people blame Russia. —Trump’s people blame Hillary’s people. —No-one can figure out how to solve the problem. —Fast forward to Inauguration Day with no elected President. —Under the Constitution Obozo and Bozo must step down as President and VP and……

Wait for it…..

The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, becomes the next President of the United States.
